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Technology plays a significant role in our daily lives, and its impact on education is undeniable. The integration of technology into classrooms has revolutionized the way students learn and teachers teach.

One of the most evident benefits of technology in education is that it enhances engagement and interactivity. With the use of smartboards, tablets, and computers, students can actively participate in lessons through interactive activities, multimedia presentations, and online discussions. This not only makes learning more enjoyable but also enables students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Furthermore, technology provides access to a vast amount of information and resources. The internet has become an invaluable tool for research, allowing students to explore various subjects and access up-to-date information from reliable sources. Online educational platforms provide additional learning materials, tutorials, and practice exercises to supplement classroom learning.

In addition, technology enables personalized learning experiences. Adaptive learning software can analyze students’ strengths and weaknesses and tailor instruction accordingly. This individualized approach helps students to progress at their own pace and receive targeted support where needed. Moreover, with online learning platforms, students can review lessons, replay videos, and revisit concepts as many times as necessary until they fully understand them.

However, despite the numerous advantages, challenges exist when integrating technology into education. One concern is the digital divide, where not all students have equal access to technology and the internet. This disparity can create an educational gap between students who are technologically privileged and those who are not. Efforts must be made to ensure equal access to technology across all socioeconomic backgrounds.

Another challenge is the potential for distractions and misuse of technology. Students may be tempted to browse social media or play games during class time, diverting their attention from learning. It is crucial for teachers to establish guidelines and foster responsible technology use to minimize these distractions.

In conclusion, technology has transformed education by providing engaging and interactive learning experiences, access to a wealth of information, and personalized learning opportunities. However, it is important to address the digital divide and promote responsible technology use to ensure that all students can benefit from its advantages.

1.What is a significant benefit of technology in education?

A. Enhancing engagement and interactivity.

B. Restricting access to information.

C. creating a digital divide.

D. Minimizing distractions.

2.How does technology enhance engagement in classrooms?

A. By limiting student participation.

B. Through interactive activities and multimedia presentations.

C. By discouraging critical thinking skills.

D. With offline discussions.

3.How does technology provide access to information in education?

A. By limiting research options.

B. Through online educational platforms.

C. By promoting outdated resources.

D. With the use of traditional textbooks.

4.What does personalized learning with technology mean?

A. Students progressing at the same pace.

B. One-size-fits-all instruction.

C. Tailoring instruction based on individual needs.

D. Focusing solely on group activities.

5.What is one challenge when integrating technology into education?

A. A lack of distractions for students.

B. Unequal access to technology and the internet.

C. Limited information available online.

D. Excessive reliance on traditional teaching methods.


A. Enhancing engagement and interactivity.

B. Through interactive activities and multimedia presentations.

B. Through online educational platforms.

C. Tailoring instruction based on individual needs.

B. Unequal access to technology and the internet.


Every year, millions of people around the world take part in volunteer work. Whether it’s helping in a local community, assisting with disaster relief efforts, or participating in environmental conservation projects, volunteering has a positive impact on both individuals and society as a whole.

One of the main benefits of volunteering is the opportunity to make a difference. By dedicating their time and skills, volunteers can contribute to various causes and help improve the lives of others. This sense of purpose and fulfillment is incredibly rewarding and can boost self-esteem and overall well-being.

Volunteering also offers valuable learning experiences. through hands-on involvement, volunteers can gain new skills, broaden their horizons, and develop a deeper understanding of different cultures and communities. It promotes empathy, compassion, and cultural sensitivity, fostering personal growth and enhancing social awareness.

In addition to personal growth, volunteering strengthens communities. By working together towards a common goal, volunteers build social connections and foster a sense of unity. They create a positive impact on neighborhoods, schools, and organizations, promoting solidarity and cooperation.

Moreover, volunteering can enhance career prospects. Many employers value the skills and experiences gained through volunteer work. It demonstrates initiative, leadership, and a willingness to give back to society. Volunteering can also provide opportunities for networking and building professional connections.

However, it’s important to note that volunteering should be done genuinely and without expecting anything in return. The essence of volunteer work lies in the spirit of altruism and the desire to serve others. When done with sincerity and dedication, the impact of volunteerism can be significant and long-lasting.

In conclusion, volunteering offers numerous benefits to individuals and communities alike. It provides an opportunity to make a difference, learn new skills, strengthen communities, and enhance career prospects. By engaging in volunteer work, individuals contribute to creating a more compassionate and inclusive society.

1.What is one of the main benefits of volunteering mentioned in the passage?

A. Enhancing career prospects.

B. Boosting self-esteem and overall well-being.

C. Fostering personal growth and social awareness.

D. Strengthening communities.

2.How does volunteering contribute to personal growth?

A. By promoting empathy and compassion.

B. Through hands-on involvement.

C. By building social connections.

D. All of the above.

3.What impact does volunteering have on communities?

A. It promotes solidarity and cooperation.

B. It fosters a sense of unity.

C. It creates positive impacts on neighborhoods, schools, and organizations.

D. All of the above.

4.Why do employers value volunteer work?

A. It demonstrates initiative and leadership skills.

B. It shows a willingness to give back to society.

C. It provides opportunities for networking.

D. All of the above.

5.According to the passage, what is essential when engaging in volunteer work?

A. Expecting something in return.

B. Building professional connections.

C. Demonstrating altruism and sincerity.

D. Gaining new skills.


B. Boosting self-esteem and overall well-being.

D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.

