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Experiencing the Medieval Market in Turku

No matter if you are a knight or young maid, represent the nobility or the peasantry, it is time for your to dive into the Middle Ages! The Medieval Market of Turku is historical reenactment event and includes a handicra

No matter if you are a knight or young maid, represent the nobility or the peasantry, it is time for your to dive into the Middle Ages! The Medieval Market of Turku is historical reenactment event and includes a handicrafts market with participants garbed in period costumes, on July 2, 2017 in Turku, Finland. (Photo: Xinhua/Zhang Xuan)

No matter if you are a knight or young maid, represent the nobility or the peasantry, it is time for your to dive into the Middle Ages! The Medieval Market of Turku is historical reenactment event and includes a handicrafts market with participants garbed in period costumes, on July 2, 2017 in Turku, Finland. (Photo: Xinhua/Zhang Xuan)

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  • Experiencing Medieval
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    Experiencing the Medieval Market in Turku



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