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习近平会见韩国国会代表团 BEIJING, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping met here on Friday with a delegation from the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea (ROK).Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets wit


BEIJING, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese president Xi Jinping met here on Friday with a delegation from the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea (ROK).

Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with Chung Mong-Joon, head of the Korea-China legislators'

association for foreign affairs, who leads a delegation of lawmakers from the Republic of Korea,

at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 21, 2014. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen)

The ROK delegation was led by Chung Mong-joon, a seven-term lawmaker, chairman of the world's biggest shipyard, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., and head of the Korea-China legislators' association for foreign affairs.

Xi commended the sound development momentum of China-ROK ties in recent years when recalling his meetings with ROK President Park Geun-hye and their joint planning of the future of bilateral relations last year.

China places great importance on relations with the ROK and is willing to work with the ROK side to maintain high-level exchanges, enhance strategic communication and mutual trust, in order to benefit the two countries and make positive contribution for lasting peace and common prosperity in the region, he said.

Xi said the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC) and the ROK National Assembly have maintained friendly contact, which played an important role in promoting healthy development of bilateral relations.

He hoped that the two legislative bodies would continue to share their experience in state-governing, economic development and the improvement of people's wellbeing, so as to make greater contribution for the development of bilateral ties.

Chung said ROK-China relationship is at its historic best and the ROK side values the ties with China.

The ROK lawmakers are willing to promote bilateral cooperation in all sectors as well as the early realization of the ROK dream and the China dream, he said.

Also on Friday, Wang Chen, vice chairman and secretary-general of the NPC Standing Committee, held talks with the ROK delegation.

The two sides exchanged views on bilateral relations, legislature exchanges and current North East Asia situation.

  • 本文标签:
  • 会见 韩国 国会 代表团
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