C. Demonstrating altruism and sincerity.


Hannah has a great interest in natural history and always wanted to work with the skeleton (骨架) of a dinosaur. So as soon as she finished high school, she applied to the university of Bristol to study Paleontology. “It’s a good place with a lot of fossils,” she was told.

One day, while she was working in the laboratory, she noticed a small round object on the floor. It was about the size of a tennis ball and was covered in a layer of rock. It was a dinosaur egg. She was thrilled and immediately called her supervisor.

“Hello, Dr. Smith?” she said excitedly. “I’ve just found something amazing!”

“What is it, Hannah?” Dr. Smith asked.

“It’s a dinosaur egg,” she said. “I’m sure of it.”

Dr. Smith was very excited too when he heard the news. “That’s excellent!” he said. “You must send it to the university to be studied.”

Hannah put the dinosaur egg in her bag and went home. She decided to take a quick look at it before going to bed. To her surprise, when she cleaned the egg, she saw that there was a tiny skeleton inside.

“Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed. “It’s a mother dinosaur and her baby!”

1.Hannah is interested in ___________.

A. science fiction B. fossils C. old coins D. dinosaur skeletons

2.Hannah found the dinosaur egg ___________.

A. on the floor of her laboratory B. among some rocks on the hill C. in a nest on the ground D. in a bag in her laboratory

3.When Dr. Smith heard the news, he ___________.

A. was not interested B. was not surprised C. became very excited D. wanted to have a look at the egg himself

4.Hannah thought that the dinosaur egg was ___________.

A. a fake B. very old C. an ordinary egg D. a masterpiece

5.The dinosaur skeleton inside the egg was ___________ than the mother dinosaur skeleton Hannah had always wanted to see.

A. more difficult to find B. more special C. less special D. less important


56-59 D B C D 60. B




3.文章中提到当Dr Smith听到这个消息时,他非常兴奋,因此答案是C。




It was reported in the newspaper that a new product named "Green Tomato" would be put on the market soon. This product is a kind of healthy drink made from green tomatoes. It is claimed that this drink can help people lose weight and keep fit. Many people were excited about this new product because it seemed to be a perfect solution to their health problems.

One day,a man named John went to the store to buy the "Green Tomato" drink. However,when he arrived at the store,he was told that the drink was out of stock. John was very disappointed because he really wanted to try this new product.

John's friend,Mary,heard about his plan to lose weight and wanted to help him. She suggested that he try a different healthy drink made from green tea and lemon instead of green tomatoes. John accepted her suggestion and decided to give it a try.

After a few days,John began to lose weight and feel much healthier. He attributed his success to the healthy drink made from green tea and lemon. He believed that this drink had helped him to lose weight and keep fit.

66What is the main idea of the passage?

A. A new product named "Green Tomato" will be put on the market soon.

B. Many people were excited about the new product "Green Tomato".

C. John went to the store to buy the "Green Tomato" drink.

D. John lost weight and kept fit by drinking a healthy drink made from green tea and lemon.

67.Why was John disappointed when he found out that the "Green Tomato" drink was out of stock?

A. Because he really wanted to try this new product.

B. Because he was told that the drink was not good for his health.

C. Because he thought that the drink was too expensive.

D. Because he was not interested in the drink at all.

68What did Mary suggest that John should try instead of the "Green Tomato" drink?

A. A different healthy drink made from green tea and lemon.

B. The same drink made from green tomatoes.

C. A different healthy drink made from green tomatoes.

D. None of the above.

69.What did John attribute his success to?

A. Drinking the "Green Tomato" drink.

B. Drinking a healthy drink made from green tea and lemon.

C. Doing exercise regularly.

D. Eating a balanced diet.

70.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The "Green Tomato" drink is better than other healthy drinks.

B. John will continue to drink the healthy drink made from green tea and lemon.

C. Many people will stop buying the "Green Tomato" drink because of its high price.

D. John will no longer buy the "Green Tomato" drink because it is too expensive.





解析:约翰真的很想尝试这种新产品,所以当他发现“Green Tomato”饮料缺货时,他感到非常失望。


解析:约翰的朋友玛丽建议约翰尝试一种不同的、由绿茶和柠檬制成的健康饮料来代替“Green Tomato”饮料。因此,答案为A。






A report published last year showed that 40 percent of the world's fisheries were fully exploited, 30 percent were overexploited, and only 7 percent were underexploited. The fishing industry has always played a vital role in the world economy. However,with the high cost of fuel and the limited number of fishing resources,the fishing industry is facing great challenges.

To solve the problems,countries need to work together to protect the fisheries by establishing a new management plan. Fishermen need to change their ways of fishing to ensure sustainable fishing. On the other hand,consumers need to reduce their demand for seafood to ease the pressure on fisheries. If everyone works together to solve the problem,there is hope to protect the fisheries in the future.

1.What does the report say about the world's fisheries?

A. 40 percent of the world's fisheries are fully exploited.

B. 30 percent of the world's fisheries are overexploited.

C. Only 7 percent of the world's fisheries are underexploited.

D. The report says nothing about the world's fisheries.

W2.hat is one of the ways that can help protect the fisheries?

A. Changing the way of fishing.

B. Reducing the demand for seafood.

C. Establishing a new management plan.

D. BothA and B.

3.Why is the fishing industry facing great challenges?

