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In the morning, when I wake up, I always find my cat, Mia, sleeping on the end of my bed. She is so lazy that she never seems to do anything all day long.

In the morning, when I wake up, I always find my cat, Mia, sleeping on the end of my bed. She is so lazy that she never seems to do anything all day long. I can often hear her saying “Meow, meow” when she wakes up in the morning. She spends a lot of time every day sleeping on my bed or on the sofa in the living room. I have to be very careful when I move around in the morning because she is always sleeping on my bed. Sometimes she even sleeps in my bed at night.

Mia is usually very lazy and does not seem to do anything all day long,but she is also very friendly. She always comes to greet me when I come home from school or work. She likes to follow me around the house and watch what I am doing. When I am sitting at the computer or reading a book,she always comes and sits next to me and looks at me. She is very curious and likes to explore new things. She also likes to play with my hair or my socks when I am doing my homework or watching TV.

I love my cat,Mia,because she is so friendly and cute. She is always there to greet me when I come home from school or work,and she makes me feel very happy every day. Although she is very lazy and does not seem to do anything all day long,I still love her very much.

1.What does the writer think of Mia?

A. She is friendly and cute.

B. She is lazy and does nothing all day long.

C. She is noisy and sleeps all day long.

D. She is angry and attacks people all day long.

2.Mia likes to sleep on the author's bed because ________.

A. she wants to be with the author

B. she likes the soft bed

C. she wants to hide from other cats

D. she wants to play with the author

3.What does Mia often do when she wakes up in the morning?

A. Sleeps in the author's bed.

B. Follows the author around the house.

C. Sits next to the author and looks at him/her.

D. Plays with the author's hair or socks.

4.Mia is described as ________.

A. lazy and inactive all day long

B. friendly and playful all day long

C. active and noisy all day long

D. lazy and curious all day long

5.The author ______ Mia all day long although she seems lazy and does nothing all day long.

A. hates

B. likes

C. scolds

D. ignores


1. A;2. A;3. C;4. D;5. B





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