杰克·吉伦哈尔主演的电影《Presumed Innocent》即将上线

Jake Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard might be part of the same sprawling showbiz family, but their on-set etiquette is quite different from the dynamic they share as family around the dinner table.杰克·吉伦哈尔和彼得·萨斯加德可能是同一家庞大的演艺世家

Jake Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard might be part of the same sprawling showbiz family, but their on-set etiquette is quite different from the dynamic they share as family around the dinner table.


When time came for Gyllenhaal to help cast the upcoming Apple TV+ series “Presumed Innocent,” in which he stars and serves as an executive producer, he knew that Sarsgaard – who is married to his sister, actor and director Maggie Gyllenhaal – would be a perfect fit for one of the roles.

当吉伦哈尔为即将播出的Apple TV+剧集《Presumed Innocent》挑选演员时,他既是主演也是执行制片人,他知道萨斯加德——他的妻子是演员兼导演玛吉·吉伦哈尔的妹妹——将非常适合其中一个角色。

“Peter is such an incredible actor because he demands, in the space of acting or in the scene, a type of honesty and I think that’s the same thing he asks for as a person,” Gyllenhaal said in a recent interview with CNN. “The fictional world that you’re working in on a project is a whole other thing, and it’s a craft and it’s something that we gratefully know very well.”


“I think I’m a little bit of a different version of myself when I’m working in general,” Sarsgaard said. “It’s interesting to meet in a different place like that with someone that you know so well in your life, and we’ve done a number of things together but it’s not a lot of overall time.”


“Presumed Innocent” is an eight-part miniseries based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Scott Turow, which was previously adapted into a 1990 feature film starring Harrison Ford. It’s a courtroom thriller that follows Rusty Sabich (Gyllenhaal), a Chicago-based prosecutor who becomes entangled in the horrific murder of one of his colleagues.

《Presumed Innocent》是一部根据斯科特·图罗1986年同名小说改编的八集迷你剧,该小说之前已被改编为1990年由哈里森·福特主演的故事片。这是一部法庭惊悚片,讲述了芝加哥检察官鲁斯蒂·萨比奇(吉伦哈尔饰)因卷入一名同事的恐怖谋杀案而陷入困境的故事。

While the pair of brothers-in-law – who previously costarred in various films including 2005’s “Jarhead,” 2007’s “Rendition” and 2021’s “The Guilty” – enjoy banter offscreen, in “Presumed Innocent,” Gyllenhaal and Sarsgaard’s characters find themselves at odds, as Sarsgaard plays another prosecutor in Sabich’s office who suspects his colleague of wrongdoing.

尽管这对连襟此前在多部影片中共同出演,包括2005年的《锅盖头》、2007年的《反恐疑云》和2021年的《罪人》,在片场之外也爱相互打趣,但在《Presumed Innocent》中,吉伦哈尔和萨斯加德饰演的角色却相互对立,萨斯加德饰演萨比奇办公室里的另一位检察官,他怀疑同事有不当行为。

But when the cameras are off, according to Gyllenhaal, they both agree that family always comes first.


“I think most important to both of us, and I think I can speak for both of us when I say this, is our family and loving them and protecting them and being there for them and it takes priority over everything,” he said.


The Gyllenhaal siblings previously costarred in the beloved 2001 psychological thriller “Donnie Darko,” among other projects, and Sarsgaard starred in “The Lost Daughter” in 2021, which his wife directed. The group will continue to keep things all in the family when Gyllenhaal and Sarsgaard will reunite on Maggie Gyllenhaal’s next directorial endeavor “The Bride!” in 2025, according to Collider.

吉伦哈尔兄妹此前还共同出演了备受喜爱的2001年心理惊悚片《死亡幻觉》等作品,萨斯加德则在2021年出演了妻子执导的《失踪的女儿》。据Collider报道,这个团队将继续保持“家庭式”的合作,吉伦哈尔和萨斯加德将于2025年在玛吉·吉伦哈尔的下一部导演作品《The Bride!》中再次合作。

And, no – Sarsgaard did not need to go through the formality of auditioning for his part in “Presumed Innocent.”

而且,萨斯加德在《Presumed Innocent》中饰演的角色无需经过试镜这一正式流程。

“When he’s the producer, he calls me and asks me if I want to play the part,” Sarsgaard said, with a laugh. “It’s really nice.”


The first two episodes of “Presumed Innocent” will be available to stream on Apple TV+ on June 12, with a new episode streaming each week until July 24.

《Presumed Innocent》的前两集将于6月12日在Apple TV+上线,之后每周更新一集,直到7月24日。

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杰克·吉伦哈尔主演的电影《Presumed Innocent》即将上线



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