




Morgan Spurlock, the filmmaker and former CNN series host whose McDonald’s documentary “Super Size Me” was nominated for an Academy Award, died of cancer complications Thursday, according to his family.

据其家人透露,摩根·斯普尔洛克(Morgan Spurlock),这位因麦当劳纪录片《超码的我》(Super Size Me)获得奥斯卡奖提名的电影制作人和前CNN系列节目主持人,因癌症并发症于周四去世。

Spurlock, who was 53, died in New York, surrounded by family and friends, his brother said in a statement.


“It was a sad day, as we said goodbye to my brother Morgan,” Craig Spurlock said. “Morgan gave so much through his art, ideas, and generosity. The world has lost a true creative genius and a special man. I am so proud to have worked together with him.”

“这是悲伤的一天,我们与我的兄弟摩根告别,”克雷格·斯普尔洛克(Craig Spurlock)说道,“摩根通过他的艺术、想法和慷慨给予了许多。世界失去了一位真正的创意天才和一个特别的人。我很骄傲能与他共事。”

Spurlock’s directing career was varied and unpredictable. He was best known for “Super Size Me,” which sparked a national conversation — and no shortage of controversy — over America’s relationship with fast food. The film involved his experiment in consuming only food from McDonald’s for a 30 days and required him to “super-size” his food order if prompted in the sales transaction.


But he also made a satiric documentary about searching for Osama bin Laden, directed a One direction concert film and even made a movie about Homer Simpson and baseball.

但他也制作了讽刺纪录片《寻找奥萨马·本·拉登》,执导了单向乐队(One Direction)的音乐会电影,甚至还制作了关于霍默·辛普森(Homer Simpson)和棒球的电影。

For several years, Spurlock served as host of a popular CNN Original series, “Morgan Spurlock Inside Man.”

多年来,斯普尔洛克曾主持CNN原创系列节目《摩根·斯普尔洛克:内部人士》(Morgan Spurlock Inside Man)。

Born in Parkersburg, West Virginia, the future filmmaker was raised in Beckley, where he graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School. He went on to graduate from New York university in 1993.


Spurlock was the founder of the New York-based production studio Warrior Poets and his first film, “Super Size Me,” premiered at the Sundance Film festival in 2004, where it won him a best director honor.

斯普尔洛克是纽约制作公司Warrior Poets的创始人,他的第一部电影《超码的我》于2004年在圣丹斯电影节首映,并为他赢得了最佳导演荣誉。

The film went on to win the inaugural Writers Guild of America best documentary screenplay award, as well as garner an Academy award nomination for best feature documentary.


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