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If you want to learn a new language, the best way is to go to the country that speaks that language. English is a language that is important for everyone to learn because it is spoken by over 300 million people in the world. It is the language of international trade and travel.

The following are some benefits of learning English:

You can communicate with people from all over the world.

You can read books, newspapers, and magazines in English.

You can understand and enjoy English movies and music.

You can use English to complete tasks at work or school.

You can improve your job opportunities by knowing English.

In conclusion, learning English is an important skill that everyone should have. It is not only a language that is spoken by over 300 million people in the world, but also a language that is important for international trade and travel. By knowing English, you can communicate with people from all over the world, read books and newspapers in English, understand and enjoy English movies and music, complete tasks at work or school, and improve your job opportunities. Therefore, if you want to learn a new language, the best place to do so is in the country that speaks that language.

1.The author's main purpose in writing this passage is to _______.

A. discuss the importance of learning English

B. encourage the reader to learn a new language

C. persuade the reader to travel to English-speaking countries

D. provide information about the benefits of learning English

2.In paragraph 3, the author suggests that learning English can help you _______.

A. complete tasks at work or school

B. travel around the world without any difficulties

C. find better job opportunities

D. all of the above

3.According to paragraph 2, what is one benefit of learning English?

A. You can use English to complete tasks at work or school.

B. You can travel to other countries without any difficulties.

C. You can find better job opportunities.

D. You can easily get a job in an international company.

4.In paragraph 2, the author writes that learning English can help you _______.

A. travel around the world without any difficulties

B. complete tasks at work or school without any difficulties

C. understand and enjoy English movies and music without any difficultiesD. all of the above


1.正确答案是: A. discuss the importance of learning English。文章主要讨论了学习英语的重要性,并强调了去说英语的国家学习英语是最好的方式。因此,作者的主要目的是讨论学习英语的重要性。选项A符合题意。

2. 正确答案是:D. all of the above。第三段中提到了学习英语可以帮助你在工作或学习中完成任务、与世界各地的人交流、阅读英文书籍和报纸、欣赏英文电影和音乐等。因此,选项D“所有上述选项”是正确的答案。

3. 正确答案是:C. You can find better job opportunities。第二段提到学习英语可以提高就业机会,因此这是学习英语的一个好处。选项C提到了这一点,因此是正确答案。

4. 正确答案是:D. all of the above 正确答案是:A. travel around the world without any difficulties。第二段中提到:“通过学习英语,你可以轻松地周游世界”,因此选项A“在世界各地旅行毫无困难”是正确的答案。


My name is John. I have a big family. I have three brothers and three sisters. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They are very busy with their work.

I am the oldest child in my family. I often help my parents with the housework. I cook dinner and clean the house. My younger sister, Emily, also helps with the housework. She often helps me clean the house.

My two younger brothers are twins. They are in the same grade, but they are different in many ways. For example, one of them is good at math and the other is good at English. They both like to play basketball, but they don't always play together. Sometimes they argue(争吵).

My two other sisters are both older than me. They are in different grades. One of them is a doctor and the other is a teacher. They both work very hard.

We often have family dinners together on the weekends. My parents like to cook and my brothers and sisters like to help. I usually don't cook because I am not very good at it, but I like to help clean up after the meal.

1.How many brothers and sisters does John have?

A. Two brothers and three sisters

B. Three brothers and two sisters

C. Four brothers and one sister

D. One brother and four sisters

2.Who cooks dinner in John's family?

A. John's father and mother

B. John and Emily

C. Emily

D. John's mother

3.What do John's two younger brothers like to do?

A. Play basketball together

B. argue with each other

C. Both A and B

D. Help with the housework

4.Who is not good at cooking in John's family?

A. John

B. Emily

C. One of John's two younger brothers

D. One of John's two older sisters

5.What do John's two older sisters do for a living?

A. They are both teachers

B. They are both doctors

C. One is a teacher and one is a doctor

D. One is a doctor and one is a lawyer


1.正确答案是:B. Three brothers and two sisters

根据文章中"I have three brothers and three sisters"可知,John有三个兄弟和三个姐妹,因此总共有六个兄弟姐妹,选项B中的"Three brothers and two sisters"与原文不符,其他选项也与原文不符。因此,正确答案是B。

2.正确答案是:D. John's mother

在文章中提到,“My parents like to cook and my brothers and sisters like to help. I usually don't cook because I am not very good at it”,说明John的父母喜欢做饭,而兄弟姐妹们喜欢帮忙。而John自己不擅长做饭,因此可以推断出John家里做饭的人是他的母亲。因此,正确答案是D。

3.正确答案是:C. Both A and B


4.正确答案是:A. John


5.正确答案是:C. One is a teacher and one is a doctor



One day, while walking along the river, I saw a boat floating towards me. As it got closer, I realized it was carrying a group of people. I could see that they were chanting and dancing. I asked one of the people on the boat what they were doing and he replied, "We're going to have a boat party."

I decided to join them and we set off towards the middle of the river. The boat was decorated with balloons and streamers. The music was loud and everyone was singing and dancing. It was a great atmosphere.

After a while, I decided to go for a swim. I jumped into the water and started swimming. It was a refreshing feeling. I looked back at the boat and everyone was waving at me. I waved back and continued swimming.

Later, I got back on the boat and we continued to party. Everyone was having a great time. The music was so loud that we couldn't hear each other speak. But no one minded because we were all enjoying ourselves.

Finally, it was time to go home. We said our goodbyes and got ready to leave. I hopped into my car and drove away. I looked back and saw the boat still floating on the river. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.

1.What was the first person the author met on the boat?

A. The captain.

B. One of the passengers.

C. The boat owner.

D. None of the above.

2.What does the author remember most about the boat party?

A. The music and dancing.

B. The refreshing swim.

C. The decorations on the boat.

D. The perfect ending of the day.

3.When did the author decide to join the boat party?

A. While walking along the river.

B. When he saw the boat carrying a group of people.

C. After he saw the boat was decorated with balloons and streamers.

D. After he heard the music and everyone was singing and dancing.

4.What does the author remember least about the boat party?

A. The noise level of the music.

B. The decorations on the boat.

C. The number of people on the boat.

D. The name of the river where the boat party took place.


1.答案:B. One of the passengers.


2.答案:A. The music and dancing.

在文章第二段中,作者提到“It was a great atmosphere.”,表明作者记得当时的氛围非常好,音乐和舞蹈都非常热闹,因此选项A是正确答案。

3.答案:D. After he heard the music and everyone was singing and dancing.


4.答案:D. The name of the river where the boat party took place.



One day, a poor boy who was trying to make a living selling goods from door to door, knocked on the door of a rich man's house. The rich man, Mr. Benson, opened the door and told the boy to leave. The boy, whose name was Tom, begged Mr. Benson to let him in, but the rich man refused and ordered him to go away.

Tom begged and begged, but Mr. Benson just wouldn't listen. Finally, Mr. Benson got so angry that he shouted at Tom to leave, or he would call the police. Tom, who was afraid of the police, decided to leave. But before he left, he looked at Mr. Benson and said, "You may be rich, but you are not very smart. I will prove it to you one day."

Tom left and continued selling goods from door to door. A few days later, Mr. Benson realized that his expensive gold watch had been stolen. He immediately called the police and they came to investigate. They asked him if anyone had seen the watch, but Mr. Benson couldn't remember whether anyone had come to his house in the past few days.

