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The fading historical witness: Owed an apology

Hao Yuelian, 90, recalledon Aug.15in Qingxu County, northern Chinas Shanxi province,the humiliation of being forced to be a sex slave for Japanese invaders during World War II.Hao Yuelian, 90, recalled on Aug. 15 in Qing

Hao Yuelian, 90, recalled on Aug. 15 in Qingxu County, northern China’s Shanxi province, the humiliation of being forced to be a sex slave for Japanese invaders during World War II.

The fading historical witness: Owed an apology

Hao Yuelian, 90, recalled on Aug. 15 in Qingxu County, northern China’s Shanxi province, the humiliation of being forced to be a sex slave for Japanese invaders during World War II.

Hao is one of only six survivors living in Shanxi. She was only 15 when she was raped on June 13, 1943. She was at home alone while her parents were out farming, when two Japanese soldiers raided the house. After that, she was locked in a dirty straw house, which served as a military brothel, for months.

only 14 comfort women victims on record survive in China’s mainland. But as time passes, the number is shrinking. Time is running out to get an apology from Japan and seek justice for the victims.

The fading historical witness: Owed an apology

Hao Yuelian, 90, recalled on Aug. 15 in Qingxu County, northern China’s Shanxi province, the humiliation of being forced to be a sex slave for Japanese invaders during World War II.

The fading historical witness: Owed an apology

Hao Yuelian, 90, recalled on Aug. 15 in Qingxu County, northern China’s Shanxi province, the humiliation of being forced to be a sex slave for Japanese invaders during World War II.

The fading historical witness: Owed an apology

Hao Yuelian, 90, recalled on Aug. 15 in Qingxu County, northern China’s Shanxi province, the humiliation of being forced to be a sex slave for Japanese invaders during World War II.

The fading historical witness: Owed an apology

Hao Yuelian, 90, recalled on Aug. 15 in Qingxu County, northern China’s Shanxi province, the humiliation of being forced to be a sex slave for Japanese invaders during World War II.

  • 本文标签:
  • fading historical witness
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    The fading historical witness: Owed an apology



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