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Forensic and other experts work at the explosion site. [Photo/Xinhua]周五,徐州幼儿园门口爆炸案死亡人数上升至8人,嫌犯身份已被确认。爆炸发生时,正是家长接小孩的时候。警方将次爆炸案定性为刑事犯罪,并表示已经锁定了一名嫌犯


Forensic and other experts work at the explosion site. [Photo/Xinhua]


Latest update:

A suspect has been identified in an explosion at the front gate of a kindergarten in eastern China and the death toll on Friday rose to eight from a blast that struck as relatives were picking up their children at the end of the day.

Police were investigating the explosion as a criminal act and said they had "targeted" a suspect, Xinhua News agency reported. It was unclear if the suspect was apprehended and no potential motive was provided.

Two people died at the scene and six died after being taken to a hospital following the explosion at 4:50 pm Thursday at the Chuangxin Kindergarten in Fengxian, according to local authorities and Xinhua.

Initial reports said 59 were injured, but state media on Friday said 65 were injured including eight who remained in critical condition. No details have been given on the victims.

The Global Times reported on its website that a gas cylinder at a roadside food stall had caused the blast, citing a witness identified only by the surname Shi. The blast sent people flying several meters (yards) into the air, Shi was quoted as saying.

A working team led by Huang Ming, deputy minister of public security, has been sent to Jiangsu Province to investigate the explosion.

Minister of Public security Guo Shengkun has ordered a full-scale effort to rescue the injured and prompt investigation into the cause of the blast.

He also demanded enhanced checks of possible risks at densely populated venues.

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