索菲亚·布什首次公开谈论出柜,承认和Ashlyn Harris恋爱

索菲亚·布什公开谈论出柜,这个在《篮球兄弟》里火到不行的女神,终于鼓起勇气公开了自己的酷儿身份。之前她还和企业家Grant Hughes有过一段短暂的婚姻,看来这次公开出柜也是经历了一番内心挣扎的。


之前她还和企业家Grant Hughes有过一段短暂的婚姻,看来这次公开出柜也是经历了一番内心挣扎的。


Actress Sophia Bush has come out as queer, a year after announcing that her short-lived marriage had ended.


The 41-year-old star of “One Tree Hill” has opened up about her love life in an intimate feature-length magazine article.


Writing in Glamour, she described the cold feet she experienced before tying the knot with entrepreneur Grant Hughes in July 2022.

在《Glamour》杂志中,她描述了自己在2022年7月与企业家 Grant Hughes 结婚前所经历的最后的犹豫时刻。

“In April of 2022 I was close to calling off my wedding. instead of running away, I doubled down on being a model wife,” she wrote.


She admitted that they “threw one of the greatest wedding weekends ever,” but went on to open up about the difficult year that followed.


Bush said she kept trying to tell herself that “relationships are hard” and “marriage takes compromise” but ultimately it was the “heartbreak of the fertility process” that led her to reassess her relationship.


She wrote: “As I lost track of how many examination tables I had lain on alone, I felt something in me seismically shift. Six months into that journey, I think I knew deep down that I absolutely had made a mistake.”


This realization, she said, prompted her to take some time out by acceping a theatrical role in London’s West End – though ultimately she had to pull out some time later due to sickness.


Then, returning home to LA last summer, Bush grew closer to a group of women who were also going through relationship breakdowns and other issues at home. Among them was former soccer player Ashlyn Harris, whom Bush said she had known for four years and who was splitting from her wife and former teammate, Ali Krieger.

去年夏天回到洛杉矶后,布什与一群也经历感情破裂和其他家庭问题的女性走得更近了。其中就有前足球运动员阿什琳·哈里斯,布什说她已经认识哈里斯四年了,而哈里斯当时正和她的妻子、前队友Ali Krieger分手。

She described “falling in love” with Harris, adding: “I sort of hate the notion of having to come out in 2024. But I’m deeply aware that we are having this conversation in a year when we’re seeing the most aggressive attacks on the LGBTQIA+ community in modern history.


“There were more than 500 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills proposed in state legislatures in 2023, so for that reason I want to give the act of coming out the respect and honor it deserves. I’ve experienced so much safety, respect, and love in the queer community, as an ally all of my life, that, as I came into myself, I already felt it was my home.”


“I think I’ve always known that my sexuality exists on a spectrum,” Bush wrote, adding. “Right now I think the word that best defines it is queer. I can’t say it without smiling, actually. And that feels pretty great.”



1. queer: 非异性恋的,性别多元的

例句:She described herself as queer, embracing a label that represents a diverse range of gender identities and sexual orientations.


2. entrepreneur : 创业者

例句:He is an entrepreneur who founded a successful tech startup with an innovative business model.


3. FIFA Women's World Cup : 女子足球世界杯

例句:The FIFA Women's World Cup is one of the highest-level women's football competitions organized by FIFA.

FIFA Women's World Cup是国际足联组织的最高级别女子足球赛事。

5. coming out : 出柜,公开自己的性取向或性别认同

例句:Coming out is a personal and sometimes challenging decision for many LGBTQIA+ individuals to publicly acknowledge their sexual orientation or gender identity.


6. West End : 伦敦的一个地区,以其剧院和娱乐场所而闻名

例句:The West End is a district in London famous for its theaters and entertainment venues.

伦敦的West End以其剧院和娱乐场所而闻名,是一个充满活力的地区。

7. spectrum : 连续体,范围

例句:Gender spectrum is a continuous range that encompasses a diverse array of gender identities and expressions.


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    索菲亚·布什首次公开谈论出柜,承认和Ashlyn Harris恋爱



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