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CCTV9英语新闻:里约奥运泳池一夜间从蓝变绿池8月9日举行的女子10米跳台比赛游泳池池水变绿引起了人们的怀疑。这奇怪的现象在比赛时被现场直播,许多运动员将游泳池的照片张贴在了社交媒体上。Suspicions have been drawn to the water i



Suspicions have been drawn to the water in the diving pool of the women's 10-meter platform synchro match on August 9th at the Rio Olympic Games, which was not the usual blue but dark green.


Photo taken on August 9, 2016 shows the green water in the diving pool of the Rio Olympic Games. [Photo: huanqiu.com]

The odd scene was captured in the live broadcast of the event, and many athletes also posted photos of the swimming pool, on social media to question the bizarre phenomenon.

Some say the regulators of the diving pool turned the water to green on purpose to echo the green color of Brazil's national flag. But few people believe that version, with many more tending to think the color is due to the failure by the pool maintenance technicians to add chlorine to the water.

One more theory says it was Rio's warm weather and abundance of sunshine that led to mass reproduction of algae in the water.

Some spectators and journalists also expressed concerns over the green water, fearing it may affect athletes' performances. The divers in the competition including the gold medalists Chen Ruolin, and Liu Huixia from China, and the bronze medalists Meaghan Benfeito, and Roseline Filion from Canada said the green water didn't seem to affect them much.

Despite this, organizers of the Rio Olympics have promised to investigate the case so that the quality of the games can be guaranteed.

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