A. Because the cost of fuel is high and the number of fishing resources is limited.

B. Because fishermen catch too many fish.

C. Because consumers don't like seafood.

D. Because there are too many fisheries in the world.

4.What does the author suggest to solve the problems with fisheries?

A. Governments should provide more support to fishermen.

B. Consumers should reduce their demand for seafood.

C. Fishermen should change their ways of fishing.

D. Governments should establish a new management plan for fisheries.

5.What is the author's attitude towards the future of the fishing industry?

A. Optimistic.

B. Pessimistic.

C. Objective.

D. Subjective.



解析:文章第一段明确提到:“A report published last year showed that 40 percent of the world's fisheries were fully exploited…”,即去年发布的一份报告显示世界上40%的渔场被充分利用。因此,答案为A。2.答案:D






Once upon a time,there was a poor boy named Tom. He had a dream of becoming a doctor,but he had no money to go to medical school.

One day,he was walking by the river when he noticed a young woman crying. Her name was Mary. Tom asked her why she was crying. She said,"My mother is ill. I don't know what to do."

Tom said,"Don't worry. I can help you." He took her to the nearest hospital.

After a few days,Mary's mother was much better. She was going to be fine in a few more days. Mary was very grateful to Tom for what he had done. She told him that she would help him go to medical school if he wanted to.

Tom was very happy. He worked hard and passed the entrance exam to medical school. In medical school,he studied hard and became a doctor.

Today,Dr. Tom is one of the best doctors in the city. He is very popular because he is kind to his patients and does his best to help them. Many people say that he is the best doctor in the city.

1.Tom had a dream of becoming a doctor when he ___________.

A. was young B. grew up C. was a doctor

2.One day,Tom was walking by the river when he noticed a young woman ___________.

A. singing B. crying C. walking

3.What was wrong with Mary's mother?

A. She had a headache. B. She had a high fever.

C. She had heart disease. D. She had a toothache.

4.Why was Tom very happy?

A. Because he became a doctor.

B. Because he helped Mary's mother get better.

C. Because many people said that he was the best doctor in the city.

D. Because Mary told him that she would help him go to medical school if he wanted to.

5.Why is Dr. Tom very popular?

A. Because he is kind to his patients and does his best to help them.

B. Because he is a doctor.

C. Because he is the best doctor in the city.

D. Because he has money and helps the poor people in the city.


1.正确答案是:B. grew up


2.正确答案是:B. crying


3.正确答案是:B. She had a high fever.


4.正确答案是:D. Because Mary told him that she would help him go to medical school if he wanted to.


5.正确答案是:A. Because he is kind to his patients and does his best to help them.

Dr Tom对病人很和蔼,并且尽力帮助他们,所以他很受欢迎。这是根据短文最后一段中的信息得出的。


One day,a poor boy,named Tom,decided to ask for help. He was 12 years old and couldn't afford to go to school. So he decided to ask for help from the people in the street.

He walked for hours until he found a rich man,named Mr. Smith. Tom asked him for some money,but Mr. Smith refused. He said,"I'll only give you some money if you can answer my question."

Tom thought for a moment and then asked,"What question?" Mr. Smith said,"Here is a test for you. There are three envelopes. One of them has $100 in it. The other two do not have any money. You have to pick one of them."

Tom thought it was a easy test. He picked one of the envelopes and opened it. But the envelope was empty! Mr. Smith smiled and said,"That's my trick. Now you have to do the same thing."

Tom didn't know what to do. He was very sad and didn't want to do the trick. But Mr. Smith said,"You have no choice. If you want to get the money,you have to do it."

So Tom did the trick. He picked up one of the empty envelopes and showed it to Mr. Smith. But Mr. Smith just smiled and said,"That's my trick too!" He pointed to the third envelope that Tom had left on the ground and said,"That one is mine!"

1.The boy asked for help because ________.

A. he was too young to go to school

B. he wanted to go to school but his family couldn't afford it

C.there was something wrong with his family

2.Why did Mr. Smith refuse to give the boy some money at first?

A. Because he thought the boy was too young to need so much money.

B. Because he wanted to test the boy's cleverness first.

C. Because he had no money in his hand at that time.

3.The word "trick" in the passage means ________.

A. 窍门 B. 魔术 C. 诡计 D. 绝技

4.In the end,Mr. Smith ________.

A. gave the boy $100 B. gave the boy nothing C. tricked the boy again D.left without saying anything


1.正确答案是:B. he wanted to go to school but his family couldn't afford it

短文第一段明确提到:"He was 12 years old and couldn't afford to go to school."(他12岁,上不起学。)因此,这个男孩寻求帮助是因为他想上学但他的家庭负担不起学费。所以选B。

2.正确答案是:B. Because he wanted to test the boy's cleverness first.

Mr. Smith想先测试一下这个男孩的聪明才智再给他钱。在短文第三段中,Mr. Smith说:“我只有一个条件:如果你想要这笔钱,你必须按我的要求做。”因此,他最初拒绝给这个男孩钱是因为他想先测试他。所以答案是B。

3.正确答案是:C. 诡计

在短文第四段中,Tom没有上当受骗,但是Mr. Smith仍然笑说"That's my trick too!"(这也是我的诡计!)因此,"trick"在这里的意思是"诡计"。所以答案为C。

4.正确答案是:C. tricked the boy again

在文章最后一段中提到Mr Smith又耍了那个男孩,并指出他拿走了剩下的一个信封,因此可以推断出他没有给那个男孩任何东西就离开了。因此,答案为C。


My name is Mary. I am a girl of 16. I am a student at the Mary School. It is not far from my home. I go to school on foot every day.