The police officers were about to leave when Tom suddenly appeared at the door. He had heard the conversation through the window and decided to help Mr. Benson find the thief. Tom told the police that he had seen Mr. Benson's watch and that the thief was a neighbor of Mr. Benson's named Mr. Smith.

The police officers immediately went to Mr. Smith's house and found the stolen watch hidden in a secret place. Mr. Benson was very grateful to Tom for helping him find his watch and for catching the thief. He offered Tom a reward of $100, but Tom refused to accept it, saying that he had only done what was right.

1.What do you think Tom meant by saying "You may be rich, but you are not very smart."?

A. He thought Mr. Benson was not very clever for not letting him in.

B. He thought Mr. Benson was foolish for being rich but not using his money to help others.

C. He thought Mr. Benson was selfish for not sharing his wealth with others.

D. He thought Mr. Benson was stupid for not realizing that he would need help in the future.

2.Why did Tom decide to help Mr. Benson find his watch?

A. He wanted to prove that Mr. Benson was not very smart for not recognizing him as a good person.

B. He wanted to prove that he was a smart person by catching the thief and getting Mr. Benson's watch back.

C. He thought it was his duty as a good neighbor to help Mr. Benson in his time of need.

D. He thought it would be easy to catch the thief and get Mr. Benson's watch back as a reward for not accepting the $100 offered by Mr. Benson.

3.Why did Tom refuse to accept the $100 reward offered by Mr. Benson?

A. He thought the reward was too small for his efforts in catching the thief and getting Mr. Benson's watch back.

B. He thought it was not right to accept money for doing what was right and helping a neighbor in need.

C. He thought it would be disrespectful to accept money from Mr. Benson after accusing him of being unwise.

D. He thought it would be illegal to accept money for catching a thief who had stolen Mr. Benson's property

4.What can we learn from this story?

A. We should not be selfish and try to help others when they need it.

B. We should not judge people by their wealth or status.

C. We should always be kind to others and offer help when needed.

D. We should not be afraid to speak up and stand up for what is right.

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A. "A Neighborhood Watchdog"

B. "A Boy's Promise"

C. "Smart and Generous"

D. "The Reward of Doing the Right Thing"



Tom对Mr. Benson说了“你可能很富有,但你不是很聪明”,这表明他认为Mr. Benson不让他进屋的做法是不够聪明的。因此,答案为A。


Tom认为作为一位好邻居,他有责任在Mr. Benson需要帮助的时候伸出援手。因此,他决定帮助Mr. Benson找到他的手表。这表明他是一个善良、有责任心的人,而且他的行为是基于正义感而非金钱奖励。因此,答案为C。


Tom拒绝了Mr. Benson提供的100美元奖励,因为他认为接受奖励是不对的。他只是做了他认为是正确的事情。因此,答案为B。






My name is David. I'm from the UK. I live in the countryside now, but I was born in a big city. I love living in the countryside. The air is clean and the sky is blue. I have a big garden and I grow vegetables and flowers there. I also have a dog and a cat. They are my best friends and they make me happy.

1.Where does David come from?

A. The UK.

B. The US.

C. China.

D. Australia.

2.Where does David live now?

A. In the countryside.

B. In the city.

C. In the suburbs.

D. In the forest.

3.What does David love doing in his free time?

A. Reading books.

B. Watching TV.

C. Playing computer games.

D. Gardening and looking after his pets.

4.Why does David like living in the countryside?

A. Because he likes to grow vegetables and flowers there.

B. Because he has a big garden there.

C. Because the air is clean and the sky is blue there.

D. Because he has a dog and a cat there.

5.What are David's best friends?

A. His parents.

B. His pets.

C. His classmates.

D. His teachers.


1.正确答案是:A. The UK.

根据原文“I'm from the UK.”可知David来自英国,因此答案为A。

2.正确答案是:A. In the countryside.

原文中提到“I live in the countryside now”,即David现在住在乡下,因此答案为A。

3.正确答案是:D. Gardening and looking after his pets.

原文中提到“I also have a dog and a cat. They are my best friends and they make me happy.”,说明David在业余时间喜欢养花和照顾宠物,因此答案为D。

4.正确答案是:C. Because the air is clean and the sky is blue there.

原文中提到“The air is clean and the sky is blue”,说明David喜欢乡下的空气和天空,因此选择C。

5.正确答案是:B. His pets.

原文中提到“They are my best friends and they make me happy.”说明David的最好的朋友是他的宠物,因此答案为B。


In the future, people will live to be 200 years old. They won't need to go to school or work. They will only stay at home and enjoy life.

In the future, people won't use money. Everything will be free. They won't need to buy food or clothes. There will be a robot in every home. The robot will do all the work. People won't need to do any housework or cooking. They will only need to enjoy themselves.

In the future, people will only work three days a week. They will have a lot of free time. They won't need to work hard. They will only do what they want to do.

In the future, people will only eat one meal a day. They will only eat in the evening. They won't need to cook because there will be a robot to do it for them. The robot will make different kinds of food for them. The food will be healthy and delicious.

In the future, people will only have one child. They won't need to worry about the environment or the future of their children. The world will be a better place to live in.

1、In the future, people _______.

A. won't go to school or work

B. won't use money

C. will only work three days a week

D. will only have one child

2、In the future, people _______ in every home.

A. will have a robot B. won't have a robot

C. won't use money D. won't need to buy food or clothes

3、In the future, people _______.

A. will do what they want to do B. will have a lot of free time

C. will only eat one meal a day D. won't need to work hard

/4、The robot in every home _______.

A. will do all the work B. won't need to cook

C. won't need to go to school D. won't need to buy food or clothes

5、The world in the future _______.

A. won't be a better place to live in B. will be full of robots

C. will only have one child D. will be easy to control the population growth


1、正确答案是:B. won't use money


2、正确答案是:A. will have a robot


3、正确答案是:B. will have a lot of free time


4、正确答案是:A. will do all the work


5、正确答案是:D. will be easy to control the population growth



One day, while I was walking home from school, I saw a little girl crying by the side of the road. She was lost and didn't know how to get back to her parents. I decided to help her. I asked her where her parents were and she said she didn't know. So I took her to the police station and reported her missing. The police officers were very helpful and they called the girl's parents. After a while, the girl's parents came to the police station and took her home. They were very grateful to me for helping their daughter.

1.What did the girl do when she was lost?

A. She called her parents.

B. She asked a policeman for help.

C. She cried by the side of the road.

D. She walked home alone.

2.What did the writer do when he saw the girl crying?

A. He asked her to stop crying.

B. He helped her find her parents.

C. He took her to the police station.

D. He comforted her and sent her home.

3.Why did the girl's parents come to the police station?

A. To thank the writer for helping their daughter.

B. To ask the police officers to find their daughter.

C. To report their daughter missing.

D. To take their daughter home from the police station.

4.What can we learn from the story?

