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1、Advantage (优势) → Benefit, Strength, Edge, Superiority, Merit

The benefit of using renewable energy is its environmental friendliness.

The strength of our team lies in its diversity of skills.

The new product has a significant edge in terms of performance.

The superiority of this method is its ability to process large amounts of data quickly.

The merit of her work is its innovative approach to the problem.

2、Important (重要的) → Significant, Vital, Crucial, Essential, Fundamental

It is significant that we address climate change immediately.

The role of education in society is vital for its progress.

A crucial factor in the success of the project was teamwork.

The essential ingredient for a good meal is fresh ingredients.

Fundamental changes are needed to address the root causes of poverty.

3、Difference (不同) → Distinction, Variance, Divergence, Disparity, Dissimilarity

There is a clear distinction between the two theories.

The variance in the data is quite significant.

The divergence of opinions within the group led to a heated debate.

There is a stark disparity between the rich and the poor.

The two paintings show a remarkable dissimilarity in style.

4、Problem (问题) → Issue, Challenge, Dilemma, Conundrum, Obstacle

The main issue we face is the lack of resources.

The new project presents a significant challenge to our team.

She faces a dilemma about whether to stay or leave.

The conundrum of how to balance work and family remains unsolved.

Overcoming the obstacle of language barriers was crucial for success.

5、Solution (解决方案) → Remedy, Answer, Resolution, Fix, Approach

Finding a long-term remedy for the disease is crucial.

The answer to the puzzle lies in the details.

The resolution of the conflict was a relief to all parties involved.

We need to find a quick fix for the leaking pipe.

Her approach to problem-solving is very innovative.

6、Opinion (观点) → Viewpoint, Perspective, Standpoint, Belief, Conviction

From my viewpoint, the policy is unfair.

Her perspective on the issue is quite unique.

His standpoint as a business owner is understandable.

My belief in the power of education is unwavering.

Her conviction about the innocence of her client is absolute.

7、Reason (原因) → Cause, Factor, Motive, Ground, Rationale

The cause of the accident is still under investigation.

Poverty is a major factor in crime rates.

Her motive for stealing remains a mystery.

There is no ground for accusing him of fraud.

The rationale behind the decision is clear and logical.

8、Effect (影响) → Impact, Influence, Consequence, Ramification, Outcome

The new policy will have a far-reaching impact on the industry.

Her positive attitude has a great influence on her team.

The consequences of his actions were unforeseen.

The ramifications of the decision will be felt for years.

The outcome of the election was unexpected.

9、Success (成功) → Achievement, Triumph, Prosperity, Accomplishment, Victory

Her latest project is a great achievement.

The team celebrated their triumph with a party.

The business is enjoying a period of prosperity.

The completion of the project was a significant accomplishment.

Their victory in the competition was well-deserved.

10、Failure (失败) → Defeat, Setback, Downfall, Unsuccess, Disappointment

The team suffered a crushing defeat in the finals.

The setback was temporary and they bounced back quickly.

His downfall was due to his own hubris.

Despite their efforts, the project was an unsuccess.

The disappointment of not getting the job was hard to bear.

11、Develop (发展) → Evolve, Progress, Advance, Mature, Grow

Over time, the technology has evolved significantly.

The company has made great progress since its inception.

The research team has advanced the field with their latest findings.

As he grew older, he became more mature and responsible.

The company has grown exponentially since its inception.


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