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CCTV9英语新闻:梵高多媒体画展点亮莫斯科ARTPLAY设计中心 Van Gogh Alive lights up Moscow's Artplay Design CenterA new exhibition at Moscow's Artplay Design Centre, Van Gogh Alive re-imagines the Dutch painter's most famous


"Van Gogh Alive" lights up Moscow's Artplay design Center

A new exhibition at Moscow's Artplay Design Centre, "Van Gogh Alive" re-imagines the Dutch painter's most famous pieces through huge projections which light up the room.

A famous face seen in an altogether different format.

Here at Moscow’s Artplay Design Centre, the most famous of Vincent Van Gogh’s masterpieces have been brought to Russia in the form of huge projections on gallery screens.

There’s no need for security or expensive transportation - here, Van Gogh’s paintings have been transformed with the help of computer animation.

Using special 360-degree audio-visual technology, the exhibition allows visitors inside the creative genius of the world-renowned post-impressionist painter.

"The exhibition Van Gogh Alive is an opportunity to see the most famous, as well as many little-known masterpieces of Van Gogh in an unusual format. They are not master drawings, but a visitor can see all the paintings in a much more spectacular format, and all in one place. It’s much more a show than an exhibition." Oleg Marinin, organizer of "Van Gogh Alive", said.

The exhibition traces Van Gogh’s journey from the Netherlands to Paris, where he created pieces such as "View of Paris from Montmartre".

Later, visitors hop on a train with Van Gogh as he travels to the southern French city of Arles, where he created his world-famous Sunflower series.

The unique system, called Sensory 4, which creates this exhibition, uses 40 high-quality cinema projectors, graphic animations and a high-quality sound system.

Specially selected music is used to help illustrate different periods of the artist’s creative life, reflecting the emotions and atmosphere of each series.

The organiser says they’re hoping for high attendance during the rest of the exhibition, before it closes at the end of March.


The central hall of the Artplay Design center in Moscow is hosting the exhibition Van Gogh

Alive. On a scale never seen before, it features 3,000 dynamic images that immerse visitors in

Van Gogh’s work and life. The show is synchronized to a classical score.


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