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青春如诗般美丽 看习大大对大好青年说了啥

导读:五四青年节,一年一度大好青年的节日,来看看习大大对我们有哪些忠告吧!President Xi Jinping visited China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing ahead of Youth Day, which is marked on Thursday. He urged the


青春如诗般美丽 看习大大对大好青年说了啥

President Xi Jinping visited China university of Political science and law in Beijing ahead of Youth Day, which is marked on Thursday. He urged the country’s youth to study hard and absorb knowledge like sponge.


Xi has attached great importance to the development of Chinese youth. Now, let’s have a look at what he has said to them since taking office.


1.Be curious

1. 要保持好奇心

Youth is a crucial time to train a person’s thinking and abilities, and young people should maintain their sensitivity to new things and explore new practices and truths in a daring way.


Xi Jinping, during a visit to China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing on May 3, 2017


2.Devotion to country

2. 要有奉献祖国的精神

The youth should have a profound understanding of the history and progress of the Chinese people’s unremitting endeavors in modern times. They should devote themselves to the motherland, the people and the nation.


Xi Jinping, at an event marking the 95th founding anniversary of the CPC, July 1. 2016


3.Long road towards dream


The road of life for the youth is long. Along the way, there is flat journey as well as high mountains, slow flow as well as rapids, sunshine as well as rains and winds, joy as well as sorrow.


only by nurturing sunshine in our hearts and having power under our feet can we strive for our dream unswervingly and live up to the expectations placed on us by the era.


Xi Jinping, at a meeting with a group of scientists and researchers, model workers and young representatives on April 26, 2016


4.Responsibility and Loyalty

4. 要有责任感和忠诚感

Chinese youth should bear the responsibility for the country’s future, the nation’s fate and people’s welfare. Youth organizations should unite young people better and firmly follow the Party.


Xi Jinping, a letter to the congress of the All-China Youth Federation and the All -China Students’ Federation on July 24, 2015


5.Don’t burn the night oil

5. 年轻人不要熬夜

When I was young, I would get seriously sick once almost every month. Why? Because I often burnt the midnight oil to complete the work. Then I realized that it was not the right way and was not sustainable. So I cleared my mind-while I was passionate inside. I stayed calm outside.

那个时候我年轻,想办好事,差不多一个月大病一场。为什么呢? 老熬夜。经常是通宵达旦干。最后感觉到不行,这么干也长不了。先把自己的心态摆顺了,内在有激情,外在还是要从容不迫。

Xi Jinping, at a meeting with a grassroots Party chiefs on Jan. 12, 2015


6.Diligent and honest

6. 要勤奋和诚实

The country’s young people should study diligently, improve their moral character and hone their perspectives and honesty, and they must adhere to socialist values. Young people of every generation have their own opportunities and should create their lives and history.


Xi Jinping, talking to teachers and students in Peking University on May 4, 2014


7.Down-to-earth approach

7. 年轻人要脚踏实地

College students should be ambitious as well as down-to-earth in their job hunts. They should not shy away from working at the grassroots level and in tough places and they should show extraordinary performances in ordinary job situations.


Xi Jinping, talking with representatives at the China Tianjin Public Vocational Training center on May 14, 2013


8.Optimistic and tenacious

8. 要保持乐观坚强的心态

Young people should be optimistic and tenacious when facing adversities. They should dare to dream, work assiduously to fulfill their dreams and contribute to the revitalization of the nation.


Xi Jinping, visiting the China Academy of Space technology on May 4, 2013.


9.Path to realizing dream


Young people must have professional competence. Learning is necessary for growth and progress,while practice is the way to improve competence. The qualities and competence of young people will have a direct influence on the course of realizing the Chinese Dream.


Xi Jinping, speech to outstanding young representatives from all walks of the May 4, 2013


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青春如诗般美丽 看习大大对大好青年说了啥



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