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1、Develop (发展)→Evolve,Progress,Advance,Mature,Grow

例句:Over the years, the company has developed into a global leader in technology.


这个句子中的develope可以使用高阶词汇evolve代替,变成这样:Over the years, the company has evolveed into a global leader in technology.

2、Change (改变)→Alter,Modify,Vary,Transform,Shift

例句:The government decided to change its policies to address the growing issue.

高阶替换:The government resolved to alter its policies in response to the escalating concern.

例句:The scientist modified the experiment to improve its accuracy.

高阶替换:The scientist varied the experimental conditions to enhance precision.

例句:The cityscape has changed significantly over the past decade.

高阶替换:The urban landscape has undergone a significant transformation in the last ten years.

例句:The company shifted its focus to more sustainable practices.

高阶替换:The company has transformed its emphasis towards more environmentally friendly practices.

3、Example (例子)→Instance,Illustration,Exemplar,Case in point,Exemplification

例句:Can you give me an example of how to use this software?

高阶替换:Could you provide an instance of the software's usage?

例句:The teacher used an example to explain the concept.

高阶替换:The educator utilized an illustration to clarify the abstract idea.

例句:She is an excellent example of hard work and dedication.

高阶替换:She serves as an exemplar of perseverance and commitment.

例句:This is a case in point of why we need to change our approach.

高阶替换:This situation aptly exemplifies the necessity for a shift in our methodology.

4、Result (结果)→Outcome,Consequence,Effect,Upshot,Finale

例句:The experiment yielded positive results.

高阶替换:The experimental endeavor produced favorable outcomes.

例句:The decision had serious consequences for the company.

高阶替换:The choice entailed grave consequences for the organization.

例句:The new policy had an immediate effect on sales.

高阶替换:The recent policy alteration exerted an immediate impact on sales figures.

例句:The upshot of the meeting was a decision to proceed with the project.

高阶替换:The ultimate result of the gathering was a unanimous decision to pursue the project.

5、Experience (经验)→Expertise,Know-how,Background,Skill,Insight

例句:Her experience in the field made her a valuable team member.

高阶替换:Her expertise in the domain rendered her an indispensable asset to the team.

例句:He has a lot of know-how in dealing with difficult customers.

高阶替换:He possesses considerable know-how in managing challenging clientele.

例句:Her background in marketing helped her land the job.

高阶替换:Her extensive background in marketing facilitated her acquisition of the position.

例句:With his skill, he was able to fix the broken machine.

高阶替换:Leveraging his proficiency, he successfully repaired the malfunctioning machinery.

6、Knowledge (知识)→Understanding,Learning,Expertise,Wisdom,Acquaintance

例句:She has a deep knowledge of the subject.

高阶替换:She possesses a profound understanding of the subject matter.

例句:Continuous learning is essential for acquiring new knowledge.

高阶替换:Ongoing acquisition of learning is imperative for attaining fresh insights.

例句:His expertise in the field is unmatched.

高阶替换:His unparalleled expertise in the domain sets him apart.

例句:Wisdom comes from a lifetime of acquiring and applying knowledge.

高阶替换:Wisdom is garnered through a lifespan of accumulating and implementing knowledge.

7、Opportunity (机会)→Chance,Occasion,Opening,Prospect,Possibility

例句:She seized the opportunity to travel abroad.

高阶替换:She availed herself of the chance to embark on an overseas journey.

例句:The occasion arose for a celebration.

高阶替换:The auspicious occasion presented itself for a festive gathering.

例句:The opening for a new job position was announced.

高阶替换:The announcement of a vacant job position heralded a fresh opening.

例句:The prospect of a promotion looked promising.

高阶替换:The likelihood of a promotion appeared auspicious.

8、Challenge (挑战)→Test,Task,Demand,Hurdle,Confrontation

例句:She faced the challenge of leading the team.

高阶替换:She confronted the test of guiding the team.

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