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It's been 4 hours since what's being called a cessation of hostilities came into effect under a US-Russian plan. Fighting appears to stop across most areas of western Syria.The UN Security Council unanimously pas

It's been 4 hours since what's being called a cessation of hostilities came into effect under a US-Russian plan. Fighting appears to stop across most areas of western Syria.

The UN security Council unanimously passed a resolution on Friday. It calls on all warring parties in the Syrian conflict to abide by the deal worked out in Geneva. The demand was included in a resolution drafted jointly by Russia and the United States. UN Syria mediator Staffan de Mistura said he intends to reconvene peace talks on March 7th. 

De Mistura said the talks will involve the same representatives of the Syrian government and opposition, as well as the groups of individuals associated with the Moscow and Cairo meetings.

"No doubt there will be no shortage of attempts to undermine this process, we are ready for it, we should not be impressed, we should not be overly concerned, we should address it and realize that this is part of any ceasefire and certainly of a cessation of hostilities," De Mistura said.

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  • 俄美 停止 敌对
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