A. It's important to help others when they are in need.

B. The police are always there to help us in need.

C. We should never get lost in a strange place.

D. Parents should always stay with their children.

5.What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Helping Others Is Important

B. A Lost Girl Found Her Way Home

C. The Police Station: A Safe Place to Go

D. A brave Writerrescueda Little Girl


1.C。文章中提到“One day, while I was walking home from school, I saw a little girl crying by the side of the road.”(一天,当我从学校走回家的路上,我看到一个小女孩在路边哭。)因此,这个小女孩在迷路的时候选择了在路边哭泣。答案为C。

2.C。文章中提到“So I took her to the police station and reported her missing.”(所以我带她去了警察局,报了她的失踪。)因此,作者看到女孩哭泣后带她去了警察局,并报告了她失踪的情况。答案为C。

3.D。文章中提到“After a while, the girl's parents came to the police station and took her home.”(过了一会儿,女孩的父母来到警察局,带她回家。)因此,女孩的父母来警察局是为了接他们的女儿回家。答案为D。




One day, a man was walking along the beach when he found a bottle. He opened it and a genie came out. The genie promised to grant him three wishes. The man thought for a moment and said, "I want a new boat." The genie said, "Okay, you have a new boat." The man was very happy and said, "I want to be the best-known sailor in the world."

The genie said, "Okay, you are now the best-known sailor in the world." The man was very excited and said, "I want to be the richest man in the world." The genie said, "Okay, you are now the richest man in the world." But the man said, "No, I changed my mind. I don't want to be the richest man in the world. I want to be happy." The genie said, "Okay, you are now happy." The man smiled and said, "Thank you, genie. You have given me what I really wanted."

1.What did the man find on the beach?

A. A bottle.

B. A genie.

C. A new boat.

D. A rich man.

2.What did the genie offer the man?

A. Three wishes.

B. A new boat.

C. Riches.

D. Happiness.

3.Why did the man change his third wish?

A. He wanted to be happy instead of rich.

B. He didn't like being the richest man in the world.

C. He was already rich and didn't need any more money.

D. He didn't want to be famous anymore.

4.What did the genie give the man in the end?

A. Riches.

B. Happiness.

C. Fame.

D. A new boat.

5.What does this story tell us?

A. We should always be happy and never worry about money or fame.

B. We should always have enough money and never worry about anything else.

C. We should always follow our dreams and never give up easily.

D. We should always be careful what we wish for because wishes have consequences.


1.A。文章中提到“One day, a man was walking along the beach when he found a bottle.”(一天,一个男人在海滩上散步时发现了一个瓶子。)因此,这个男人在海滩上发现了一个瓶子。答案为A。

2.A。文章中提到“The genie promised to grant him three wishes.”(精灵答应给他三个愿望。)因此,精灵给这个男人三个愿望。答案为A。

3.A。文章中提到“But the man said, 'No, I changed my mind. I don't want to be the richest man in the world. I want to be happy.'”(但是这个人说:“不,我改变主意了。我不想成为世界上最富有的人。我想快乐。”)因此,这个人改变了他的第三个愿望是因为他想要快乐而不是富有。答案为A。

4.B。文章中提到“The genie said, 'Okay, you are now happy.'”(精灵说:“好的,你现在很快乐。”)因此,最后精灵给这个男人的是幸福。答案为B。



One day, I decided to explore a new city. I packed my bags and set off on my adventure. As I walked through the city, I noticed that it was full of history and culture. I visited many different places, including museums, art galleries, and historical buildings. I also tried the local food and found it to be delicious. The people were friendly and helpful, and I made some new friends. Overall, the experience was very enjoyable and made me appreciate the city even more.

1.Why did the author decide to explore a new city?

A. Because he wanted to try the local food.

B. Because he was interested in history and culture.

C. Because he wanted to make new friends.

D. Because he needed a break from his daily routine.

2.What did the author notice about the city?

A. It was full of history and culture.

B. It had many beautiful buildings.

C. It had a lot of friendly people.

D. It had delicious food.

3.What places did the author visit during his stay in the city?

A. Only the local restaurants.

B. Only the historical buildings.

C. Many different places, including museums, art galleries, and historical buildings.

D. Just his friend's houses.

4.What did the author think of the local food?

A. It was delicious.

B. It was not good for his health.

C. It was too expensive.

D. It was not good at all.

5.What does the author say about the people in the city?

A. They were unfriendly and unhelpful.

B. They were not interested in history or culture.

C. They were friendly and helpful, and he made some new friends there.

D. They were all old and lonely.


D。文章中提到“I decided to explore a new city”,说明作者想要探索一个新城市,以打破日常生活的常规。因此,答案是D。

A。文章中提到“As I walked through the city, I noticed that it was full of history and culture”,说明作者注意到这个城市充满了历史和文化。因此,答案是A。

C。文章中提到“I visited many different places,including museums,art galleries,and historical buildings”,说明作者参观了许多不同的地方,包括博物馆、艺术画廊和历史建筑。因此,答案是C。

A。文章中提到“I also tried the local food and found it to be delicious”,说明作者认为当地的食物很好吃。因此,答案是A。

C。文章中提到“The people were friendly and helpful,and I made some new friends”,说明作者认为这个城市的人很友好、乐于助人,并且作者在那里结交了一些新朋友。因此,答案是C。


Tom loved reading books. One day, he found a bookshop near his house. He was very happy because he could buy books easily. The next day, he went to the bookshop and bought a science book. The book was very interesting. He read it every day. After a week, he finished the book and decided to buy another one. This time, he chose a storybook. It was even more interesting than the science book. Tom liked it very much and couldn't put it down.

1.Tom's hobby was _______.

A. buying books

B. reading books

C. selling books

D. writing books

2.How did Tom feel when he found the bookshop?

A. Sad.

B. Angry.

C. Happy.

D. Surprised.

3.What kind of book did Tom buy first?

A. A science book.

B. A storybook.

C. A novel.

D. A comic book.

4.How long did it take Tom to finish the science book?

A. A day.

B. A week.

C. A month.

D. A year.

5.Which book did Tom like better?

A. The science book.

B. The storybook.

C. Both books were the same.

D. We don't know.


1.B。短文中明确提到“Tom loved reading books”,说明Tom的爱好是读书。

2.C。短文中提到“He was very happy because he could buy books easily”,说明Tom发现书店后感到很高兴。

3.A。短文中提到“he went to the bookshop and bought a science book”,说明Tom第一次买的是一本科学书。

4.B。短文中提到“After a week, he finished the book”,说明Tom用了一周的时间读完了这本科学书。

5.B。短文中提到“This time, he chose a storybook. It was even more interesting than the science book. Tom liked it very much”,说明Tom更喜欢故事书。


Once upon a time, there was a poor boy named Jack. He had nothing but a small cabin and a piece of land. One day, he found a magic beans in his field. Jack was very excited and decided to plant them.

The beans grew into a huge beanstalk. Jack climbed up and found a beautiful castle at the top. The castle belonged to a giant. The giant's wife was even more scary. She had big eyes and sharp teeth. She was planning to cook and eat Jack for dinner.

Jack was very scared, but he quickly thought of a plan to escape. He tricked the giant and the giant's wife into chasing him. Jack ran down the beanstalk as fast as he could. When the giant and his wife finally realized the trick, they were too late. Jack had already reached the ground safely.

1.What did Jack have?

A. A big house and a piece of land.

B. A small cabin and a piece of land.

C. Only a piece of land.

D. Only a small cabin.

2.What did Jack find in his field?

A. A magic beanstalk.

B. A magic castle.

C. A magic bean.

D. A magic piece of land.

3.What did the castle belong to?

A. The giant's wife.

B. The giant.

C. Jack.

D. The landlord.

4.Why did Jack run down the beanstalk?

