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中考英语内容包括听力、阅读例句、完型填空、写作等多个部分,其中,中考英语阅读理解所占的比重是非常大的。想要在中考英语中拔得头筹,千万不要忽略阅读理解部分的训练。In the bustling city, among the towering buildings and busy streets, stands a hardworking fi


In the bustling city, among the towering buildings and busy streets, stands a hardworking figure — a porter carrying heavy sacks of goods. Their backs are bent, but their spirits are strong as they bear the weight of daily life.

Every morning, the porters arrive at the market, ready to take on the challenge of carrying the sacks. These sacks are filled with various goods — fruits, vegetables, and other supplies. Each sack weighs heavily, but the porters never complain. They know that their efforts are vital in keeping the city running smoothly.

With strong arms and determined expressions, the porters hoist the sacks onto their backs. They stride through the narrow alleys and busy streets, navigating the crowds with ease. Their steps are steady, their backs like mountains, unyielding under the weight.

Despite the physical toll, the porters never lose their sense of humor. They joke with each other, laughing heartily as they work. This lightness in the face of hardship is a testament to their resilience and strength.

The porters' work is often overlooked, but their contributions are invaluable. They are the unsung heroes of the city, silently shouldering the burden of transporting goods. Without them, the city would grind to a halt.

As we walk past these porters, let us pause to appreciate their efforts. Let us remember that every city runs on the sweat and hard work of countless individuals like them.


1、What do the porters carry on their backs every day?

A. Heavy boxes.

B. Sacks of goods.

C. Large bags of rice.

D. Packages of clothes.

2、How do the porters feel about their work?

A. They find it boring.

B. They think it's too easy.

C. They are proud of it.

D. They complain about it often.

3、What is the attitude of the porters towards physical hardships?

A. They are afraid of it.

B. They laugh it off.

C. They feel sad about it.

D. They are serious about it.

4、Why are the porters considered unsung heroes?

A. They are not well-known.

B. They don't do enough work.

C. They are not respected.

D. They are not paid enough.

5、What is the main message of the passage?

A. The city cannot run without porters.

B. Porters are the strongest people.

C. People should help porters more.

D. Porters have a hard life.



【解析】文章第二段明确提到:“Every morning, the porters arrive at the market, ready to take on the challenge of carrying the sacks.”(每天早上,搬运工们来到市场,准备接受搬运麻袋的挑战。)因此,正确答案是B,即搬运工们每天背的是装满货物的麻袋。




【解析】文章第四段提到:“Despite the physical toll, the porters never lose their sense of humor. They joke with each other, laughing heartily as they work.”(尽管身体承受着巨大的负担,搬运工们从未失去他们的幽默感。他们在工作时相互开玩笑,开怀大笑。)这表明他们对待身体上的困难是轻松幽默的,因此选项B“他们一笑置之”是正确的。


【解析】文章第五段提到:“The porters' work is often overlooked, but their contributions are invaluable.”(搬运工的工作经常被忽视,但他们的贡献却是无法估量的。)这表明搬运工之所以被称为无名英雄,是因为他们的工作经常被忽视,即他们并不为人所知。因此,答案是A。


【解析】文章最后一段提到:“Without them, the city would grind to a halt.”(没有他们,城市就会停滞不前。)这是文章的主要信息,强调了搬运工对城市运转的重要性。因此,正确答案是A,即城市没有搬运工就无法运转。

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