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英国防核爆地堡曝光 二战时供皇室避难

导读:一处二战时英国地下核战庇护所的内部场景近期曝光。此处避难所深处地下30米,拥有3米厚的加固混凝土墙壁和金属防爆门。如果战争期间发生核攻击,英国女王和皇室将会飞到这里来避难。Take a look inside the Cold War bunker wher


英国防核爆地堡曝光 二战时供皇室避难

Take a look inside the Cold War bunker where The Queen and her family would have fled had there ever been a nuclear attack on Britain.


The overgrown, graffiti-clad area gives no indication of what lies beneath, but these pictures have revealed the bunker, built in 1952, at Barnton Quarry, near the Windsor family residence of Holyroodhouse as well as the Scottish capital, Edinburgh.


Pictures give a glimpse into the run-down remains of one of the UK’s Regional Seats of Government, which would have acted as a base for operations in the event of a Soviet nuclear attack.


The structure, 100ft beneath the surface, had 10ft thick reinforced concrete walls and metal blast doors.


The shots were snapped by Manchester artist, photographer and film maker Andrew Brooks, 39, as part of his Secret Cities project.


He said: ’We got deeper into the bunker system and eventually found our way down a tunnel and the three levels to an old maintenance room.


I found the experience of exploring the bunkers very intense. It has to be one of the creepiest places I’ve visited.


There was a real apocalyptic feel to the space which I think you can see in the pictures. The whole bunker had been set on fire a few years before our visit, so every wall was black with soot and every surface marked and damaged.’


The bunker at Barnton Quarry was used as an RAF fighter command operations room during World War Two before advances in technology made radar stations redundant.


Although it was classed as a secret government building, its existence was made public on Good Friday in 1963 when a group known as Spies for Peace revealed details of it and thirteen other regional seats of government in the UK.

虽然这里被划为政府保密建筑,但是反战组织Spies for Peace于1963年的耶稣受难日将此地曝光于众。它的每个细节都被公开,同时被曝光的还有其他13处英国政府地方议席遗址。

Andrew said he had held back from sharing his pictures as he felt the place was unsafe and did not want to draw attention to it.


That changed after he found out an organisation is working on restoring the bunker.


But anyone over 18 can volunteer to help them with their work and they will then get a full tour of the bunker.


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英国防核爆地堡曝光 二战时供皇室避难



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