约翰尼·德普将在电影《 The Carnival at the End of Days》中饰演撒旦

Johnny Depp has been cast to play Satan by director Terry Gilliam in what will be his next film role for The Carnival at the End of Days.约翰尼·德普已被导演特里·吉列姆选中,将在他的下一部电影《 The Carnival at the End of Days》中饰演撒旦。The star, 6

Johnny Depp has been cast to play Satan by director Terry Gilliam in what will be his next film role for The Carnival at the End of Days.

约翰尼·德普已被导演特里·吉列姆选中,将在他的下一部电影《 The Carnival at the End of Days》中饰演撒旦。

The star, 60, will take on the devilish part after his comeback movie, Jeanne du Barry, was finally released in the UK in April, nearly a full year after it premiered at Cannes Film festival in 2023.

这位60岁的明星在回归之作《Jeanne du Barry》终于在英国上映后,将出演这一邪恶角色。该片于2023年戛纳电影节首映后近一年,才于今年4月在英国上映。

Gilliam’s latest project sees Depp’s Satan in search of two humans to present to God (Jeff Bridges) as the modern Adam and Eve.


The Time Bandits and Brazil filmmaker has stacked his cast with Bridges as Depp’s counterpart, and then Adam Driver and Depp’s ex-wife’s former co-star Jason Momoa, whose roles are currently under wraps.


Gilliam teases that the film ‘will be very funny for those who like to be offended’.


Depp continued his return to screens after a turbulent time involving two highly publicised court cases, one on each side of the Atlantic, with Amber Heard and the ugly fallout of their marriage.


While he won his defamation case against the Aquaman star in Virginia in 2022, he lost a libel case against The Sun newspaper in 2020, which had branded him a ‘wife-beater’.

2022年,他在弗吉尼亚州赢得了对《Aquaman 》女星希尔德的诽谤案,但在2020年输掉了对《太阳报》的诽谤案,该报称他为“打老婆的人”。

Jeanne du Barry was not without controversy either, after French director Maïwenn seemed to hint at a troubled production with her leading man, telling The independent the crew were ‘afraid of him’ – before lashing out at the interview and insisting her words were used ‘without [their] context and subtleties’.

《Jeanne du Barry》也并非没有争议。法国导演梅宛似乎暗示与男主角的制作过程存在问题,她在接受《独立报》采访时表示,剧组“怕他”——之后对采访进行了抨击,坚持称她的话“没有上下文和微妙之处”。

Gilliam confirmed he will be working with Depp once again after collaborations on films including Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and their last movie together, 2009’s The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.


Discussing the plot in further detail, the Monty Python star told French publication Premiere that The Carnival at the End of Days is a ‘comedy where God decides to destroy Humanity, and the only one who tries to save us is Satan. Because he needs people in hell, otherwise he won’t have a job for eternity!’

在进一步详述剧情时,这位蒙提·派森喜剧团的明星告诉法国出版物《Premiere 》杂志,《 The Carnival at the End of Days》是一部“喜剧片,上帝决定毁灭人类,而唯一试图拯救我们的是撒旦。因为他需要地狱里有人,否则他将永远失业!”

The film will begin shooting in January 2025 but Gilliam is already aware that the ambitions he has for this movie are going to make it a costly project – namely due to Bridges’ role as God.


He will ‘not be the God we are used to’ but rather ‘a nature that can speak to you’, the 83-year-old explained.


He added: ‘I’m going to need animation to bring it to life, because in the scene with God there are at least fifteen animals. And it’s going to be complicated because it has to be realistic. And it’s going to be very expensive!’


Fans appear to be thrilled by the news of Depp’s casting, with Joey Schmo commenting on X: ‘This will be epic. Great cast, can’t wait.’

粉丝们对德普的选角消息似乎感到兴奋,Joey Schmo在X上评论道:“这将是史诗级的。伟大的演员阵容,我等不及了。”

‘I’ll be there, man,’ added Taylor Styes of the film’s announcement.

电影宣布时,泰勒·斯蒂尔斯(Taylor Styes)补充道:“我会出演的,哥们。”

Pirates of the Caribbean actor Depp is also busy working on new film Modi, which he has directed, about the life of Italian artist Modigliani.

加勒比海盗的演员约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)也正忙于他执导的新电影《Modi,》,该片讲述了意大利艺术家莫迪里阿尼(Modigliani)的生平。

It stars Al Pacino, Stephen Graham, Bridget Jones actress Sally Phillips, Riccardo Scamarcio and Antonia Desplat.

该片主演包括阿尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino)、斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆(Stephen Graham)、布里奇特·琼斯(Bridget Jones)的女演员莎莉·菲利普斯(Sally Phillips)、里卡多·斯卡马奇奥(Riccardo Scamarcio)和安东尼娅·德斯普拉特(Antonia Desplat)。

His last major role was in 2018’s Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, before he was asked to step down and replaced with Mads Mikkelsen for the third film in the franchise.

他上一次出演的重要角色是2018年的《神奇动物:格林德沃之罪》,之后他被要求退出,并在该系列第三部中被麦斯·米科尔森(Mads Mikkelsen)取代。

In a recent interview with Metro.co.uk, it sounded unlikely that Depp will return to Hollywood anytime soon.


Saying that ‘they threw me in the bin’, the actor ripped into studio heads as ‘glorified accountants’ who are ‘disposable and they realise it’.


The Carnival at the End of Days is yet to receive a release date.

《 The Carnival at the End of Days》尚未公布上映日期。

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  • 约翰尼·德普 电影
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    约翰尼·德普将在电影《 The Carnival at the End of Days》中饰演撒旦



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