Our school is beautiful. There are many green trees and beautiful flowers. We can see a lot of birds and sometimes we can see a snake on the ground. There is a river outside the school gate and there are some boats in it.

We have a big library and a nice playground at school. We also have a nice canteen. The canteen is on the first floor and it is near the classroom building. We can buy many things in the canteen. I usually have my lunch there because it is convenient.

There are 15 students in my class. We have different subjects such as maths,English,history,PE and so on. I like English because it is easy and interesting. I don't like maths because it is difficult for me.


1.The school is near the student's home.

2.The school has a beautiful playground and a library.

3.The students can buy things to eat in the school canteen.

4.The student doesn't like maths because it is hard for her.

5.The classroom building is near the school gate.


1.正确。第一段中提到"It is not far from my home.",说明学校离家不远。

2.正确。第二段中提到"We have a big library and a nice playground at school.",说明学校有一个漂亮的操场和一个大的图书馆。

3.正确。第三段中提到"We can buy many things in the canteen.",说明学生在食堂可以买很多东西吃。

4.正确。第四段中提到"I don't like maths because it is difficult for me.",说明这个学生不喜欢数学,因为它对她来说很难。

5.错误。第三段中提到"The canteen is on the first floor and it is near the classroom building.",说明食堂在一楼,靠近教学楼,而不是靠近学校大门。因此,教室大楼并不靠近学校大门。



A man was sitting on the train. He was reading a book when another man came to him and said,“Excuse me,this train is going to arrive at its destination in half an hour,and the station is not far away. Why do you read a book?You can finish it after we arrive at the station if you want to.”

The man looked up from his book and said,“This is not my book. I found it on the floor.”

“You should put it back to its owner,”the first man said.

“I know that,”the second man answered.“But the owner is not coming. He is not on the train.”

“Then you can keep it,”the first man said.

“No,I can’t do that,”the second man answered.“If I were to keep it,I would be dishonest.”

“It doesn’t matter,”the first man said.“No one will know.”

“It does matter,”the second man said.“I know. I must be honest. I will put it back to its owner.”


1.The second man was reading a book on the train. ( )

2.The first man thought the second man should keep the book because he found it on the floor. ( )

3.The second man was going to keep the book because the owner was not coming and he was not on the train. ( )

4.The second man thought he must be honest and put the book back to its owner. ( )

5.The first man thought the second man could keep the book because no one would know. ( )




Once upon a time,there was a poor boy named Jack. He had a dream of becoming a professional basketball player,but he could not afford to pay for the expensive training programs.

One day,he was walking past a basketball court when he noticed a group of boys playing basketball. He watched them for a while and decided to join in. He soon found that he had a natural talent for basketball and he loved the game.

Over the next few months,Jack practiced basketball every day and his skills improved rapidly. He also made some new friends who were interested in basketball. They practiced together and encouraged each other to achieve their goals.

One day,a local basketball team was looking for new players. Jack decided to try out and he was offered a place on the team. He worked hard and soon became an important member of the team. They won many games and Jack was offered a contract to play for a professional team.

Jack's dream had come true and he was now a professional basketball player. He learned that if you work hard and believe in yourself,you can achieve your dreams.

1.What was Jack's dream?

A. To become a doctor.

B. To become a basketball player.

C. To become a singer.

D. To become a teacher.

2.How did Jack afford to pay for his basketball training?

A. His parents paid for it.

B. He saved up money from his part-time job.

C. He used money from his scholarship.

D. He could not afford the training.

3.Who did Jack practice basketball with over the next few months?

A. His basketball teammates.

B. His new friends who were interested in basketball.

C. His family members.

D. His neighbors.

4.How did Jack become a member of the local basketball team?

A. He was scouted by a local basketball team.

B. He saw an advertisement for tryouts on social media.

C. He decided to join a local basketball team and tried out for the team.

D. He was recommended by his basketball coach.

5.What did Jack learn from his experience?

A. You need to have natural talent to achieve your dreams.

B. You need to work hard to achieve your dreams.

C. You need to have money to achieve your dreams.

D. You need to be confident to achieve your dreams.


1.答案:B. To become a basketball player.


2.答案:D. He could not afford the training.


3.答案:B. His new friends who were interested in basketball.


4.答案:C. He decided to join a local basketball team and tried out for the team.


5.答案:B. You need to work hard to achieve your dreams.



A long time ago,there was a poor boy named Tom. He had a dream of becoming a doctor,but he could not afford to pay for the expensive medical school.

One day,he was walking through the city when he saw a newspaper advertisement for a medical school scholarship. He applied for the scholarship and was chosen as one of the winners. The scholarship covered all of his tuition fees,and he was able to attend the medical school.

Tom studied hard and graduated with honors. He then began practicing medicine and became a respected doctor. His patients loved him because he was always caring and helpful.

One day,a patient came to see him who had a rare disease. Tom had never seen such a disease before,so he decided to do some research on it. He read books and articles and talked to other doctors. After a week,he finally found a cure for the disease.

Tom's reputation spread quickly throughout the city. He was known as the doctor who always cared about his patients and worked hard to find cures for their diseases. Many people came to him for treatment,and he was always happy to help them.

