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导读:上个月,艺术家亚伦查维纳克从洛杉矶驱车前往内华达拉斯维加斯去升华他的手机之恋,在一家小婚礼教堂里与手机结为连理,他甚至还为手机戴上了戒指。Last month, artist Aaron Chervenak drove from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, Nevad



Last month, artist Aaron Chervenak drove from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, Nevada to finally take the love for his smartphone to the next level by marrying it at a small wedding chapel. And yeah, in case you’re wondering, he even put a ring on it.


A study conducted by internet security giant Kaspersky found that a quarter of people ranked their smartphone as equally important to them as their parents. For a lot of us, it’s the last thing we interact with before going to sleep and the first thing we check when we wake up.


It’s with us pretty much 24/7. “We look to it for solace, to calm us down, to put us to sleep, to ease our mind, and to me that’s also what a relationship is about,” Aaron Chervenak said. So in a sense, my smartphone has been my longest relationship. "


But a man-and-smartphone wedding wasn’t going to be the most orthodox ceremony in the world, so in order to get someone to marry him and his beloved handheld, Chervenak had to go to the place where bizarre weddings happen all the time – Las Vegas. He contacted the owner of The Little Las Vegas Chapel and he was not only ok with it, but genuinely excited.


On May 20th, Arron put on his tuxedo, took his phone and drove to the The Little Las Vegas Chapel in his purple Cadillac to get married. The wedding ceremony was small but very emotional, and you could see the groom was a bit nervous when saying his speech and putting the ring on the phone.


“It’s not yet legal to marry smartphones, but what I hope my wedding will do is to somehow act as a symbolic gesture to show just how precious our phones are becoming in our daily lives, and hopefully get other to ask the same question of themselves.” Chervenak said.


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