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Last night, I went to see a movie at the local cinema. I had a ticket and the movie was starting soon, so I hurried to the ticket counter.



Last night, I went to see a movie at the local cinema. I had a ticket and the movie was starting soon, so I hurried to the ticket counter. However, when I got there, I found that the ticket counter was at the other end of the building. I quickly walked to the other end, but I was out of breath when I arrived. The line was long and I was afraid that I would miss the beginning of the movie.

1.Why did the author hurry to the ticket counter?

A. She wanted to buy a ticket for the movie.

B. She wanted to see a friend who would meet her there.

C. She had an appointment with the ticket seller.

D. She was late for the movie.

2.Why was the author out of breath when she arrived at the other end?

A. She had walked too quickly.

B. She had been running.

C. She had been carrying something heavy.

D. The line was too long and she was too worried about missing the beginning of the movie.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The author was not used to the layout of the cinema.

B. The author was not familiar with the new building.

C. The author was not used to long lines.

D. The author was not used to waiting for her turn.

4.What would have happened if the author had missed the beginning of the movie?

A. She would have seen it again.

B. She would have been upset.

C. She would have gone home without watching it.

D. She would have asked her friends to tell her what had happened.

5.What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The author went to see a movie at a cinema last night.

B. The author had a good time at the cinema last night.

C. The author missed the beginning of the movie because she walked too slowly to the other end of the building.

D. The author had a bad experience at the cinema last night because she missed the beginning of the movie due to a long line and having to walk a long way to get to the ticket counter.


1.正确答案是:A. She wanted to buy a ticket for the movie.


2.正确答案是:B. She had been running.


3.正确答案是:A. The author was not used to the layout of the cinema.


4.正确答案是:B. She would have been upset.


5.正确答案是:D. The author had a bad experience at the cinema last night because she missed the beginning of the movie due to a long line and having to walk a long way to get to the ticket counter.






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