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导读:公众对女人的刻板印象很多,比如认为女人的鞋子比男人多、女人的数学不好等等,但是这些都是真实的吗?No matter who said it, where it came from, how many search results it pulls on the Internet or how frequently the



No matter who said it, where it came from, how many search results it pulls on the Internet or how frequently the writers of those infamous articles and blogs use the phrase "research says," one should be able to tell a fact from a fabrication and a cliche from a stereotype.


Today I want to bust some widely known and some not so common stereotypes, most of which are about women.


One of my favorites is that women own more shoes than men do. Really? I know dozens of men who have as many as 25 to 30 pairs of shoes. My husband and my best friend are among them with 20 and 15 pair of shoes to their names respectively.


More women than men are shopaholics. This is a myth purely based on Hollywood movies. Men and women are equally prone to be addicted to shopping. In fact, a study in 2011 in Britain showed that men spend more on impulse buys than women do.


Manicures and pedicures are for women. Many men go for manicures and pedicures and there isn’t anything wrong with that. Dirty, chipped nails, cracked heels and hobo feet are only signs of ignorance toward personal hygiene and not a sign of manliness.


Men are more competitive than women are. Oh boy, so not true. Women are not only more competitive, but are fierce fighters. Ask someone who has ever worked with a woman, especially someone who has had a woman for a boss.


Women are more talkative. My colleague at work, one of my very good friends and several other friends can prove otherwise, especially after a couple of beers. BBC news actually tried to verify this "fact" and found no basis to support it. When they conducted their own research, several studies showed men are more talkative than women are.


Pink is for girls and blue is for boys. Did you know that until 1940, boys wore pink, blue was girl’s color and before that, all children wore white dresses as they were easy to bleach? Decades of predisposition makes the millennial baby boomers choose the stereotyped colors for their children without a second thought.


There are many other stereotypes like these that have no basis at all and are equally, if not more, applicable to men as well. For example, saying video games are not for girls even though women like Carol Shaw and Dona Bailey were prominent figures among early 90s game developers, or that women are bad at math, which a lot of studies and experiments have proven wrong.


Don’t believe everything you hear and do not repost or retweet them before doing your own research, because that’s how stereotypes and rumors spread.


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