




Just call her #batgirl.


Musician and former “Gossip Girl” star Taylor Momsen is seemingly taking everything in stride after being bit by a bat while on stage in Spain last week.

音乐家兼前《绯闻女孩》女星泰勒·摩森(Taylor Momsen)上周在西班牙舞台上被蝙蝠咬伤后,似乎一切都能泰然处之。

Momsen and her band The Pretty Reckless were in the middle of performing a song when a bat latched onto Momsen’s thigh, according to multiple videos posted to her Instagram page over the weekend.

据她周末在Instagram页面上发布的多个视频显示,当时摩森和她的乐队The Pretty Reckless正在演唱歌曲,一只蝙蝠突然飞到了摩森的大腿上。

One of the videos showed the exact moment that Momsen asked crew members for help after realizing a bat is on her leg. In the video, a number of people run on to the stage to help, and the bat is seen flying away seconds later. The video also showed footage of Momsen at what appears to be a hospital getting shots in her leg.


“I must really be a witch,” she joked to the audience, referencing the song “Witches Burn,” which she was performing when the incident happened.

“我一定是女巫吧,”她开玩笑地对观众说,她当时正在表演的歌曲是《Witches Burn》。

Momsen wrote in the caption that she had “no idea” the bat had clung to her leg “until the incredible crowd kept screaming and pointing.”


“He was cute, but yes he bit me,” she added.


Momsen wrote that she will undergo rabies shots for the next two weeks. She also thanked the staff at the hospital “who dubbed me #batgirl after seeing it on the local news that morning.”


CNN has reached out to Momsen’s representative for an update on the singer’s condition.


Another video that Momsen posted shows the “Gossip Girl” actor walking backstage after the show reacting to the incident, saying the bat “held on for dear life” and that it “scared” her in the moment.


The rabies virus is transmitted through direct contact with an infected animal, including through the saliva or brain and nervous system tissue, according to the CDC. The rabies virus attacks the central nervous system, causing a brain disease that can lead to death without treatment.


The CDC recommends seeing a doctor for post-exposure treatment soon after contact with an animal. Post-exposure treatment for people who haven’t received the rabies vaccine includes a one-time dose of immune globulins and four doses of the vaccine over the course of two weeks.


Momsen and The Pretty Reckless are serving as the opening act for AC/DC’s power Up tour this summer. Poking fun at the otherwise scary incident, Momsen also posted a photo of herself posing next to a “no bats” sign taped onto some of AC/DC’s stage equipment.

摩森和漂亮叛逆乐队正在为AC/DC的《Power Up》巡演担任开场嘉宾。摩森也晒出了自己站在贴有“禁止蝙蝠”标志的AC/DC舞台设备旁摆姿势的照片,以此戏谑这起原本令人害怕的事件。

“Ok… so @acdc has the best crew ever,” Momsen wrote in the caption. “Love you guys!!!”


Momsen is the lead singer for the rock band The Pretty Reckless, which she formed in 2009. She is also known for her role as Jenny Humphrey on the CW show “Gossip Girl,” which she appeared in as a series regular from 2007 to 2010.

摩森是摇滚乐队The Pretty Reckless的主唱,该乐队于2009年成立。她也因在CW电视台的《绯闻女孩》中饰演珍妮·汉弗莱(Jenny Humphrey)一角而为人所知,她从2007年到2010年一直作为该剧的常规演员出演。

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