A. Because he was late for dinner.

B. Because he wanted to play hide-and-seek with the giant and his wife.

C. Because he was chased by the giant and his wife.

D. Because he found a treasure at the bottom of the beanstalk.

5.Who were planning to cook and eat Jack for dinner?

A. The giant and his wife.

B. The landlord and his wife.

C. The townspeople.

D. The giant's neighbors.


1.B。短文中提到“He had nothing but a small cabin and a piece of land”,说明Jack只有一个小木屋和一块土地。因此,答案是B。

2.C。短文中提到“One day, he found a magic beans in his field”,说明Jack在他的地里发现了一颗神奇的豆子。因此,答案是C。

3.B。短文中提到“The castle belonged to a giant”,说明城堡属于一个巨人。因此,答案是B。

4.C。短文中提到“Jack was very scared, but he quickly thought of a plan to escape...Jack ran down the beanstalk as fast as he could”,说明Jack因为害怕而决定逃跑,因此他快速地跑下了豆茎。因此,答案是C。

5.A。短文中提到“The giant's wife was even more scary...She was planning to cook and eat Jack for dinner”,说明是巨人夫妇打算煮了Jack吃,因此答案是A。


Friendship is one of the most valuable relationships in life. It provides a sense of belonging and happiness. Here are some of the powerful benefits of friendship.

Support and Comfort: Friends are there to celebrate each other's successes and provide comfort during hard times. They offer a shoulder to cry on and words of encouragement.

Growth and Development: Friends challenge each other to become better people. They provide feedback and help each other learn new things. This helps us to grow both personally and professionally.

Shared Experiences: Good friends share similar interests and experiences, which creates a deeper bond between them. These shared experiences create memories and strengthen the friendship.

Health Benefits: Having strong friendships can improve our mental and physical health. research has shown that strong social connections can reduce stress, improve immune system function, and even lengthen lifespan.

Meeting New Opportunities: Friends often introduce us to new people, places, and experiences. This opens up new opportunities for growth and discovery, which we might not have had otherwise.

In conclusion, the power of friendship is immeasurable. It enriches our lives in countless ways, providing us with emotional support, growth opportunities, and a sense of belonging. We should cherish our friends and the bond we share.


1、What is the main idea of the article?

A. The importance of family relationships.

B. The power of friendship in our lives.

C. How to make new friends.

D. The benefits of being alone.

2、Which of the following is NOT a benefit of friendship?

A. Emotional support

B. Reduced stress levels

C. Meeting new people

D. Shared interests

3、According to the article, which of the following is NOT a reason why friends help each other learn new things?

A. They want to see each other succeed.

B. They enjoy learning new things together.

C. They feel it is their duty to help each other.

D. They provide feedback to one another.

4、The word "bond" in the article refers to ___.

A. a relationship between people who are not friends

B. a special connection between friends

C. something that joins or attaches things together

D. an agreement to do something together

5、The article suggests that we should ___.

A. avoid making new friends

B. not rely on our friends for emotional support

C. not share our experiences with our friends

D. cherish our friends and the bond we share









【解析】文章中提到“These shared experiences create memories and strengthen the friendship.”,说明“bond”指的是朋友之间的特殊连接或友谊。因此,答案是B。




Once upon a time, a teacher asked her students to write a story about "The power of Perseverance". Here's the story they wrote.

Once upon a time, there was a little ant that wanted to reach the other side of a huge river. The river was very wide, and the current was strong, but the little ant was determined to reach its goal.

The first day, the little ant began to cross the river. It tried hard, but the current was too strong and it couldn't make it to the other side. It didn't give up. Instead, it decided to return to the bank and rest.

The second day, the little ant tried again. It used all its strength to swim against the current, but still couldn't reach the other side. It didn't lose hope. It knew that perseverance was key to achieving its goal.

On the third day, the little ant woke up early and began its journey again. This time, it was more determined than ever. It pushed through the current with all its might and finally made it to the other side! The little ant was overjoyed and celebrated its victory.

The moral of the story is that perseverance is essential in achieving our goals. Just like the little ant, we must never give up, even when faced with difficulties. With perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve success.

1、The story is mainly about ____.

A. an ant crossing a river

B. overcoming obstacles with perseverance

C. a teacher asking her students to write a story

D. the importance of rest during a long journey

2、On the first day, the little ant ____.

A. succeeded in crossing the river

B. gave up trying because it was too tired

C. couldn't make it to the other side of the river

D. swam against the current without any difficulty

3、On the third day, the little ant ____.

A. lost hope and returned to the bank

B. gave up trying because it was too weak

C. finally made it to the other side of the river

D. couldn't swim against the current

4、The little ant celebrated its victory because ____.

A. it had finally reached its goal

B. it had found a new home on the other side

C. it had made new friends on the way

D. it had gathered enough food for winter

5、The moral of the story is that ____.

A. ants are stronger than any other animal

B. we should always stay on the bank and rest

C. we should give up when faced with difficulties

D. perseverance is key to achieving our goals


1、正确答案是:B. overcoming obstacles with perseverance


2、正确答案是:C. couldn't make it to the other side of the river

根据原文“It tried hard,but the current was too strong and it couldn't make it to the other side.”可知,小蚂蚁第一天没能成功过河,因此答案为C。

3、正确答案是:C. finally made it to the other side of the river


4、正确答案是:A. it had finally reached its goal

在文章中提到“It finally made it to the other side!”,意思是小蚂蚁最终到达了对岸,因此它庆祝胜利是因为它终于实现了自己的目标。所以答案为A。

5、正确答案是:D. perseverance is key to achieving our goals

文章中提到“The moral of the story is that perseverance is essential in achieving our goals”,即故事告诉我们坚持不懈是实现目标的关键。因此,答案为D。


In the future, people will have robots in their homes. These robots will help people do many things, like cooking, cleaning and looking after children.

Robots will also be used in factories. They can do heavy and difficult jobs. They will not get tired and they will not need to have a rest. This will help people a lot.

But robots will not do everything. They cannot think or feel. They are only machines, so they will never replace (取代) human beings.

( ) 1. Robots will help people do many things in the ____.

A. past B. future C. present D. before

( ) 2. Robots can do ____ jobs in factories.

A. easy B. light C. difficult D. interesting

( ) 3. Robots will not get tired because they are ____.

A. humans B. strong C. machines D. clever

( ) 4. What does the word "replace" mean in Chinese?

A. 修理 B. 复制 C. 取代 D. 发明

( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Robots can think and feel.

B. Robots will replace human beings.

C. Robots will help people do many things.

D. Robots can do everything.


1、正确答案是:B. future

在文章中提到“In the future,people will have robots in their homes.”,意思是“在未来,人们将在家中有机器人。”因此,答案是B,即“未来”。

2、正确答案是:C. difficult

根据题干中的句子“Robots can do heavy and difficult jobs”可知,机器人可以做重活和难活,因此选项C“difficult”是正确答案。

3、正确答案是:C. machines D. clever

在文章中提到“They are only machines”,意思是“它们只是机器”,因此它们不会感到累。因此,选项C“machines”是正确答案。

4、正确答案是:C. 取代

在文章最后一段中提到:“They are only machines,so they will never replace human beings.”,意思是“它们只是机器,所以它们永远不会取代人类。”因此,根据上下文和语境,可以推断出“replace”在这里的意思是“取代”。

5、正确答案是:C. Robots will help people do many things.

