杰西卡·兰格新电影《The Great Lillian Hall》将上映

Jessica Lange met the movie public perched in King Kong’s giant palm, but her real breakthrough came in 1982 when she played a pair of actresses, earning Oscar nominations for both roles: as a fictional soap-opera star in “Tootsie” and the real-life

Jessica Lange met the movie public perched in King Kong’s giant palm, but her real breakthrough came in 1982 when she played a pair of actresses, earning Oscar nominations for both roles: as a fictional soap-opera star in “Tootsie” and the real-life Frances Farmer in the tragic biography “Frances” (she won a statuette for the former).


In a way, Lange’s storied career comes full circle with “The Great Lillian Hall,” playing an aging Broadway star in a movie HBO acquired and is premiering on the final day of Emmy eligibility, no doubt hoping that there are additional accolades, and perhaps awards hardware, in her future.

在某种程度上,兰格传奇的职业生涯随着《The Great Lillian Hall》的播出画上了圆满的句号。在这部HBO购买的电影中,她饰演了一位年老的百老汇明星,并将在艾美奖评选的最后一天首映,这无疑表明HBO希望她未来能获得更多赞誉,甚至更多奖项。

As a format, the TV movie has surely seen better days (limited series have largely supplanted them), and “Lillian Hall” is a modestly scaled production, punctuated by a trio of female leads: Lange as the title character, billed as “the first lady of the American theater;” Kathy Bates as her loyal assistant; and Lily Rabe (like Lange, a veteran of producer Ryan Murphy’s “American Horror Story” repertory company) as her daughter.

作为一种形式,电视电影显然有过更辉煌的日子(有限剧集在很大程度上取代了它们),而《Lillian Hall》是一部规模适中的制作,由三位女性主演贯穿始终:兰格饰演标题角色,被誉为“美国剧院第一夫人”;凯西·贝茨饰演她忠诚的助手;莉莉·拉贝(与兰格一样,是老牌制作人瑞恩·墨菲的《美国恐怖故事》剧团的成员)饰演她的女儿。

While rehearsing for a play with an avant-garde director (Jesse Williams), Lillian begins forgetting lines and experiencing other memory lapses, clear signs that she might be in the early throes of dementia. Her first reaction, though, leans toward denial, then defiance, while gradually triggering uncertainty for those around her about a show that suddenly might be as difficult to put on with her as without her.


Directed by Michael Cristofer from Elisabeth Seldes’ screenplay, the film doesn’t turn over new ground but nevertheless yields poignant moments, primarily in the interplay between Lange – a fierce lioness in winter, hungry for one more curtain call – and Bates, who could play this part in her sleep and still makes the most of it.


“Will you remind me who I was?” Lillian asks, a line that beautifully captures the fear associated with her condition.


Although Lange has kept busy working for Murphy in recent years – including her turn as another actor, Joan Crawford, in “Feud: Bette and Joan,” about the rivalry between Crawford and Bette Davis – the new film feels like a nice bookend to those earlier roles. At the same time, “The Great Lillian Hall” operates as a love letter to the theater while catering to those who can appreciate an “All About Eve” reference or two.

虽然近年来兰格一直忙于为墨菲工作——包括在讲述克劳馥和贝蒂·戴维斯之间竞争的《宿怨:贝蒂与琼》中扮演另一位演员琼·克劳馥——但这部新片感觉像是为这些早期角色画上了完美的句号。同时,《The Great Lillian Hall》也是一封献给剧院的情书,同时迎合了那些能欣赏到一两个《彗星美人》引用的人。

“I am not some broken-down old Chevy,” Lillian rages at one point. The movie works hard to reinforce that message by providing Lange with a worthy showcase, in a vehicle that might be light on horsepower but feels as polished as its central character.


“The Great Lillian Hall” premieres May 31 at 8 p.m. ET on HBO, which, like CNN, is a unit of Warner Bros. Discovery.

《The Great Lillian Hall》将于5月31日晚上8点在HBO首播,HBO与CNN一样,都是华纳兄弟探索集团的一部分。

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    杰西卡·兰格新电影《The Great Lillian Hall》将上映



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