What a difference a little kindness can make!

1.What was Tom's dream?

A. To become a doctor.

B. To become a lawyer.

C. To become a teacher.

D. To become a policeman.

2.How did Tom afford to pay for his medical school education?

A. His parents paid for it.

B. He received a scholarship.

C. He took out a loan from the bank.

D. He had a part-time job.

3.Why did Tom's patients love him?

A. Because he was always friendly and helpful.

B. Because he was always caring and thoughtful.

C. Because he was very good-looking and handsome.

D. Because he always dressed smartly and stylishly.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Tom was always successful in treating his patients.

B. Tom was not afraid to try new methods to cure diseases.

C. Tom was not very good at communicating with his patients.

D. Tom only treated his patients because they could pay him well.

5.What is the moral of the story?

A. It is easy to achieve your dreams if you work hard and believe in yourself.

B. You should always try to help others even if you can't afford it yourself.

C. A little kindness can go a long way in helping others and making a difference in their lives.

D. You should never judge a person by their appearance or background alone.


1.答案:A. To become a doctor.


2.答案:B. He received a scholarship.


3.答案:B. Because he was always caring and thoughtful.


4.答案:B. Tom was not afraid to try new methods to cure diseases.


5.C. A little kindness can go a long way in helping others and making a difference in their lives.

文章讲述了Tom通过自己的努力和善良的心,最终实现了自己的梦想,成为了一名受人尊敬的医生的故事。文章最后提到“What a difference a little kindness can make!”,强调了善良的心可以对别人的生活产生很大的影响。因此,文章的道德启示是:一点点的善良可以对别人的生活产生很大的影响,我们应该多关心别人,用善良的心去帮助别人。因此,答案为C。


Good sleep is important for our health and well-being. Most of us need between seven and nine hours of sleep every night to stay healthy. However, many people do not get enough sleep because of their busy lives.

The body repairs and strengthens itself during sleep. If you do not get enough sleep, your body will not be able to repair and become stronger. For example, after just one night of poor sleep, your immune system will be weaker.

Sleep also plays an important role in keeping our brains healthy. During sleep, the brain processes and stores information. If you do not get enough sleep, you will have difficulty concentrating and remembering things.

Finally, getting enough sleep is important for our mental health. Lack of sleep can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression.

1.How many hours of sleep do most people need every night?

A. Five hours.

B. Six hours.

C. Seven to nine hours.

D. Ten hours.

2.If you do not get enough sleep, what will happen to your body?

A. It will become stronger.

B. It will be repaired and become stronger.

C. It will be weaker and more prone to disease.

D. It will be unable to repair itself.

3.What does the brain do during sleep?

A. It processes and stores information.

B. It dreams and processes information.

C. It processes and dreams.

D. It stores information only.

4.What is the importance of sleep?

A. It helps us stay healthy and happy.

B. It helps us stay alive and well-balanced.

C. It helps us stay focused and concentrated.

D. It helps us stay physically healthy and emotionally well-balanced.

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. To tell us how much sleep we need every night to stay healthy.

B. To tell us why we need to get enough sleep every night to stay healthy and happy.

C. To tell us why we need to get enough sleep every night to stay focused and concentrated.

D. To tell us why we need to get enough sleep every night to stay physically healthy and emotionally well-balanced.


1.答案:C. Seven to nine hours.

原文中提到“Most of us need between seven and nine hours of sleep every night to stay healthy.”大多数人每晚需要7到9个小时的睡眠来保持健康。因此,正确答案是C。

2.答案:C. It will be weaker and more prone to disease.

原文中提到“If you do not get enough sleep, your body will not be able to repair and become stronger.”如果你没有得到足够的睡眠,你的身体将无法修复和变得更加强壮。因此,选项C“身体会变得更弱,更容易患病”是正确的。

3.答案:A. It processes and stores information.

原文中提到“During sleep,the brain processes and stores information.”在睡眠期间,大脑会处理和储存信息。因此,正确答案是A。大脑在睡眠期间会处理和储存信息。

4.答案:D. It helps us stay physically healthy and emotionally well-balanced.

原文中提到“Finally,getting enough sleep is important for our mental health.”最后,获得足够的睡眠对我们的精神健康非常重要。因此,正确答案是D。睡眠有助于我们保持身体健康和情绪平衡。

5.答案:B To tell us why we need to get enough sleep every night to stay healthy and happy.



In the next few years, there will be a shortage of qualified teachers for underdeveloped areas. The problem is particularly serious in China’s rural areas, where students are often taught by teachers who have received only a few years of training. These teachers, while inexpensive and enthusiastic, lack the skills and knowledge to effectively teach their students. As a result, students in rural areas are often at a disadvantage when it comes to taking the national college entrance examination.

To address this problem, we have developed an online education platform to provide professional development courses for these teachers. Our courses are designed to help teachers improve their teaching skills and knowledge, while also providing them with the latest teaching methods and tools. By completing these courses, teachers will be able to better prepare their students for the national college entrance examination.

We believe that every child should have access to a quality education, regardless of where they live or their economic status. By providing these professional development courses to teachers in rural areas, we hope to see a more equal education system in the future.

1.The problem of shortage of qualified teachers is particularly serious in ___________.

A. China’s rural areas

B. developed areas of China

C. both a and b

D. neither a and b

2.The teachers in rural areas who have only received a few years of training are ___________.