在文章第一段中提到:“In the future,people will have robots in their homes. These robots will help people do many things,like cooking,cleaning and looking after children.”(在未来,人们将在家中有机器人。这些机器人将帮助人们做很多事情,比如做饭、打扫和照顾孩子。)因此,选项C“机器人将帮助人们做很多事情”是正确的。


Our school library is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day. You can borrow books or magazines there. But you can't take them out of the library. You must read them in the reading room. And you can't lend them to others.

To borrow books, you need a library card. You can get a card from the library office. You need to write your name and class on the card.

The library has many kinds of books, such as storybooks, science books, history books and so on. You can choose the ones you are interested in.

The library is a good place to study. It's quiet there. You can read books or do homework there.

( ) 6. The school library is open for ____ hours a day.

A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9

( ) 7. You can't take the books out of the library. You must read them in the ____.

A. classroom B. office C. library D. reading room

( ) 8. To borrow books, you need a ____.

A. book B. magazine C. card D. room

( ) 9. The library has many kinds of books, such as ____ books, ____ books and ____ books.

A. story; science; history B. story; history; science

C. science; history; story D. history; story; science

( ) 10. What's the best title for the passage?

A. Our School B. The School Library

C. Borrow Books D. Do Homework


6、正确答案是:C. 8

根据原文"Our school library is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day."可知,学校图书馆每天从早上9点到下午5点开放,共开放8个小时,因此答案为C。

7、正确答案是:D. reading room

在原文中提到:“But you can't take them out of the library. You must read them in the reading room.”(但是你不能把它们带出图书馆。你必须在阅览室阅读。)因此,答案为D,即阅览室。

8、正确答案是:C. card

在原文中提到:“To borrow books,you need a library card.”(要借书,你需要一张图书馆借书证。)因此,正确答案是C,即借书证。

9、正确答案是:B. story; history; science

在原文中提到“The library has many kinds of books,such as storybooks,science books,history books and so on.”,意思是图书馆有很多种类的书,如故事书、科学书、历史书等等。因此,正确答案是B,即故事书、历史书和科学书。

10、正确答案是:B. The School Library

文章主要介绍了学校图书馆的情况,包括开放时间、借书方式、书籍种类等,因此最适合的标题是“The School Library”(学校图书馆)。其他选项如“Our School”(我们的学校)、“Borrow Books”(借书)和“Do Homework”(做作业)都没有直接涉及文章的主要内容。


Last Sunday, we went to the beach. The weather was sunny and the sea was calm. We took a lot of things with us, like towels, sun cream, and swimming suits.

At the beach, we first built a sand castle. Then we went swimming. The sea was very clear and the water was warm. We played in the water for a long time.

After that, we had a picnic on the beach. We ate sandwiches, fruits, and drank some cold drinks. It was really delicious!

In the afternoon, we played volleyball. I was in the team with my brother. We played very hard, but we lost the game. However, we still had a great time.

Finally, we packed up our things and went home. It was a wonderful day at the beach!

( ) 11. What did the weather look like last Sunday?

A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. D. Windy.

( ) 12. What did they first do at the beach?

A. They went swimming. B. They played volleyball.

C. They built a sand castle. D. They had a picnic.

( ) 13. What did they eat for their picnic?

A. Pizza and hamburgers. B. Sandwiches and fruits.

C. Noodles and vegetables. D. Ice cream and chocolate.

( ) 14. Who was the writer in the volleyball team with?

A. His sister. B. His brother. C. His father. D. His mother.

( ) 15. How did the writer feel about the day at the beach?

A. Terrible. B. Boring. C. Wonderful. D. Sad.


11、正确答案是:C. Sunny.

在原文中明确提到:“The weather was sunny”,即天气是晴朗的,因此选项C“Sunny”是正确答案。

12、正确答案是:C. They built a sand castle.

在文章第二段第一句话中提到:“At the beach,we first built a sand castle.”,意思是“在海滩上,我们首先建了一个沙堡。”因此,答案是C。

13、正确答案是:B. Sandwiches and fruits.

在文章第三段中提到:“We ate sandwiches,fruits,and drank some cold drinks.”,意思是“我们吃了三明治、水果,还喝了一些冷饮。”因此,他们在野餐时吃的是三明治和水果,选项B是正确答案。

14、正确答案是:B. His brother.

在文章第四段中提到:“I was in the team with my brother.”,意思是“我和我的兄弟在一个队里。”因此,作者和他的兄弟一起在排球队里,选项B是正确答案。

15、正确答案是:C. Wonderful.

在文章最后一段中提到:“Finally,we packed up our things and went home. It was a wonderful day at the beach!”,意思是“最后,我们收拾好东西回家了。在海滩上度过了一天美好的时光!”。因此,作者对在海滩上的这一天感觉非常好,认为这是一个美好的一天。所以答案是C。


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you energy for the morning and helps you concentrate in class. But do you know what a healthy breakfast should include?

First, a healthy breakfast should have some protein. You can get protein from foods like eggs, milk, and yogurt. Protein helps your body grow and repair itself.

Second, a healthy breakfast should include some fiber. Fiber comes from foods like whole-grain bread and cereal. It helps your digestive system work well.

Lastly, a healthy breakfast should have some fruit or vegetables. They provide vitamins and minerals that are essential for your health.

So, remember to include these three things in your breakfast: protein, fiber, and fruit or vegetables. A healthy breakfast will help you start the day off right!

( ) 16. What is the most important meal of the day?

A. Lunch. B. Dinner. C. Breakfast. D. Snack.

( ) 17. What helps your body grow and repair itself?

A. Protein. B. Fiber. C. Vitamins. D. Minerals.

( ) 18. Where does fiber come from?

A. Eggs. B. Milk. C. Whole-grain bread. D. Fruit.

( ) 19. What do fruit and vegetables provide?

A. Protein. B. Fiber. C. Vitamins and minerals. D. Energy.

( ) 20. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The importance of breakfast.

B. The types of breakfast.

C. How to make a healthy breakfast.

D. The benefits of a healthy breakfast.


16、正确答案是:C. Breakfast.

在文章第一段中明确提到“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”,即早餐是一天中最重要的一餐,因此C选项是正确的。

17、正确答案是:A. Protein.


18、正确答案是:C. Whole-grain bread.


19、正确答案是:C. Vitamins and minerals.


20、正确答案是:A. The importance of breakfast.



Welcome to our city zoo! Here you can see many interesting animals.

In the lion house, you can see two big lions. They are from Africa. They like to sleep a lot during the day, but at night they are active. They can run very fast and jump high.

In the elephant house, there is a big elephant. It's from Asia. It has a long nose and big ears. It eats a lot of grass and trees every day.

Near the elephant house, there is a monkey mountain. Many monkeys are playing there. Some are climbing trees, some are jumping up and down, and others are eating fruits.

There is also a bird house. You can see many beautiful birds there. Some are singing, some are flying, and some are standing on the branches.

Come and see these animals. You will have a great time here!

( ) 21. How many lions are there in the lion house?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

( ) 22. Where are the lions from?

A. Asia. B. Africa. C. Europe. D. America.

( ) 23. What does the elephant eat every day?

A. A lot of meat. B. A lot of grass and trees.

C. A lot of fruits. D. A lot of fish.

( ) 24. What are the monkeys doing on the monkey mountain?

