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庆国庆 烟花点亮香港天空

庆国庆 烟花点亮香港天空在中国,所有的节日都离不开烟花。为庆祝国庆节,香港维多利亚港燃放了2000多个烟花。It wouldn't be a holiday in China without fireworks. At Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour, more than 20,000 firewo

庆国庆 烟花点亮香港天空


It wouldn't be a holiday in China without fireworks. At Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour, more than 20,000 fireworks were released to celebrate National Day. The amazing show consisted of eight scenes, some depicting famous national scenerios like "The Yellow River" and "Under the Lion Rock". The display lasted for just over 20 minutes, with a massive cluster of fireworks set off at the climax.

庆国庆 烟花点亮香港天空

Hong Kong sets the sky alight

Cooling off at Beijing's Imperial Palace 

The underground ice house at Beijing's Imperial Palace has been opened to the public for the first time in its new guise as a restaurant. Tourists can enjoy their food and take a break from the lingering warm weather in the cool surroundings. As well as providing a tasty snack, it also provides a history lesson - letting visitors experience how the emperor kept cool in the days before air con. 

All aboard the panda train!

China's first suspension train has been successfully tested in Sichuan, the home province of panda. So it's no surprise the train has a black and white colour scheme. It's powered by a lithium-battery and is environmentally-friendly. With a top speed of 60 kilometers per hour, the panda train had a smooth test run on the 300-meter section of track. further tests will be carried out before its official public opening.

  • 本文标签:
  • 国庆 烟花 点亮 香港 天空
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    庆国庆 烟花点亮香港天空



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