















Recently, the producers of the "Family with Children" series announced at an event that on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the birth of the IP, they will reunite their original team - Song Dandan, Gao Yalin, Yang Zi, Zhang Yishan, and You Haoran - to start filming a new version of "Family with Children", satisfying the emotions of fans and continuing to inherit the value of the work.

As one of the most popular domestic TV series in China, the news that "Family with Children" will start filming and all the original cast will return quickly became a hot topic. "Your childhood seems to be the same as mine," "Believe it, don't let it down," "I definitely bought tickets after buying"... The enthusiasm of netizens once again confirms the strong appeal of this IP.

It is interesting that the news of the start of filming for this big movie was released at the premiere of the latest big movie in the "Family with Children" series, "The God Dog of Family with Children". Compared to the heated discussions on the other side, this work that landed in theaters on January 20th has received a lukewarm response.

It is not difficult to understand by clicking on the list of creators: except for the same producer and original IP, all other cast members are "new faces", and even the vast majority are foreign new faces. Looking at the plot summary again, the daily life of a family of five in Beijing has turned into an adventure for American genius children and dogs... Is this still "Family with Children"?

With a greater sense of concern than curiosity, we walked into the cinema to watch this "blood transfusion version" of the big movie. To be honest, if we completely set aside IP, "The Dog with Children" can be considered a quality children's themed movie. Genius children engage in intellectual battles with their beloved dogs in elements such as family, school, and technology, ultimately gaining growth. Although there are no surprises, it is still acceptable.

However, as a promotional work that focuses on "sharing good Chinese stories with the world", the Chinese elements in "The Dog with Children" completely fall into the stereotype of Hollywood's perspective, and can even be said to be "supporting". The father and son portrayed by Lin Yongjian and Hou Minghao are rigidly interwoven through the concept of the "metaverse", which not only does not add a Chinese flavor of "having children at home", but also adds a bit of chaos to the entire work.

After reviewing the comments on the official promotional account of the film, besides the doubts of "This is not the familiar" Family with Children "," The only thing related to the whole movie is these four words "," science fiction genre, are you serious? ", some even apologized to the same remake of" Love apartment "after watching it:" At least all the big movies in "Love Apartment" are acquaintances. ".

Compared with roast, the goods of this big movie are not the same. It is more a pity for us to grow up watching The Family with Children. Previously, Gao Yalin, who played Xia Donghai, revealed in an interview that this IP had the opportunity for the original team to shoot a big movie, but it was ultimately abandoned due to script reasons.

"Actually, everyone has a deep emotional attachment to 'Family with Children' because we all benefit from it. It has such a great impact on young people or many families, and suddenly we feel responsible and cannot film it casually."

The persistence of the original version of Renma has made us willing to "believe it again" after watching "The Divine Dog with Children". In the hot search comments for remaking big movies, many people left comments saying "definitely do a good job with the script", and even actively expressed their expectations and creativity.

As the producer himself said, the audience has an unforgettable attachment to "Family with Children". This attachment should be a shared memory of characters such as Liu Mei, Xia Donghai, Xia Xue, Liu Xing, Xia Yu, and all fans, as well as our nostalgia for that period of growth. We cannot, nor can we, become the capital for IP owners to "sell dog meat".

Can we still look forward to you from the original film "Family with Children"?


one of …之一

TV series 电视剧 ; 连续剧 ; 电视连续剧 ; 电视系列剧 ; 影集

and all 等等 ; 甚至包括

hot topic 热门话题 ; 热点问题 ; 热点话题 ; 热点主题

netizens Internet citizens 网络公民

once again 再一次,再次,又一次 ; <正式>再说一次,重复说一遍

for this 为此

Compared to 与…相比 ; 比起

other side 另一侧 ; 【法】对方当事人

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