A. more skilled than those in urban areas

B. less effective than their urban counterparts

C. less enthusiastic than those in urban areas

D. cheaper to hire than those in urban areas

3.The online education platform is designed to ___________.

A. provide the latest teaching methods and tools

B. help teachers improve their teaching skills and knowledge

C. prepare students for the national college entrance examination

D. provide professional development courses for rural teachers

4.The author’s attitude towards online education is ___________.

A. positive

B. negative

C. neutral

D. indifferent

5.The best title for this passage is “__________”.

A. Online Education: A solution to the Shortage of Qualified Teachers in Rural Areas

B. The Problem of Teacher Shortage in Rural Areas: A Call for Action

C. The importance of Quality Education: A Call for Equality in Education

D. Rural Development: The Role of Online Education in Addressing the Teacher Shortage Crisis


1.答案:A. China’s rural areas


2.答案:B. less effective than their urban counterparts


3.答案:D. provide professional development courses for rural teachers


4.答案:A. positive


5.答案:A. Online Education: A Solution to the Shortage of Qualified Teachers in Rural Areas



Hello everyone! Today, I’d like to talk about one of my favorite cities, New York.

New York is a very busy city with a population of over 8 million people. It’s famous for many things, including its beautiful skyscrapers, its world-famous museums and galleries, and its exciting nightlife.

There are also many great restaurants in New York where you can try different types of food. You can find traditional American food, such as hamburgers and hot dogs, as well as food from all over the world.

In addition to its busy city life, New York also has many green spaces, such as central Park. This park is a perfect place to relax and forget about the hustle and bustle of the city.

Finally, New York is a very safe city. The police do a good job of keeping the crime rate low. However, like any other big city, you should still be careful and take care of your belongings.

Overall, I really enjoy New York because of its exciting city life, great food, green spaces, and safety. I hope you have a chance to visit New York and experience it for yourself one day.

1.What is the population of New York?

A. Over 8 million.

B. Less than 8 million.

C. 2 million.

D. 4 million.

2.What is NOT mentioned about New York in the passage?

A. Its famous landmarks.

B. Its museums and galleries.

C. Its exciting nightlife.

D. Its beautiful beaches.

3.What is the meaning of the underlined word “hustle and bustle” in paragraph 4?

A. Quiet and peace.

B. Bustling and excitement.

C. Peace and calmness.

D. excitement and joy.

4.Why is New York considered a safe city?

A. Because there are many police officers in the city.

B. Because there are fewer people walking on the streets at night.

C. Because there are fewer car accidents in the city.

D. Because the city has fewer criminals.


1.正确答案是:A. Over 8 million.

在文章中提到:“New York is a very busy city with a population of over 8 million people.”,即纽约的人口超过8百万。因此,答案为A。

2.正确答案是:D. Its beautiful beaches.


3.正确答案是:B. Bustling and excitement.

在第四段中提到:“This park is a perfect place to relax and forget about the hustle and bustle of the city.”,其中“hustle and bustle”表示忙碌和喧闹的意思,因此答案为B,即“热闹和兴奋”。

4.正确答案是:A. Because there are many police officers in the city.



In the morning, when I wake up, I always find my cat, Mia, sleeping on the end of my bed. She is so lazy that she never seems to do anything all day long. I can often hear her saying “Meow, meow” when she wakes up in the morning. She spends a lot of time every day sleeping on my bed or on the sofa in the living room. I have to be very careful when I move around in the morning because she is always sleeping on my bed. Sometimes she even sleeps in my bed at night.

Mia is usually very lazy and does not seem to do anything all day long,but she is also very friendly. She always comes to greet me when I come home from school or work. She likes to follow me around the house and watch what I am doing. When I am sitting at the computer or reading a book,she always comes and sits next to me and looks at me. She is very curious and likes to explore new things. She also likes to play with my hair or my socks when I am doing my homework or watching TV.

I love my cat,Mia,because she is so friendly and cute. She is always there to greet me when I come home from school or work,and she makes me feel very happy every day. Although she is very lazy and does not seem to do anything all day long,I still love her very much.

1.What does the writer think of Mia?

A. She is friendly and cute.

B. She is lazy and does nothing all day long.

C. She is noisy and sleeps all day long.

D. She is angry and attacks people all day long.

2.Mia likes to sleep on the author's bed because ________.

A. she wants to be with the author

B. she likes the soft bed

C. she wants to hide from other cats

D. she wants to play with the author

3.What does Mia often do when she wakes up in the morning?

A. Sleeps in the author's bed.

B. Follows the author around the house.

C. Sits next to the author and looks at him/her.

D. Plays with the author's hair or socks.

4.Mia is described as ________.

A. lazy and inactive all day long

B. friendly and playful all day long

C. active and noisy all day long

D. lazy and curious all day long

5.The author ______ Mia all day long although she seems lazy and does nothing all day long.

A. hates

B. likes

C. scolds

D. ignores


1. A;2. A;3. C;4. D;5. B



Once upon a time,there was a lazy boy named Tom. He always thought of easy ways to do everything. One day,he decided to go hunting in the forest. He thought it would be easy to catch some animals. However,he couldn't find any animals to hunt. He was tired and hungry after walking for a whole day. Then,he found a big tree and sat down to rest. Suddenly,he heard a voice coming from the tree. It was an old man. The old man said,“Why do you want to catch animals? You can't even climb this tree!” Tom tried to climb the tree but failed.

