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习近平接受俄媒专访谈中俄关系Xi Jinping was in Sochi for the opening ceremony of the 22nd Winter OlympicGames. While he was there, he spoke to Rossiya TV. In the interview aired onSaturday, Xi Jinping said China would for


Xi Jinping was in Sochi for the opening ceremony of the 22nd Winter Olympic Games. While he was there, he spoke to Rossiya TV. In the interview aired on Saturday, Xi Jinping said China would forge ahead with reforms. 

China has found its own road for development.

Visiting Chinese president Xi Jinping (L) gives an interview to a Russian TV channel in

Sochi, Russia, Feb. 7, 2014. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)

President Xi Jinping voiced his confidence that reform and opening up remain the country’s path to continued growth. He noted that it wasn’t an easy task, with a nation of a population 1.3 billion, but that with low-hanging fruit already picked, China had to steadily roll out bolder measures.

Nearly a year into his presidency, he said his mission was to serve the people and shoulder responsibility. He explained it was important to consider all needs and to maintain balance, all the while focusing on set priorities.

Recalling his visit to Russia last March, just days after taking the helm as President, he expressed satisfaction over the development of relations between China and Russia.

Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) gives an interview to a Russian TV channel in

Sochi, Russia, Feb. 7, 2014. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)

"I think China-Russia relations have the most solid foundations, the highest level of mutual trust and the greatest regional and global influence. President Putin and I cherish these relations," Xi Jinping said.

When questioned on the Winter Olympics Games in Sochi, the Chinese President said he was confident they would be an unforgettable event.

"My visit here is to show our support to Russia. Chinese people like to say that the more neighbors visit each other, the more close they will be. If good things happen to neighbors, we should go and congratulate them. So we have come here to offer our congratulations to our neighbor for holding these games. This visit will also be a good beginning for our relations this year," Xi Jinping said.

The president went on to say Beijing and Zhang Jiakou have jointly applied to hold the 2022 winter Olympics. Then on a more personal note, he singled out ice hockey as his favorite winter sport. When asked why, he praised it for requiring both individual brilliance and strong teamwork.

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  • 接受 俄媒 访谈 中俄 关系
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