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China to launch national online encyclopaedia in 2018

The third edition of the Chinese Encyclopaedia is due to go online for the first time sometime next year, announced the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Bai Chunli, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and deput

The third edition of the Chinese Encyclopaedia is due to go online for the first time sometime next year, announced the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

China to launch natio<em></em>nal o<em></em>nline encyclopaedia in 2018

Bai Chunli, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and deputy director of the Chinese Encyclopaedia's editorial board, speaks at a meeting at the headquarters of the CAS in Beijing, April 11, 2017. [Photo: gov.cn]

The aim of the project is to "compile an internet-based digital encyclopaedia on-par with the world's best," said Bai Chunli, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and deputy director of the book's editorial board.

Over 20,000 scholars from universities and research institutes across the country will participate in the massive national online encyclopaedia program, including more than 300 academics and 30 members of the CAS, Liu Guohui, associate executive editor-in-chief of the project and director of the Encyclopedia of China Publishing House (ECPH), has told senior scientists.

"The authors will contribute articles in 103 disciplines, with a goal of creating 300,000 entries by 2018," said Liu.

Yang Muzhi, executive editor-in-chief of the project, is describing the Chinese Encyclopaedia as "a Great Wall of culture," saying it will serve as a daily learning tool for future users.

China to launch natio<em></em>nal o<em></em>nline encyclopaedia in 2018

Photo of the first 74-volume paper edition of the Chinese Encyclopaedia. [Photo: cnpubg.com]

The online project was first approved by China's state Council in 2011. The first 74-volume paper edition of the Chinese Encyclopaedia was completed in 1993 after 15 years of work.

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  • launch national online
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    China to launch national online encyclopaedia in 2018



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