The old man said,“You see,there are many things that you can't do. You should find out what you are good at and try to do it better.” Tom realized his mistake and thanked the old man. From then on,he began to work hard and became a successful person.

1.Tom is lazy and always thinks of easy ways to do everything.

2.Tom decided to go hunting in the forest because he thought it would be easy to catch some animals.

3.Tom caught some animals after walking for a whole day.

4.The old man on the tree told Tom that he couldn't climb the tree.

5.Tom realized his mistake and began to work hard,and he became successful.


1.正确。根据原文描述,“There was a lazy boy named Tom. He always thought of easy ways to do everything.”(有一个懒惰的男孩叫汤姆。他总是想出简单的方法去做每一件事情。)可以看出,Tom确实是懒惰的,并且他总是寻找简单的方法来完成任务。因此,这个陈述是正确的。

2.正确。根据原文描述,“One day,he decided to go hunting in the forest. He thought it would be easy to catch some animals.”(有一天,他决定去森林里打猎。他认为抓一些动物很容易。)可以得知,Tom认为在森林里打猎很容易抓到动物,因此他做出了这个决定。所以这个陈述是正确的。

3.错误。根据原文描述,“However,he couldn't find any animals to hunt. He was tired and hungry after walking for a whole day.”(然而,他找不到任何动物打猎。他走了整整一天,又累又饿。)可以看出,Tom一整天都找不到动物打猎,因此这个陈述是错误的。

4.正确。根据原文描述,“It was an old man. The old man said…You can't even climb this tree!”(那是一位老人。老人说……你甚至不能爬这棵树!)可以看出,树上的老人告诉Tom他不能爬这棵树。因此,这个陈述是正确的。

5.正确。根据原文描述,“Tom realized his mistake and thanked the old man. From then on,he began to work hard and became a successful person.”(汤姆意识到自己的错误并感谢老人。从那时起,他开始努力工作,并成为了一个成功的人。)可以看出,Tom意识到了自己的错误并开始努力工作,最终取得了成功。因此,这个陈述是正确的。


One day, while I was sitting in my office, my secretary announced that a gentleman was outside and wanted to see me. I told her to ask him to come in. As soon as he entered, I knew he must be a salesman. He introduced himself in a friendly manner, and we started to chat. He told me that he had some products that would help my company. After listening to him for a while, I realized that his products were not suitable for us. I tried to be as polite as possible, but finally had to tell him that we couldn't buy what he was selling. He reacted as if he had been insulted, but there was nothing I could do about it.

1.What is the meaning of the underlined word "salesman" in the passage?

A. A person who sells products or services to customers.

B. A person who works in a company and takes orders from customers.

C. A person who has a lot of money and spends it on expensive things.

D. A person who is always trying to sell things that people don't need.

2.Why did the author think the man must be a salesman when he first saw him?

A. Because the man had a suitcase with him.

B. Because the man had a friendly face.

C. Because the man was standing outside and wanted to see the author.

D. Because the man introduced himself in a friendly manner.

3.What did the salesman say when he realized that he couldn't sell his products to the author?

A. He reacted as if he had been insulted.

B. He said that he would go and find another customer.

C. He asked the author why he didn't want to buy his products.

D. He said that he would try to lower the price of his products.

4.What does the author mean when he says "After listening to him for a while,I realized that his products were not suitable for us"?

A. The products were too expensive for the company to afford.

B. The products were not what the company needed to improve its business.

C. The products were not good enough for the company's business strategy.

D. The products were not popular among the company's employees.

5.What can we learn from this passage?

A. We should always be polite to people who come to see us at work.

B. We should always be careful when dealing with salesmen at work.

C. We should always try our best to help people who come to see us at work.


1.正确答案是:A. A person who sells products or services to customers.

文章中提到"he was a salesman",意思是他是一名销售人员。因此,salesman的意思是向顾客销售产品或服务的人。

2.正确答案是:D. Because the man introduced himself in a friendly manner.


3.正确答案是:A. He reacted as if he had been insulted.


4.正确答案是:B. The products were not what the company needed to improve its business.


5.正确答案是:B. We should always be careful when dealing with salesmen at work.



Last night, I went to see a movie at the local cinema. I had a ticket and the movie was starting soon, so I hurried to the ticket counter. However, when I got there, I found that the ticket counter was at the other end of the building. I quickly walked to the other end, but I was out of breath when I arrived. The line was long and I was afraid that I would miss the beginning of the movie.

1.Why did the author hurry to the ticket counter?

A. She wanted to buy a ticket for the movie.

B. She wanted to see a friend who would meet her there.

C. She had an appointment with the ticket seller.

D. She was late for the movie.

2.Why was the author out of breath when she arrived at the other end?

A. She had walked too quickly.

B. She had been running.

C. She had been carrying something heavy.

D. The line was too long and she was too worried about missing the beginning of the movie.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The author was not used to the layout of the cinema.

B. The author was not familiar with the new building.

C. The author was not used to long lines.

D. The author was not used to waiting for her turn.

4.What would have happened if the author had missed the beginning of the movie?

A. She would have seen it again.

B. She would have been upset.

C. She would have gone home without watching it.

D. She would have asked her friends to tell her what had happened.

5.What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The author went to see a movie at a cinema last night.

