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A U.S. congressman looking to thwart President Joe Biden, a fellow Democrat, from a second term assailed Biden as "weak and unelectable" on Saturday as he tried to take advantage of Biden's absence from New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary.周六

A U.S. congressman looking to thwart president Joe Biden, a fellow Democrat, from a second term assailed Biden as "weak and unelectable" on Saturday as he tried to take advantage of Biden's absence from New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary.


Congressman Dean Phillips, a wealthy Democrat from Minnesota who is running for president, said during a campaign event in Nashua, New Hampshire, that he hoped to expose what he called Biden's weakness by doing well in the coming Tuesday's voting.


U.S. Representative Dean Phillips holds a campaign event at Hanover Inn Dartmouth in Hanover, New Hampshire, U.S., January 18, 2024. /CFP
U.S. Representative Dean Phillips holds a campaign event at Hanover Inn Dartmouth in Hanover, New Hampshire, U.S., January 18, 2024. /CFP

Phillips said a strong showing by him would be getting upwards of 20 percent or more of the vote. "Going from zero to somewhere in the 20s would be pretty awesome, I think."


"Sadly it's going to demonstrate that our incumbent president is unelectable and weak and I think it's going to show this country that there's a candidate here who can actually do here what has been promised for generations," Phillips told reporters after addressing dozens of people at a senior citizen activity center.


He also noted Biden's advanced age, 81. "If you listen to the voters, people feel he's at a stage of life that makes it incompatible to leading the free world. And the same is true of Donald Trump," said Phillips, 55.


The Biden re-election campaign did not respond immediately to a request for comment.


Biden is skipping the New Hampshire primary after the Republican-run state refused his demand to give up its first in nation primary spot to South Carolina. But Biden's supporters are mounting a write-in campaign to avoid an embarrassing loss in the state on primary election day on Tuesday.


The New Hampshire primary on January 23 offers the first at-the-polls gauge of Biden's political strength this election cycle, and the unprecedented situation will be closely watched amid polls showing him tied with Trump.



upwards of 超过

incumbent president 现任总统 ; 在职总统,现任总统

this country 该国 ; 这个国家

for generations 世世代代 ; 一连好几代,几代相传

dozens of 几十 ; 很多

senior citizen 资深公民,老年人

activity center 活动中心 ; 活性中心 ; 作业中心

advanced age 高龄;老年;老龄

free world 自由世界

Donald Trump 唐纳德·特朗普 ; 特朗普 ; 川普

英文来源:CGTN 编辑校对:bruce

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