A. They are playing. B. They are eating.

C. They are sleeping. D. They are climbing.

( ) 25. What can you do in the city zoo?

A. See many interesting animals. B. Play with the animals.

C. Climb the trees. D. Eat a lot of fruits.


21、正确答案是:B. Two.


22、正确答案是:B. Africa.


23、正确答案是:B. A lot of grass and trees.


24、正确答案是:A. They are playing.


25、正确答案是:A. See many interesting animals.



In a small town, there is a unique bookstore. It's not just a place to buy books, but also a meeting point for the community. The owner, Mr. Smith, is a passionate booklover who believes that books have the power to change lives.

The interior of the bookstore is filled with bookshelves containing a wide variety of books. From classic literature to the latest fiction, there's something for everyone. Mr. Smith often recommends books to customers based on their interests.

One of the bookstore's most popular features is its reading area. comfortable seats and soft lights create an ideal atmosphere for reading. Customers can choose a book, sit back, and immerse themselves in a different world.

The bookstore also hosts regular events such as book signings, author meet-and-greets, and even workshops on writing. These events attract booklovers from all over the town, making the bookstore a hub of cultural activity.

Mr. Smith's passion for books and his commitment to the community have made the bookstore a beloved institution. It's not just a place to buy books; it's a place where people come together, share their passions, and find solace in the pages of a book.

1、What kind of place is the bookstore according to the passage?

A. Just a place to buy books.

B. A meeting point for the community.

C. A place for cultural activities only.

D. A place for book signings and workshops.

2、What does Mr. Smith do in the bookstore?

A. He is a bookkeeper.

B. He is a bookseller.

C. He is a book reviewer.

D. He is a book publisher.

3、What is the most popular feature of the bookstore?

A. The variety of books.

B. The comfortable seats.

C. The reading area.

D. The regular events.

4、What does the underlined word "immerse" in the passage mean?

A. Sink into.

B. Look into.

C. Jump into.

D. Break into.

5、What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. The bookstore is a popular institution.

B. The bookstore is a place for book signings.

C. The bookstore is only for booklovers.

D. The bookstore is a place for cultural events.


1、正确答案是:B. A meeting point for the community.


2、正确答案是:B. He is a bookseller.

在文章第二段中提到,店主Mr. Smith是一个热情的书籍爱好者,他经常根据顾客的兴趣推荐书籍。由此可以推断,Mr. Smith是一名书籍销售员,因此选项B是正确答案。

3、正确答案是:C. The reading area.


4、正确答案是:A. Sink into.


5、正确答案是:A. The bookstore is a popular institution.

最后一段提到,Mr. Smith对书籍的热爱和对社区的承诺使书店成为了一个备受喜爱的机构。因此,可以推断出书店是一个受欢迎的机构,选项A正确。其他选项在文章中并未明确提到。


Reading is a magical thing. It takes you to places you have never been and introduces you to people you have never met. Whether you're reading a novel, a history book, or a science textbook, you're always learning something new.

One of the best things about reading is that it can transport you to another world. imagine sitting in your room, but feeling like you're in the middle of a dense forest or walking on the moon. Reading allows you to experience things that are impossible in real life.

Reading also helps you understand people from different cultures and backgrounds. When you read a book written by someone from another country, you get a glimpse into their way of life, their beliefs, and their values. This broadens your perspective and makes you more understanding and tolerant of others.

Moreover, reading improves your vocabulary and grammar skills. The more books you read, the more words you encounter, and the better you become at using them in your own writing and speech.

Lastly, reading is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. It can help you forget about your worries and troubles, and take you to a world of pure imagination and fun.

So why not pick up a book today and let its magic take you to new places, introduce you to new people, and help you learn and grow?


1、What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Reading is an activity that broadens one's horizons.

B. Reading is a magical thing that takes you to new places.

C. Reading is a way to learn new words and grammar.

D. Reading is a relaxing activity after a busy day.

2、What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A. The importance of reading novels.

B. The ability of reading to transport you to another world.

C. The feeling of being in a dense forest.

D. The experience of walking on the moon.

3、How does reading help you understand people from different cultures?

A. By showing you their way of life.

B. By teaching you their beliefs.

C. By introducing you to their values.

D. By combining all of the above.

4、What is NOT mentioned as a benefit of reading in the passage?

A. Improving vocabulary and grammar skills.

B. Transporting you to different parts of the world.

C. Helping you make more friends.

D. Being a way to relax and unwind.

5、What is the author's suggestion at the end of the passage?

A. To stop reading books.

B. To read more books.

C. To write your own book.

D. To share books with others.


1、B. Reading is a magical thing that takes you to new places.

解释:文章首段明确指出“Reading is a magical thing. It takes you to places you have never been...”,因此文章的主旨是阅读可以带你到新的地方,具有神奇的魔力。

2、B. The ability of reading to transport you to another world.

解释:第二段提到“One of the best things about reading is that it can transport you to another world.”,主要讨论了阅读能够带你进入另一个世界的能力。

3、D. By combining all of the above.

解释:第三段提到“When you read a book written by someone from another country, you get a glimpse into their way of life, their beliefs, and their values.”,说明通过阅读他人的书籍,你可以了解到他们的生活方式、信仰和价值观,所以答案是结合上述所有方面。

4、C. Helping you make more friends.


5、B. To read more books.

解释:最后一段提到“So why not pick up a book today and let its magic take you to new places...”,作者建议读者拿起一本书,让它的魔力带你到新的地方,帮助你学习和成长,因此作者的建议是多读一些书。


Persistence is a key factor in achieving success. It means never giving up and continuing to strive for your goals despite challenges and setbacks. successful people share one common trait: they never quit when faced with difficulties.

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, is a great example of persistence. He faced numerous failures in his attempts to create a long-lasting light source. However, he never lost faith and continued to experiment until he finally succeeded. His persistence paid off, and his invention revolutionized lighting.

Similarly, sports stars often demonstrate persistence in their training and competitions. They spend countless hours practicing, enduring pain and exhaustion. Their hard work and dedication are what make them stand out from the crowd and achieve their dreams.

Students, too, can benefit from persistence. Learning new concepts or skills can be challenging, but with persistence, students can overcome these difficulties and excel in their studies. They learn that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and improvement.

In conclusion, persistence is a powerful tool that can help us achieve our goals. It teaches us to never give up, to keep trying even when things seem impossible. With persistence, we can turn our dreams into reality.


1、What does the word "persistence" mean in the first paragraph?

A. Giving up easily.

B. Staying focused on a goal.

C. Avoiding challenges and setbacks.

D. Losing faith in oneself.

2、Why is Thomas Edison mentioned as an example in the second paragraph?

A. To show the importance of hard work.

B. To explain the process of inventing.

C. To demonstrate the power of persistence.

D. To introduce a famous inventor.

3、What do sports stars often demonstrate in their training and competitions?

A. Relaxation and enjoyment.

B. Perseverance and hard work.

C. anger and competitiveness.

D. Fear and nervousness.

4、How can students benefit from persistence according to the fourth paragraph?

A. By avoiding challenging tasks.

B. By giving up easily.

C. By overcoming difficulties and excelling in studies.

D. By focusing only on their interests.

5、What is the main message of the passage?

