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"Blossoms Shanghai", a big-budget melodrama in 30 parts, has enjoyed huge audiences since its first episode aired on December 27th. The show's success—boosted by approving coverage in official and commercial media outlets—is at once unexpected and revealing.

自12月27日开播第一集以来,30集的《繁花》吸引了大批观众收看。 该剧的成功得益于官方和商业媒体的正面报道,这既出乎意料又富有启示性。

It is a surprise because its heroes are swashbuckling capitalists in the Shanghai of the early 1990s. A hard-living bunch, they cut deals, swap stock tips and scheme against rivals over an endless succession of boozy late-night banquets, filmed in demonic shades of black, gold and red.

这部剧出人意料的是,其主角是上世纪90年代初上海一群豪放不羁的资本家。 他们是一群过着艰苦生活的人,在无尽的深夜宴会上达成交易、交换股票信息和策划对付竞争对手的阴谋, 这些场景以黑色、金色和红色的恶魔色调拍摄。

Enthusiasm for the drama, the first TV series to be directed by Wong Kar-wai, a pillar of Hong Kong's film industry, sheds light on the Chinese public's mood. Much praise for the show has a distinctly backward-looking feel to it. Online, fans share their memories of boom years when ordinary Chinese could transform their fates with a lot of luck, good connections and hard work.

这部电视剧是香港电影界著名导演王家卫执导的首部电视剧, 该剧反映了中国民众的心境。 该剧受到的赞誉明显带有怀旧色彩。 在网上,粉丝们分享着他们对繁荣年代的回忆,当时普通的中国人可以通过运气、良好的人脉和努力工作改变自己的命运。

The hero is A Bao, a former factory worker shown making and almost losing a fortune on the stockmarket and in domestic and foreign trade. He is guided by an old man whose counsel runs from business strategy to the right cut for a three-piece suit. ("It has to be British-woven, pure wool," the sage sternly instructs a local tailor, summoned to make A Bao a new wardrobe.)

剧中主人公阿宝原本是工厂工人,后来通过炒股和从事国内外贸易发家致富,最后又几乎倾家荡产。 他得到一位长者在方方面面的指点,从商场上的策略到三件套西装的正确剪裁等。 (“一定要英纺、纯羊毛的。”这位智者严格叮嘱被召来给阿宝做新衣服的一位本地裁缝)。

The drama, adapted from a novel by Jin Yucheng, portrays capitalism as something between a test of nerves, a cruel game and a form of madness, capable of inducing a frenzy in consumers and investors alike. Characters cheat one another and commit suicide when ruined.

这部改编自金宇澄小说的电视剧将资本主义描绘为一种考验神经、残酷博弈和疯狂形式的东西, 能够引起消费者和投资者的狂热。 剧中人物互相欺骗,破产时轻生。

Yet time and again the survivors are drawn to feast together at the same few restaurants, to plot and show off and drink. In contrast with the real 1990s, official corruption is nowhere to be seen. Indeed, the only important character with a public-sector job (at Shanghai's agency for foreign trade) is a paragon of honesty who uses her savings to repay businessmen for gifts they offer her.

然而,幸存者一次又一次地被吸引到同几家餐厅聚餐、密谋、炫耀和饮酒。 与真实的上世纪90年代相比,剧中没有出现官方腐败的现象。 事实上,唯一一个在公共部门工作的重要角色(在上海对外贸易机构工作)是一个诚实的典范,她用自己的积蓄来偿还商人送给她的礼物。

To learn more about the show's success, Chaguan caught a fast train to Shanghai and headed to Huanghe Road, a street of restaurants and Art Deco mansions from the 1930s where much of the drama is set. He found a throng of fans taking photographs and filming themselves for social media, over the shrill, electronic whistles of police officers controlling crowds and directing traffic.

为更多了解该剧爆火的情况,笔者乘坐高铁来到上海, 直奔遍布餐馆和上世纪30年代装饰艺术风格洋房的黄河路,该剧大部分剧情都在这里展开。 在控管人群和指挥交通的警察那尖锐的电子警哨声中, 笔者看到一大群剧迷在那里拍摄照片和视频,准备发到社交媒体上。

Chinese public opinion is rarely monolithic, and responses to the drama divided along lines of home town, age and social class. Locals are happy that the whole series was filmed in Shanghai dialect, with a second version dubbed into Mandarin for nationwide release.

一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特,人们对该剧的反应也因家乡、年龄和社会阶层的不同而各异。 让上海人开心的是《繁花》全部用沪语拍摄,另外线上播放的还有普通话版本。

Several Shanghainese pensioners shared strong views about the drama's realism, or lack of it. Back in the 1990s a lot of business was done over dinner, agreed an old man who worked in Shanghai's finance sector. But overall the series is a "fantasy", he scowled. "Those who went into the stockmarket and business were the rare bold ones. Most people worked in factories."

几位上海退休老人对该剧的写实或不够写实有着强烈的看法。 在上世纪90年代,很多生意的确是在饭桌上谈成的,一位曾在上海金融界工作的老人对此表示赞同。 但总的来说,这部电视剧是一种“幻想”,他皱着眉说道。 “那些炒股经商的是极少数胆子大的人。 大多数人都是在工厂工作。”

Three older women taking pictures had dressed for a fine dinner, though it was noon. They recalled neon signs that lit up Huanghe Road in those boom years. "Many businessmen gathered here, with their huge mobile phones," remembered one of the women.

虽是中午时分,有三位在那里打卡拍照的老阿姨却是一身要赴晚宴的打扮。 她们回忆起那个繁荣年代黄河路上闪烁的霓虹灯。 “当年有许多生意人聚在这里,手里拿着大哥大。”其中一人回忆说。

The trio were not among them. They were assigned jobs in a state-owned textile factory and stayed there until retirement. modern life offers more choices but more pressure, they declared. In their telling, the series brings the Shanghai of their youth back to life. "But what use is nostalgia?" asked the same woman.

三位阿姨只是局外人罢了。 她们被分配到一家国有纺织厂工作,直到退休。 她们说,现在有了更多的选择,但是面对压力却没得选。 在她们看来,《繁花》重现了她们年轻时上海的模样。 “但怀旧有什么用呢?”那位阿姨笑着说。


first episode 首发

at once 立即,马上 ; 同时,一起

scheme against 勾心斗角

boozy 嗜酒的 ; 豪饮的

Enthusiasm for 对…的热情 ; 热心于 ; 热爱 ; 热衷,热爱

TV series 电视剧 ; 连续剧 ; 电视连续剧 ; 电视系列剧 ; 影集

Hong Kong 香港

film industry 电影业 ; 电影产业 ; 电影工业 ; 电影界 ; 电影事业

light on 发现

backward-looking 落后的 ; 滞后的 ; 反进步的

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