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美国总统唐纳德特朗普最新推文称,与金正恩的会晤可能还会在6月12日举行。画风堪称奇葩,全世界都被他耍的团团转。WASHINGTONPresident Donald Trump struck a more optimistic note on Friday after North Korea said it remained willi



WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump struck a more optimistic note on Friday after North Korea said it remained willing to meet with him despite his decision a day earlier to scrap plans for a June 12 summit with leader Kim Jong Un.

华盛顿--- 一天前,特朗普决定取消6月12日与领导人金正恩举行会晤的计划,但朝鲜表示仍愿意与他会晤。就此,这周五美国总统唐纳德·特朗普( Donald Trump )发表了对朝美首脑会谈更乐观的言论。

“Very good news to receive the warm and productive statement from North Korea,” Mr. Trump said in a Twitter message. “We will soon see where it will lead, hopefully to long and enduring prosperity and peace. only time (and talent) will tell!”

特朗普在推特( Twitter )发文称:“很高兴从朝鲜方面收到温和而富有建设性的声明”。 “我们将很快就会看到朝方声明将把事件进展引向何方,希望能引向长期、持久的繁荣和平,而只有时间(和才能)才能证明一切!"

Later Friday morning, Mr. Trump told reporters that dialogue with North Korea continued.


“We’ll see what happens,” he said before boarding the Marine One helicopter for a trip to Annapolis, Md. “We are talking to them now. They very much want to do it. We’d like to do it.”

在登上海军一号直升机前往马里兰州安纳波利斯之前, 他说: “我们将看看会发生什么事情。”“我们现在正在协商,他们对会谈充满期待,我们也是。”

Asked whether North Korea was playing games, Mr. Trump replied, “Everybody plays games.”


The remarks marked yet another reversal in the tenor of rhetoric between the two countries as Messrs. Trump and Kim have moved haltingly toward a possible summit meeting to discuss long-term peace and denuclearization.


Mr. Trump unilaterally canceled the summit plans Thursday, citing “open hostility” from the North Korean regime, as the White House considered dozens of new sanctions on Pyongyang. He also warned Pyongyang that the U.S. holds military and nuclear superiority.


The U.S. cancellation came after a series of aggressive statements from North Korean officials in recent days, including personal attacks on Vice president Mike Pence and White House national security adviser John Bolton and a warning that Pyongyang would inflict “appalling tragedy” on the U.S.


After canceling the planned summit, Mr. Trump also said he was open to reconsidering the decision, although his administration outlined plans to resume and accelerate a campaign of economic pressure against North Korea.


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