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出租车顶惊现表白 浙江女子包全城900多辆出租车向男友求婚

导读:近日,一女孩包广告求婚,向心爱的男友大胆诉衷情,引发关注。勇敢追求自己的幸福的举动,也令很多市民纷纷送上祝福。Zhang Jianfeng, I want to marry you, do you dare to marry me? This love message and a group of pictures p


出租车顶惊现表白 浙江女子包全城900多辆出租车向男友求婚

"Zhang Jianfeng, I want to marry you, do you dare to marry me?" This love message and a group of pictures posted by a girl in Zhoushan, a small city in Southeast China, became an internet sensation recently.


On March 16, a girl spent over 10,000 yuan (US$1450) to advertise on more than 900 taxis between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Zhoushan, to propose to her boyfriend.


Mr. Yuan is the manager of an advertising company which runs the advertisements on the top lights of taxis in Zhoushan. according to him, the girl works in Ningbo and her boyfriend works in Zhoushan. They met each other in Zhuhai.


They then came to the park near the sea and lit dozens of candles. "I am ready, will you marry me?" said the girl. "I want to marry you. Please marry me!" replied her boyfriend. Friends from both sides witnessed the romantic moment.


This is not the first time that taxi top lights have been used to send love messages in the city. On June 25 last year, a man posted a love message to his girlfriend on taxi top lights. The message read: "I will remember you when it is rainy, Fang Xiaojie, be with me please!" The love message shined on the taxi top light for ten days.


However, these two advertisements are different. The advertisement posted on March 16 was displayed for two hours exclusively, while the advertisement posted on June 25 alternated with other advertisements for ten days.


Nowadays, young lovers are bold and open in China. A growing number of young lovers use modern media to express their feelings and even to propose to their lovers.


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出租车顶惊现表白 浙江女子包全城900多辆出租车向男友求婚



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