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It is said that wax printing appeared in China as early as the end of the Qin Dynasty or the beginning of the Han Dynasty, but it first appeared as a finished product in the Tang Dynasty.



据说在中国,蜡染(wax printing)早在秦末或者汉初就已经出现,但它最初作为成品出现是在唐朝。蜡染是“丝绸之路”的商品之一,这些商品被出口到欧洲和其他地方。蜡染在中国是代代传承下来的。它是苗族(Miao ethnic minority)独特的绘画和手工染色工艺。作为中国最具有民族特色的艺术之一,蜡染产品的种类很多,有墙上挂饰、邮包、书包、桌套等等。


It is said that wax printing appeared in China as early as the end of the Qin Dynasty or the beginning of the Han Dynasty, but it first appeared as a finished product in the Tang Dynasty. Wax printing is one of the commodities of the Silk Road, which were exported to Europe and other places. Wax printing has been passed down from generation to generation in China. It is a unique painting and hand-dying process of the Miao ethnic minority. As one of the most distinctive arts in China, there are many types of wax printing products, including wall hangings, postal parcels, schoolbags, table covers, and so on.


1、原文中的“蜡染”被翻译为“wax printing”,这个翻译是准确的。蜡染,作为一种传统的染色工艺,其主要特点是使用蜡在布料上绘制图案,再进行染色。因此,“wax printing”这个表达能够较好地体现其工艺特点。

2、“据说在中国,蜡染(wax printing)早在秦末或者汉初就已经出现,但它最初作为成品出现是在唐朝。”这部分的翻译是:“It is said that wax printing appeared in China as early as the end of the Qin Dynasty or the beginning of the Han Dynasty, but it first appeared as a finished product in the Tang Dynasty.”

这部分翻译在保持原文意思的同时,也注意到了时态的使用,使用了“appeared”和“first appeared”来区分蜡染的出现时间和作为成品出现的时间。

3、“蜡染是‘丝绸之路’的商品之一,这些商品被出口到欧洲和其他地方。”翻译为:“Wax printing is one of the commodities of the Silk Road, which were exported to Europe and other places.”

这部分翻译中,将“商品”翻译为“commodities”,并使用了非限制性定语从句“which were exported to Europe and other places”来进一步说明蜡染的出口情况,这样的表达既准确又流畅。

4、“蜡染在中国是代代传承下来的。它是苗族(Miao ethnic minority)独特的绘画和手工染色工艺。”翻译为:“Wax printing has been passed down from generation to generation in China. It is a unique painting and hand-dying process of the Miao ethnic minority.”

这部分翻译中,使用了“has been passed down from generation to generation”来表达蜡染在中国的代代传承,同时,“unique painting and hand-dying process”也准确地描述了蜡染的工艺特点。

5、“作为中国最具有民族特色的艺术之一,蜡染产品的种类很多,有墙上挂饰、邮包、书包、桌套等等。”翻译为:“As one of the most distinctive arts in China, there are many types of wax printing products, including wall hangings, postal parcels, schoolbags, table covers, and so on.”

这部分翻译中,使用了“As one of the most distinctive arts in China”来表达蜡染在中国艺术中的重要地位,同时,“including wall hangings, postal parcels, schoolbags, table covers, and so on”也列举出了蜡染产品的种类,使得读者对蜡染产品有了更直观的了解。

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