A. success is impossible without hard work.

B. Challenges are necessary for growth.

C. Persistence is key to achieving goals.

D. Dreams are more important than reality.


1、B. Staying focused on a goal.

解释:第一段提到“Persistence is a key factor in achieving success. It means never giving up and continuing to strive for your goals despite challenges and setbacks.”,即“坚持是成功的关键因素。它意味着尽管面临挑战和挫折,也绝不放弃,继续为实现目标而努力。”因此,“persistence”意为“坚持”,即“专注于目标”。

2、C. To demonstrate the power of persistence.

解释:第二段提到“Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, is a great example of persistence.”(电灯泡的发明者托马斯·爱迪生是坚持的一个很好的例子。)接着讲述了爱迪生面对失败不放弃,最终成功的故事,因此提到爱迪生是为了展示坚持的力量。

3、B. Perseverance and hard work.

解释:第三段提到“Sports stars often demonstrate persistence in their training and competitions. They spend countless hours practicing, enduring pain and exhaustion.”(体育明星在训练和比赛中经常表现出坚持。他们花费无数小时进行练习,忍受痛苦和疲惫。)因此,体育明星在训练和比赛中常常展现出毅力和努力工作。

4、C. By overcoming difficulties and excelling in studies.

解释:第四段提到“Students, too, can benefit from persistence. Learning new concepts or skills can be challenging, but with persistence, students can overcome these difficulties and excel in their studies.”(学生也可以从坚持中受益。学习新概念或技能可能具有挑战性,但有了坚持,学生可以克服这些困难并在学习中取得优异成绩。)因此,学生可以通过坚持克服学习中的困难,取得优异的成绩。

5、C. Persistence is key to achieving goals.

解释:文章首段提到“Persistence is a key factor in achieving success.”,尾段总结“In conclusion, persistence is a powerful tool that can help us achieve our goals.”(总之,坚持是一个可以帮助我们实现目标的强大工具。)因此,文章的主要信息是坚持是实现目标的关键。


Reading is a magical activity that opens up a whole new world of knowledge and imagination. It takes us to places we've never been and introduces us to people we've never met. Books have the power to transport us to ancient civilizations, to the far corners of the earth, or even to the distant future.

Through reading, we can learn about different cultures, histories, and ideas. We can understand the human nature better and gain insights into the world around us. Reading also helps us develop critical thinking skills, as we analyze and interpret the information we read.

Moreover, reading is a great way to relax and unwind after a busy day. It can be a source of comfort and escape, especially during difficult times. Curling up with a good book can provide a moment of peace and tranquility.

Additionally, reading is beneficial for our vocabulary and language skills. It helps us expand our knowledge of words and improve our writing and speaking abilities. As we read more, our minds become more agile and creative.

In conclusion, the magic of reading lies in its ability to open our minds, expand our horizons, and enrich our lives. It is a powerful tool that can bring us joy, knowledge, and understanding. So let's make reading a part of our daily lives and enjoy its wonders.


1、What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Reading takes us to new places.

B. Reading introduces us to new people.

C. Reading opens up a world of knowledge and imagination.

D. Reading is a boring activity.

2、How does reading help us understand the world better?

A. By taking us to ancient civilizations.

B. By introducing us to different cultures and histories.

C. By developing our critical thinking skills.

D. By providing us with a source of comfort.

3、What is the benefit of reading for our vocabulary and language skills?

A. It helps us learn new words.

B. It improves our speaking abilities.

C. It makes us more creative.

D. All of the above.

4、Why is reading beneficial for relaxation?

A. It takes us to far corners of the earth.

B. It provides a moment of peace and tranquility.

C. It helps us develop critical thinking skills.

D. It introduces us to people we've never met.

5、What is the author's advice at the end of the passage?

A. To read only books about ancient civilizations.

B. To avoid reading during difficult times.

C. To make reading a part of our daily lives.

D. To stop reading if it becomes boring.


1、C. Reading opens up a world of knowledge and imagination.

解释:第一段首句明确提到“Reading is a magical activity that opens up a whole new world of knowledge and imagination.”,即“阅读是一种神奇的活动,它打开了一个全新的知识和想象的世界。”因此,第一段的主要思想是阅读打开了知识和想象的世界。

2、C. By developing our critical thinking skills.

解释:第二段中提到“Reading also helps us develop critical thinking skills, as we analyze and interpret the information we read.”,即“阅读也有助于我们发展批判性思维技能,因为我们分析和解释所读信息。”因此,阅读通过发展我们的批判性思维技能来帮助我们更好地理解世界。

3、D. All of the above.

解释:第四段提到“reading is beneficial for our vocabulary and language skills. It helps us expand our knowledge of words and improve our writing and speaking abilities.”,即“阅读对我们的词汇和语言技能是有益的。它帮助我们扩大词汇量,提高写作和口语能力。”因此,阅读对我们词汇和语言技能的好处包括学习新单词、提高口语能力和增强创造力。

4、B. It provides a moment of peace and tranquility.

解释:第三段中提到“reading is a great way to relax and unwind after a busy day. It can be a source of comfort and escape, especially during difficult times. Curling up with a good book can provide a moment of peace and tranquility.”,即“阅读是忙碌一天后放松和解压的好方法。它可以成为舒适和逃避的源泉,尤其是在困难时期。蜷缩在一本好书里可以提供片刻的平静和宁静。”因此,阅读有益于放松,因为它提供了片刻的平静和宁静。

5、C. To make reading a part of our daily lives.

解释:最后一段提到“So let's make reading a part of our daily lives and enjoy its wonders.”,即“所以,让我们把阅读作为日常生活的一部分,享受它的奇迹吧。”因此,作者的建议是将阅读纳入日常生活的一部分。


Gardening is a hobby that brings joy and relaxation to many people. It is a way to connect with nature and create beauty in our surroundings. Whether you have a large garden or just a small patch of land, gardening can be a rewarding experience.

One of the great pleasures of gardening is seeing the fruits of your labor bloom and grow. Watching a seed turn into a flowering plant or a small sapling develop into a tree is truly satisfying. The sense of accomplishment that comes from nurturing plants is indescribable.

Gardening is also a great stress reliever. Working in the garden allows you to forget about your worries and focus on the task at hand. The fresh air and the natural beauty of the outdoors help to clear your mind and relax your body.

Moreover, gardening is a healthy activity. It involves physical labor such as digging, weeding, and watering, which can help improve strength and flexibility. At the same time, it also requires patience and attention to detail, promoting mental well-being.

Finally, gardening can be a social activity as well. Sharing your garden with friends and family creates a sense of community and brings people together. You can also learn from other gardeners and share tips and ideas, making the experience even more enjoyable.

In conclusion, the joy of gardening lies in its multiple benefits. It brings us closer to nature, provides stress relief, promotes physical and mental health, and fosters social interaction. So why not grab a shovel and start your own garden today?


1、What is the main benefit of gardening according to the passage?

A. It brings joy and relaxation.

B. It creates beauty in our surroundings.

C. It is a way to connect with nature.

D. It is a hobby enjoyed by many people.

2、What does the author mean by saying "The sense of accomplishment that comes from nurturing plants is indescribable"?

A. Planting is a very easy task.

B. The feeling of success is hard to describe.

C. It is difficult to grow plants successfully.

D. Gardeners never feel satisfied with their work.

3、How does gardening help with stress relief?

