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Visitors take photos of atimepieceatThe Forbidden City and the Maritime Silk Roadexhibition, held at the Palace Museum in Beijing, on May 8, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]The latest exhibition at the Palace Museum in Beijing, titl


Visitors take photos of a timepiece at The Forbidden City and the Maritime Silk Road exhibition, held at the Palace Museum in Beijing, on May 8, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]

The latest exhibition at the Palace Museum in Beijing, titled The Forbidden City and the Maritime Silk Road, has opened to the public.

The exhibit unveiled on Monday features a total of 140 pieces and sets related to cultural treasures of the ancient Maritime Silk Road. The items on display include ceramics, paintings, calligraphy, books, gold and silverware,timepiece, scientific instruments, and weapons.

The relics are mainly from the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, which were gifts from envoys and missionaries, tributes from officials, royal court's purchases, and replicas made by ancient workshops. The relics were part of the Maritime Silk Road, which was a trade line and bond tying ancient China with other civilizations. The exhibit was designed to reflect China's communication and interaction with the outside world. 

The Forbidden City and the Maritime Silk Road exhibition, staged at the West Wing of the Tower Gallery in Meridian Gate (Wu Men) of the Palace Museum, will be open until July 8, 2017.

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