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香港夫妇行山疑遇老虎 警方搜山无发现

一对年轻夫妇行山时,报称遇到巨形猫科动物,怀疑是老虎。消防到场搜索无果。专家称老虎可能性为零。Hong Kongs authorities have searched a country park after receiving a call from a couple who claimed to have spotted a tiger i


香港夫妇行山疑遇老虎 警方搜山无发现

Hong Kong’s authorities have searched a country park after receiving a call from a couple who claimed to have spotted a tiger in the area.


However police found no trace of the animal, which was described as yellow and 90cm (3ft) long. It is now thought the couple may have seen a leopard cat.

然而警方没有发现任何动物的痕迹, 该动物被描述为黄色,长达90厘米(3英尺)。现在认为这对夫妇见到的可能是一只豹猫。

Experts say tigers have not been seen in Hong Kong for more than 50 years.


Leopard cats, which can grow up to about 70cm in length, are found in parts of Asia including China.


The couple called the police on Tuesday morning after they saw the animal on Ma On Shan Country Park. They were escorted downhill by an officer.


"They claimed the animal was yellow in colour and measured about 3 feet by 2 feet. They were worried, so they called police," a police spokesman told the South China Morning Post.


The couple were sent to hospital suffering from shock, Radio Television Hong Kong reported.


The couple were later shown photos of various feline animals - and said a photo of a leopard cat was similar to the animal they saw.

这对夫妇后来被展示了各种猫科动物的照片 - 并说豹猫的照片与他们所看到的动物相似。

Dr Michael Lau, a director at the WWF’s Wetlands Conservation department, told the BBC it was "highly unlikely" that the animal they saw was a wild tiger.

世界自然基金会湿地保护部门的一位负责人Michael Lau博士告诉BBC,他们看到的动物“非常不可能”是野生老虎。

"The South China tiger is probably extirpated from the region, plus the size of the animal is small and if it were a tiger it would be a cub, [meaning that] its mother would be nearby and likely signs of kills would be seen by people," Dr Lau said.


"Hong Kong also no longer has enough space to support tigers. The last substantiated tiger sighting was in Shatin in 1947."


Timothy Bonebrake of the School of Biological Sciences, university of Hong Kong, told the BBC "the likelihood of it being a tiger is close to zero per cent", and added that "leopard cats that are relatively abundant in parts of Hong Kong".

香港大学生物科学学院的Timothy Bonebrake告诉BBC,“这只老虎的可能性接近百分之零”,并补充说:“在香港部分地区有相对丰富的豹猫数量”。

While the South China tiger is considered to be "functionally extinct", the Leopard Cat population is considered stable.


Leopard cats typically have yellow or reddish brown coats with dark spots and streaks, and are nocturnal.


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香港夫妇行山疑遇老虎 警方搜山无发现



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