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母乳居然能买卖! 柬埔寨将暂停向美国出口母乳

导读:乳汁出口到美国?据称柬埔寨妇女为增加收入,加入出售母乳的行列,引起国内民众和舆论的关注。不过日前柬国正式表态:再穷也不会出售母乳。Cambodia officially banned selling and exporting locally-pumped human breast milk Tue


母乳居然能买卖! 柬埔寨将暂停向美国出口母乳

Cambodia officially banned selling and exporting locally-pumped human breast milk Tuesday, after reports exposed how women were turning to the controversial trade to boost meagre incomes in one of Southeast Asia’s poorest countries.


The order comes after Cambodia temporarily halted breast milk exports by Utah-based Ambrosia Labs, which claims to be the first firm to source the product from overseas and distribute it in the United States.


The milk was pumped by poor Cambodian women in the capital Phnom Penh and then shipped to the US, where it was pasteurised and sold for $20 per 5 oz (147 ml) pack.


The company’s customers are American mothers who want to supplement their babies’ diets or cannot produce enough milk of their own.


On Tuesday, Cambodia’s cabinet ordered the health ministry to "take actions to immediately prevent the purchasing and exporting of breast milk from mothers from Cambodia," according to a letter seen by AFP.


"Although Cambodia is poor and (life is) difficult, it is not at the level that it will sell breast milk from mothers," it added.


Ambrosia Labs has defended its business in previous interviews, saying the model encouraged Cambodian women to continue breast feeding, earned them much needed extra income and helped fill milk bank shortages in the US.


But UNICEF -- the arm of the UN protecting children -- welcomed the ban, saying the trade was exploitative and that excess breast milk should remain in Cambodia, where many babies lack proper nutrition.


"In Cambodia exclusive breastfeeding for newborns for their first six months declined from 75 per cent in 2010 to 65 per cent in 2014," Debora Comini, UNICEF’s Cambodia Representative said in a statement.

联合国儿童基金会驻柬埔寨代表Debora Comini在一份声明中说,“柬埔寨新生儿纯母乳喂养比例也从2010年的75%降到了2014年的65%。”

Chea Sam, a 30-year-old mother who once worked for Ambrosia Labs, told AFP in a recent interview that she had been selling her breast milk for three months after the birth of her son.

一位曾将母乳卖给神之美味实验室的30多岁的柬埔寨母亲Chea Sam最近在接受法新社采访时说,自儿子出生后,她在过去的三个月一直都在出售自己的母乳。

She said she earned $7.5-$10 a day and she knew at least 20 other mothers doing the same.


"We are regretful that this trade has been banned. It had helped our livelihood a lot," she told AFP after the exports were initially suspended.


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母乳居然能买卖! 柬埔寨将暂停向美国出口母乳



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