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Everyone makes mistakes, but what should we do when someone breaks the rules? In many schools, punishments like detention or writing sentences are common. However, are these methods really effective?

A teacher named Ms. Wang has a unique approach to discipline. instead of traditional punishments, she asks students who have misbehaved to write about their feelings and reflect on their actions. She believes that this self-reflection can help students understand the consequences of their actions and learn from their mistakes.

One student, Li Ming, was late to class several times. Instead of giving him detention, Ms. Wang assigned him the task of writing an essay about the importance of punctuality. Li Ming wrote about the struggles he faced due to his tardiness and how it affected his academic performance. He realized the importance of being on time and made a conscious effort to change his behavior.

Another student, Zhang Wei, often talked back to his classmates. Ms. Wang asked him to write a letter of apology to the person he had offended. Zhang Wei wrote about his feelings of regret and how he planned to improve his communication skills. This experience helped him become more respectful towards others.

Ms. Wang's approach to discipline focuses on teaching students valuable life lessons rather than simply punishing them. By encouraging self-reflection and personal growth, she helps students understand the impact of their actions and motivates them to make positive changes.


1. What kind of punishments does Ms. Wang use in her classroom?

A. Detention and writing sentences.

B. Writing reflections and letters of apology.

C. Detention and verbal warnings.

D. Writing sentences and doing extra homework.

2. Why does Ms. Wang believe her approach is effective?

A. Because it is a traditional method of punishment.

B. Because it allows students to learn from their mistakes.

C. Because it gives students more free time.

D. Because it is a strict and disciplinary approach.

3. What did Li Ming learn from writing the essay on punctuality?

A. The importance of doing homework on time.

B. The importance of being on time.

C. The importance of studying hard.

D. The importance of sleeping early.

4. How did Zhang Wei's punishment help him change his behavior?

A. He had to clean the classroom.

B. He had to read a book about respect.

C. He had to write a letter of apology.

D. He had to attend a special class on communication skills.

5. according to the passage, what is the main goal of Ms. Wang's approach to discipline?

A. To punish students for their mistakes.

B. To teach students valuable life lessons.

C. To make students feel guilty about their actions.

D. To force students to change their behavior.


本文介绍了一位名叫 Wang 的老师对于惩罚的独特方法。她让学生通过写反思和道歉信的方式来认识到自己的错误,并学会从中成长。

1. 问题要求我们找出 Wang 老师使用的惩罚方式。根据第二段和第三段的描述,我们可以得知 Wang 老师让学生写感受和反思,以及写道歉信,因此选项 B "写反思和道歉信" 正确。

2. 问题询问 Wang 老师为什么认为她的方法有效。根据第三段的描述,我们可以知道她认为这种自我反思可以帮助学生理解自己行为的后果,并从中学习,因此选项 B "因为它让学生从错误中学习" 正确。

3. 问题询问 Li Ming 从关于守时的文章中学到了什么。根据第三段的描述,我们可以知道 Li Ming 意识到了守时的重要性,因此选项 B "守时的重要性" 正确。

4. 问题询问 Zhang Wei 的惩罚如何帮助他改变行为。根据第四段的描述,我们可以知道 Zhang Wei 写了道歉信,通过这次经历,他变得更加尊重他人,因此选项 C "他写了一封道歉信" 正确。

5. 问题要求我们找出 Wang 老师惩罚方法的主要目标。根据最后一段的描述,我们可以得知她的方法主要是为了教育学生,让他们从错误中学习,因此选项 B "教育学生宝贵的生活课程" 正确。

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