B. The author had a good time at the cinema last night.

C. The author missed the beginning of the movie because she walked too slowly to the other end of the building.

D. The author had a bad experience at the cinema last night because she missed the beginning of the movie due to a long line and having to walk a long way to get to the ticket counter.


1.正确答案是:A. She wanted to buy a ticket for the movie.


2.正确答案是:B. She had been running.


3.正确答案是:A. The author was not used to the layout of the cinema.


4.正确答案是:B. She would have been upset.


5.正确答案是:D. The author had a bad experience at the cinema last night because she missed the beginning of the movie due to a long line and having to walk a long way to get to the ticket counter.



The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world. It is over 13,000 miles long and was built over a period of more than 2,000 years. The earliest part of the wall was built more than 700 years before the birth of Christ. The Great Wall is one of the most famous symbols of China. It is also one of the most important historical and cultural attractions in China.

The purpose of building the wall was to protect China from external invaders. However, today the Great Wall is mainly a tourist attraction. Millions of tourists visit the wall every year. They come from all over the world to see one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The Great Wall has been listed as a World Heritage site since 1987.

1.How long is the Great Wall of China?

A. 500 miles B. 13,000 miles C. 2,000 years D. 700 years

2.What is NOT true about the Great Wall of China?

A. It is one of the oldest buildings in the world.

B. It was built to protect China from external invaders.

C. It is more than 2000 years old.

D. It was built to celebrate the birth of Christ.

3.What does "World Heritage site" mean in English?

A. A place where important historical events took place.

B. A place that is important culturally or historically and is protected by the government.

C. A place that has special value because of its unique natural features.

D. A place that is listed as a national monument or landmark.

4.What is the main purpose of the Great Wall today?

A. To protect China from external invaders.

B. To celebrate the birthday of Christ.

C. To prevent people from leaving China easily.

D. To attract tourists from all over the world.

5.What does "it" refer to in the sentence "It has been listed as a World Heritage site since 1987."?

A. The Great Wall of China. B. The World Heritage site. C. China as a whole. D. Nothing in particular.


1.正确答案是:B. 13,000 miles

第一段中明确提到“The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world. It is over 13,000 miles long”(中国长城是世界上最长的墙,长度超过13,000英里),因此答案为B。

2.正确答案是:D. It was built to celebrate the birth of Christ.


3.正确答案是:B. A place that is important culturally or historically and is protected by the government.

最后一段中提到:“The Great Wall has been listed as a World Heritage site since 1987.”(自1987年以来,长城已被列为世界遗产。)根据上下文可以推断出,“World Heritage site”指的是一个重要的文化或历史遗址,受到政府的保护。因此,答案为B。

4.正确答案是:D. To attract tourists from all over the world.

原文中第二段明确提到:“Today the Great Wall is mainly a tourist attraction. Millions of tourists visit the wall every year. They come from all over the world to see one of the Seven Wonders of the World.”(今天,长城主要以旅游景点为主。每年都有数百万游客参观长城。他们来自世界各地,来看世界七大奇迹之一。)因此,今天长城的主要目的是吸引来自世界各地的游客。

5.正确答案是:A. The Great Wall of China

句子中提到“It has been listed as a World Heritage site since 1987”,意思是“自1987年以来,它已被列为世界遗产”,因此“it”指代的是“中国长城”。所以答案为A。


Leicester City football Club is a professional football club based in Leicester, England. Founded in 1884, the club has a long history of playing football in the English leagues. In the 2015-2016 season, the club won the Premier League, which is England's highest level of professional football.

The team is known for its strong defense and ability to score goals. Jamie Vardy, the club's leading goal scorer, has been a consistent force on the team since joining in 2012. Riyad Mahrez, the club's most valuable player, has also been a key factor in the team's success.

Leicester City's success has also brought attention to the city of Leicester. The club is very active in community projects and has been a large factor in Leicester's rise to the top 50 most populous urban areas in England. The club's fans are also known for their loyalty and enthusiasm.

1.Leicester City Football Club was founded in ________.

A. 1880

B. 1884

C. 1900

D. 2008

2.What is known about Leicester City Football Club?

A. It has a strong defense.

B. It has a weak defense.

C. It has a weak attack.

D. It has a strong attack.

3.Jamie Vardy has been a member of Leicester City Football Club since ________.

A. 2010

B. 2012

C. 2013

D. 2016

4.What can be inferred about Leicester City Football Club's fans from the passage?

A. They are not very loyal.

B. They are not very enthusiastic.

C. They are very loyal and enthusiastic fans of the team.

D. They are not very knowledgeable about the game of football.

5.The club is very active in ________ and it has been a large factor in Leicester's rise to the top 50 most populous urban areas in England.

A. community projects

B. team building activities

C. fundraising events

D. political activities


1.正确答案是:B. 1884


2.正确答案是:A. It has a strong defense.


3.正确答案是:B. 2012

第二段提到Jamie Vardy自从2012年加入以来一直是球队的领军得分手,因此他自2012年以来一直是莱切斯特城足球俱乐部的成员,答案为B。

4.正确答案是:C. They are very loyal and enthusiastic fans of the team.

文章中提到"The club's fans are also known for their loyalty and enthusiasm",说明莱切斯特城足球俱乐部的球迷以忠诚和热情而闻名,因此可以推断出答案为C,即他们是球队非常忠诚和热情的球迷。

5.正确答案是:A. community projects


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