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DPRK threat dominates China-Germany economic dialogue

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi has urged an end to US-South Korean joint military manoeuvres as well as a stop to the DPRK's nuclear program in a bid to calm tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Wang said Pyongyan

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi has urged an end to US-South Korean joint military manoeuvres as well as a stop to the DPRK's nuclear program in a bid to calm tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Wang said Pyongyang's continued nuclear activities were "a clear violation of UN resolutions", but stressed that persisting with military drills around the peninsula "is not in the spirit of the resolutions either".

DPRK threat dominates China-Germany eco<em></em>nomic dialogue

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (L) meets with German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel in Berlin on Wednesday April 26, 2017. [Photo: Xinhua]

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  • threat dominates China-Ge
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    DPRK threat dominates China-Germany economic dialogue



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