恭喜!碧昂丝获得Innovator 奖,上周五才发布新专辑

前不久,碧昂丝才获得第65届格莱美最佳舞曲/电子专辑(文艺复兴)、最佳舞曲唱片(Break My Soul)、最佳传统 R&B 表演(Plastic Off The Sofa)和 最佳 R&B 歌曲 (Cuff It)四项大奖,成为获得格莱美奖最多的艺人,最近,碧昂丝又在今年iHeartRadio音乐奖上获得了Innovator 奖。

前不久,碧昂丝才获得第65届格莱美最佳舞曲/电子专辑(文艺复兴)、最佳舞曲唱片(Break My Soul)、最佳传统 R&B 表演(Plastic Off The Sofa)和 最佳 R&B 歌曲 (Cuff It)四项大奖,成为获得格莱美奖最多的艺人,最近,碧昂丝又在今年iHeartRadio音乐奖上获得了Innovator 奖。



It continued to be a celebration of all things Bey on Monday at the iHeartRadio Music Awards in Los Angeles, where Beyoncé was awarded the prestigious Innovator Award.


Legendary artist Stevie wonder took the stage to present the “Texas hold ‘Em” hitmaker with the accolade, giving a summary of her unparalleled accomplishments thus far, which include being the “first African-American woman to headline Coachella” as well as having the distinction of having a number one hit across all four decades since the 1990s.

传奇艺术家Stevie Wonder 登台为这位《Texas Hold ‘Em》金曲制造者颁发了这一奖项,并总结了碧昂丝迄今为止无与伦比的成就,包括成为“首位在科切拉音乐节担任主唱的非裔美国女性”,以及自上世纪90年代以来,在四十年里一直都有排名第一的热门单曲这一殊荣。

And that’s not to mention arguably her buzziest career moment yet, which of course was the drop of her eighth studio album “Cowboy Carter” on Friday, her unofficial entry into country music (but not only), as well as the second act in her “Renaissance” trilogy which began with that aptly titled record in 2022.

更不用说这可能是她职业生涯中最受关注的时刻,即周五发行了她的第八张录音室专辑《Cowboy Carter》,这标志着她非正式进军乡村音乐领域(但不限于此),同时也是她“文艺复兴”三部曲的第二幕,该三部曲始于2022年那张同名专辑。

Queen B came out wearing a black leather motorcycle jacket and now-trademark cowboy hat to accept her trophy, first addressing Wonder.


“Thank you for making a wave for all of us,” Beyoncé told the “Isn’t She Lovely” singer. “I’m honored to receive this recognition from you.”

“谢谢你为我们所有人掀起了浪潮,”碧昂丝对这位《Isn’t She Lovely》的演唱者说,“我很荣幸能从你这里获得这个认可。”

“Whenever anyone asks me if there’s anyone I could listen to for the rest of my life, it’s always you,” she added, going on to thank Wonder for “playing the harmonica on ‘Jolene’.”

“每当有人问我,如果我一生只能听一个人的歌,那会是谁,我总是说是你,”她补充道,接着感谢Wonder 在《Jolene》这首歌中吹奏口琴。


碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯(Beyoncé Giselle Knowles),1981年9月4日出生于美国得克萨斯州休斯敦,是一位才华横溢的美国女歌手、演员。她的职业生涯充满了耀眼的成就和作品,使她成为全球范围内备受瞩目的音乐天后。

Beyoncé's musical journey began in the late 1990s as a member of the girl group Destiny's Child. However, her solo career, which began in 2003 with the release of her debut album "Dangerously in Love," truly catapulted her to superstardom. This album, filled with hit singles and soulful ballads, established her as a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.

碧昂丝的音乐之旅始于20世纪90年代末,当时她是女子组合“天命真女”的成员。然而,她的个人职业生涯始于2003年,当时她发行了首张专辑《Dangerously in Love》,这使她真正成为超级巨星。这张专辑的很多热门单曲和深情民谣,使她成为音乐界不可忽视的力量。

Subsequent albums like "B'Day" and "I Am...Sasha Fierce" further solidified her position as a musical icon, with each release showcasing her unique blend of R&B, pop, and soul. Beyoncé's vocal prowess and ability to create music that resonates with a wide audience have made her one of the most successful and influential artists of her generation.

随后的专辑《B'Day》和《I Am...Sasha Fierce》进一步巩固了她作为音乐偶像的地位,每一首单曲都展示了她的R&B、流行和灵魂乐的独特融合。碧昂丝的声乐技巧和创作出能引起广大观众共鸣的音乐的能力使她成为她这一代最成功和最有影响力的艺术家之一。

Beyoncé's achievements are not limited to the music charts. She has also made significant contributions to the film and television industry, displaying her acting skills in various projects. Her performance in the 2013 Super Bowl halftime show was a particularly memorable moment, showing her versatility as an entertainer.


In recognition of her outstanding contributions to music, Beyoncé has been awarded numerous accolades, including multiple Grammy Awards. These honors not only attest to her musical genius but also reflect her influence and impact on the industry.



碧昂丝不仅具有极高的音乐天赋,而且是一个敢于承担风险的创作型歌手,她的行为成功地改变了音乐,并影响了全球流行文化。就在获得iHeartRadio音乐奖Innovator 奖的上周五,碧昂丝发行了她的第八张专辑。


In case you’ve somehow missed the biggest news in music this week, Beyoncé released her latest album on Friday, and “Act II: Cowboy Carter” goes out of its way to point out that music genres are overly confining labels.

即使你错过了本周音乐界最大的新闻,你也一定知道碧昂丝 (Beyoncé) 在周五发布了她的最新专辑,这张专辑《Act II: Cowboy Carter》 特意指出音乐流派是过于局限的标签。

The 27-track compendium contains country music, to be sure, but also folk, gospel, rap, pop and even some Italian opera – and it celebrates Bey’s desire to span beyond any labels or limits. (She even spelled it out in a rare caption on her Instagram ahead of the album drop, writing that “Carter” “ain’t a Country album. This is a ‘Beyoncé’ album.”) The resulting collection is musically rich, lyrically creative and distinctly Beyoncé.


In “Cowboy Carter’s” most hip-hop-heavy song “Spaghettii,” which is introduced by Black country trailblazer Linda Martell, Beyoncé raps near the top of the track, “At the snap of my fingers, I’m Thanos” – a direct callout of the peak Marvel Cinematic Universe villain who snapped his fingers and caused half the universe to turn to dust.

在“Cowboy Carter’s”最嘻哈的歌曲“Spaghettii”中,黑人乡村开拓者琳达·马爹利(Linda Martell)介绍说,碧昂丝(Beyoncé)在歌曲接近尾声时说唱道:“打响指,我就是灭霸”——直接点名漫威电影宇宙中最高峰的反派,他打响指,导致半个宇宙化为尘埃。


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    恭喜!碧昂丝获得Innovator 奖,上周五才发布新专辑



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