A. By providing a sense of accomplishment.

B. By allowing you to focus on the task at hand.

C. By involving physical labor such as digging.

D. By bringing people together in a community.

4、Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of gardening?

A. Improving physical strength.

B. Promoting mental well-being.

C. Increasing social interaction.

D. Improving academic performance.

5、What is the author's suggestion at the end of the passage?

A. To start a garden with friends and family.

B. To learn gardening tips from other gardeners.

C. To enjoy the beauty of nature by visiting gardens.

D. To take up gardening as a hobby and experience its benefits.


1、A. It brings joy and relaxation.

解释:第一段明确提到“Gardening is a hobby that brings joy and relaxation to many people.”,即园艺是一种给许多人带来快乐和放松的爱好。因此,根据文章,园艺的主要好处是带来快乐和放松。

2、B. The feeling of success is hard to describe.

解释:第二段中提到“The sense of accomplishment that comes from nurturing plants is indescribable.”,即“培育植物所带来的成就感是难以形容的。”因此,作者的意思是成功的感觉很难用言语描述。

3、B. By allowing you to focus on the task at hand.

解释:第三段中提到“Working in the garden allows you to forget about your worries and focus on the task at hand.”,即“在花园里工作可以让你忘记烦恼,专注于手头的工作。”因此,园艺通过让人专注于手头的任务来帮助缓解压力。

4、D. Improving academic performance.

解释:文章中提到了园艺的多个好处,包括改善身体力量(第四段提到“It involves physical labor such as digging, weeding, and watering, which can help improve strength and flexibility.”)、促进精神健康(第四段提到“it also requires patience and attention to detail, promoting mental well-being.”)和增加社交互动(第五段提到“gardening can be a social activity as well”和“Sharing your garden with friends and family creates a sense of community and brings people together.”)。但文章并没有提到园艺能改善学业成绩。

5、D. To take up gardening as a hobby and experience its benefits.

解释:最后一段提到“So why not grab a shovel and start your own garden today?”,即“那么为什么不拿起铲子,今天就开始你自己的花园呢?”


Last summer, my family and I went to the beach for a day of fun in the sun. The sea was blue and the sky was clear. It was a perfect day for the beach.

As soon as we arrived, we set up our beach umbrellas and chairs. My brother and I quickly ran to the water's edge to play in the waves. The water was cool and refreshing, and we splashed each other, laughing and shouting with joy.

After playing in the water for a while, we decided to build a sandcastle. We dug deep into the sand, shaping and molding it into walls and towers. It took us a long time, but in the end, we had a magnificent sandcastle that we were very proud of.

For lunch, we had sandwiches and fresh fruit. While eating, we watched the surfers ride the waves and the seagulls fly overhead. It was a peaceful and relaxing scene.

As the afternoon wore on, we played volleyball on the beach. My dad was the best player, and he led our team to victory. We all cheered and clapped for him.

As the sun began to set, we packed up our things and prepared to leave. We were all tired but happy, and we knew that we had spent a wonderful day at the beach.


1、What did the family do first when they arrived at the beach?

A. They played volleyball.

B. They had lunch.

C. They set up beach umbrellas and chairs.

D. They built a sandcastle.

2、Where did the author and his brother go when they arrived at the beach?

A. To the water's edge.

B. To the volleyball court.

C. To the food stand.

D. To the surfers' area.

3、What did the author and his brother do in the water?

A. They surfed the waves.

B. They swam in the sea.

C. They played with each other.

D. They built a sandcastle.

4、What did the family have for lunch?

A. Sandwiches and fresh fruit.

B. Hamburgers and fries.

C. Pizza and ice cream.

D. Hot dogs and soda.

5、Who was the best player in the volleyball game?

A. The author's brother.

B. The author's mother.

C. The author's father.

D. The author himself.



【解析】在文中第二段明确提到:“As soon as we arrived, we set up our beach umbrellas and chairs.”(我们一到,就搭起了沙滩伞和椅子。)所以,当他们到达海滩时,他们首先做的事情是搭起沙滩伞和椅子。因此答案是C。


【解析】在文中第二段提到:“My brother and I quickly ran to the water's edge to play in the waves.”(我和弟弟迅速跑到水边去玩波浪。)所以,作者和他的弟弟到达海滩后去了水边。因此答案是A。


【解析】文中第二段提到:“The water was cool and refreshing, and we splashed each other, laughing and shouting with joy.”(水很凉爽,令人耳目一新,我们互相泼水,笑着,高兴地喊着。)这说明作者和他的弟弟在水中是互相玩耍,因此答案是C。


【解析】在文中第四段中提到:“For lunch, we had sandwiches and fresh fruit.”(午餐时,我们吃了三明治和新鲜水果。)因此,这个家庭午餐吃了三明治和新鲜水果。答案是A。


【解析】在文中倒数第二段中提到:“My dad was the best player, and he led our team to victory.”(我爸爸是最好的球员,他带领我们队取得了胜利。)因此,排球比赛中表现最好的球员是作者的父亲。答案是C。


Last weekend, I went to the zoo with my family. It was a sunny day, and we were all excited to see the animals.

As we entered the zoo, we saw many colorful birds in the aviary. Some were singing, and others were flying around. It was a beautiful sight.

Then we walked to the monkey enclosure. The monkeys were very active and funny. They were jumping around, playing with each other, and even eating bananas from the visitors' hands.

After that, we visited the elephant house. The elephants were huge and majestic. One of them was even using its trunk to draw water from a pool.

Finally, we went to the lion enclosure. The lions were lazily lying in the sun, but they still looked very powerful and frightening.

We spent the whole day at the zoo and had a great time. It was a day full of fun and learning.


1、Who did the writer go to the zoo with?

A. His friends.

B. His family.

C. His classmates.

D. His teacher.

2、What did the writer see first in the zoo?

A. Monkeys.

B. Elephants.

C. Lions.

D. Birds.

3、How did the monkeys behave in the zoo?

A. They were lazy.

B. They were active and funny.

C. They were shy.

D. They were frightening.

4、What were the elephants doing when the writer saw them?

A. Eating bananas.

B. Jumping around.

C. drawing water with their trunks.

D. Lying in the sun.

5、How did the writer feel about the trip to the zoo?

A. Bored.

B. Sad.

C. Excited.

D. Frightened.



【解析】在文章第一段中提到:“Last weekend, I went to the zoo with my family.”(上周末,我和家人去了动物园。)所以作者和家人一起去了动物园,选项B“His family”正确。


【解析】文章第二段提到:“As we entered the zoo, we saw many colorful birds in the aviary.”(当我们进入动物园时,我们看到了许多五彩斑斓的鸟。)所以作者进入动物园后首先看到的是鸟,选项D“Birds”正确。


【解析】文章第三段提到:“The monkeys were very active and funny.”(猴子们非常活跃和有趣。)所以猴子在动物园里的表现是活跃和有趣的,选项B“They were active and funny”正确。


【解析】文章第四段提到:“One of them was even using its trunk to draw water from a pool.”(其中一只大象甚至用它的鼻子从池子里吸水。)所以当作者看到大象时,它们正在用鼻子吸水,选项C“Drawing water with their trunks”正确。


【解析】文章最后一段提到:“We spent the whole day at the zoo and had a great time.”(我们在动物园待了一整天,玩得很开心。)所以作者对去动物园的旅行感到非常兴奋,选项C“Excited”正确。

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