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When little Myla Lawrie was brought homefrom hospital fourmonths ago, a veritable sea of pink greeted her, with cloudsofballoons filling the sitting room, along with cards, bunting andribbons inevery shade of girliness.

When little Myla Lawrie was brought home from hospital fourmonths ago, a veritable sea of pink greeted her, with clouds ofballoons filling the sitting room, along with cards, bunting andribbons in every shade of girliness.

四个月前,小麦拉·劳里(Myla Lawrie)从医院被抱回家时,迎接她的是一片粉红色的“海洋”——起居室内飘满粉红色的气球,点缀着粉粉的卡片、幔幕和缎带,到处洋溢着粉嫩女孩的气息。

For this was a very special event in the Lawrie family. When Myla was born in October, she was thefirst girl to be born in her family since 1809.



The last time a midwife announced "It's a girl", the Napoleonic war was still being fought, themotorcar was yet to be invented, and "mad" King George III was on the English throne.


No wonder her proud parents — Hannah, a 26-year-old midwife, and Mark, a 33-year-oldprofessional golfer turned coach, from Maidstone in Kent — wanted to celebrate.


"When Mark and I first got together, he told me how everyone in his family, for five generations,had produced boys," explains Hannah. "He warned me that the chances of us ever having adaughter were pretty remote."


True to form, when Hannah became pregnant in 2012, no one was surprised when Mason, who'snow three, was born.



Looking back over the family tree, Hannah could see why everyone was so convinced. The last girlto be born in the Lawrie family was Mason's great-great-great Aunt Bessie, born more than 200years ago in the same year as Charles Darwin.


Bessie and her brother had had sons, and so the pattern had continued, all the way down to Markand his brother Glenn. Mark has two other boys, ten-year-old Ben and seven-year-old Zac, from aprevious relationship, while Glenn had one son, Reece, who's 14.


"I even questioned whether there could be a genetic condition that meant Mark produced onlymale sperm," says Hannah.


"I asked numerous doctors and consultants in the hospital where I work if this was the case, butwas told time and again that it wasn't. Every time a baby is conceived, the chances of it being a girlare 50/50, they told me — but in Mark's family, for some reason, it never was."


Desperate to improve their chances of having a girl, Hannah came across the Shettles Method,developed by an American doctor in the Sixties, which claims the timing of conception can helpdetermine the baby's sex.

为了提高生女儿的几率,汉娜采取了“薛德思法(Shettles Method:由薛德思博士提出的一种帮助选择婴儿性别的怀孕方式)”。该方法是由一名美国医生在六十年代提出的,主张怀孕的时间有助于决定婴儿性别。


This is based on evidence that male sperm (Y chromosome) are faster, weaker and have a shorterlifespan than female sperm (X chromosome), which are slower but survive for longer. This meansthat having sex before ovulation, rather than during, should increase the likelihood of conceiving agirl, as only the female sperm will survive long enough to penetrate the egg.


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