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China adheres peaceful development and calls for peaceful coexistence among countries in the Asia-Pacific region, a Chinese defense official said on Friday at the 16th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.Lieutenant General

China adheres peaceful development and calls for peaceful coexistence among countries in the Asia-Pacific region, a Chinese defense official said on Friday at the 16th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.

Lieutenant general He Lei, Vice president of the Academy of Military science of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, made the remarks in response to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who had said China is seeking to impose a latter-day "Monroe Doctrine" and therefore trying to establish a dominating role in the Asia-Pacific region.

"China always adheres to the path of peaceful development, and believes that all countries, big or small, strong or weak, should be equal, coexist peacefully and jointly safeguard security in the Asia-Pacific region," said the general who is heading the Chinese delegation to the ongoing forum.


Vice President of Academy of Military Science of the Chinese People's Liberation Army , He Lei (R) sits next to Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (L) at the 16th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on June 3, 2017. /VCG Photo

Speaking at the opening dinner for the Shangri-La Dialogue, Turnbull also said that China should rein in the DPRK and restrain Pyongyang's pursuit of nuclear weapons. 

However, He Lei sharply pointed out that the root cause behind the rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula is the mutual mistrust between Washington and Pyongyang.

"I think he has ignored the basic fact that the crux of the issue is the strategic distrust between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States." 


An underwater test-fire of strategic submarine ballistic missile is pictured in this undated photo released by The DPRK's Korean central News agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang on April 24, 2016. /VCG Photo

"And when we talk about rules, to my opinion, international rules should reflect general consensus of all countries, and they should not be unilaterally interpreted and decided by some countries," He Lei said, stressing that regional rules should demonstrate shared interests and values of the region. 

He Lei also said the Chinese delegation will expound on China's foreign policy of peace as well as its defensive national defense policy, particularly against the backdrop of various security risks and challenges in the international situation.

Regarding comments made by Turnbull and Mattis, Zhang Junshe, vice president of China's Naval research Institute, shared his opinions about China's role and responsibilities in the region and US-Asia-Pacific policy under the Trump administration.

The 16th Shangri-La Dialogue runs from Friday to Sunday, in Singapore. First held in 2002, the Shangri-La Dialogue is the premier annual symposium on security issues and geopolitical dynamics in the Asia-Pacific region. 

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