一条泳裤卖出1万英镑天价,Tom Daley这是要逆天啊!手工编织还能这么值钱?

英国跳水界的男神汤姆·戴利(Tom Daley)竟然拍卖了他亲手编织的泳裤,价格高达10,000英镑!这泳裤可不简单,是Tom与马里布饮料和英国皇家救生协会联手打造的,上面还印着“请勿酒后潜水”的提醒,时尚又贴心。01Tom Daley has auctioned off a pair of his hand-crocheted

英国跳水界的男神汤姆·戴利(Tom Daley)竟然拍卖了他亲手编织的泳裤,价格高达10,000英镑!



Tom Daley has auctioned off a pair of his hand-crocheted swimming trunks for £10,000, it has been reported.

据报道,汤姆·戴利以 10,000 英镑的价格拍卖了一t条他亲手编织的泳裤。

The 30-year-old uploaded his crocheted trunks onto eBay as fans flooded to the site to get their hands on Tom's creation. 112 people bid on the item and managed to raise the large amount of money for charity.

这位 30 岁的跳水运动员在 eBay 上传了他的编织泳裤,粉丝们纷纷涌入该网站抢购汤姆的杰作。共有 112 人对该物品出价,成功为慈善机构筹集了巨额资金。

The swimming trunks were made in partnership with drinks brand Malibu and the Royal Life Saving Society UK. The briefs featured the words: "Don't drink and dive" in white writing and include a Malibu branded label.

这款泳裤是与饮料品牌马里布 (Malibu) 和英国皇家救生协会 (Royal Life Saving Society UK) 合作制作的。泳裤上印有白色字样“请勿酒后潜水”,并附有马里布品牌标签。

Tom crocheted the shorts to try to raise awareness for alcohol-related deaths in and around water. All proceeds from the auction went to the Royal Life Saving Society UK which works to improve safety and education around water.


Tom posted several photos from his billboard advert from around the UK. He captioned the Instagram post: "My bum was on billboards all around the UK, in some of the locations where most alcohol-related, accidental drownings happen… remember everyone: #dontdrinkanddive @maliburumuk @malibu_rum @rlssuk."

汤姆在 Instagram 上发布了他在英国各地广告牌上的照片,并配文:“我的屁股在英国各地的广告牌上,其中一些地方是酒精相关意外溺水事件最常发生的地方……请大家记住:#请勿酒后潜水 @maliburumuk @malibu_rum @rlssuk。”

This month, the diver modelled his trunks on Brighton beach to model his swimming trunks alongside a sign that read "1 in 4" and referenced the number of water-related deaths linked to alcohol.

本月,这位跳水运动员在布莱顿海滩上展示了他的泳裤,旁边竖立着一块写有“1 in 4”的牌子,指的是与酒精相关的溺水死亡人数。

Talking about the campaign: "I've always loved being in the water, but maybe more than most, I also understand its power and the need to respect it to stay safe. I'm proud to be working to get this message out there. Stay safe and 'Don't Drink and Dive!'"



汤姆·戴利(Tom Daley)是英国著名跳水运动员,自少年时期便崭露头角,多次在国际赛事中赢得荣誉,并于今年巴黎奥运会荣获银牌。


Announcing his decision to Vogue, Daley said he knew he was going to retire from diving before taking part in the men's 10m synchronised platform with partner Noah Williams.

在向《Vogue》杂志宣布自己的决定时,戴利表示,在参加男子 10 米跳台双人同步跳水之前,他就知道自己将要从跳水界退役。

"It was emotional at the end, up there on the platform, knowing it was going to be my last competitive dive," he said. "But I have to make the decision at some point, and it feels like the right time. It’s the right time to call it a day."


The Paris Games were the fifth of Tom's career - having qualified for his first Olympics aged 14 in Beijing.

巴黎奥运会是汤姆职业生涯中的第五届奥运会,他 14 岁时就在北京奥运会上获得了参赛资格。

Four years later he captured the hearts of the nation by winning bronze in the men's 10m platform despite still being a teenager.

四年后,他在男子 10 米跳台项目中赢得铜牌,尽管当时他还是个青少年,但已经赢得了全国人民的喜爱。

Another bronze followed in the 2016 Games in Rio in the 10m synchro before claiming gold and bronze in two events at the 2020 Games.

在 2016 年里约热内卢奥运会上,他又在 10 米双人跳台项目中夺得铜牌,随后在 2020 年奥运会上在两个项目中夺得金牌和铜牌。

In Paris, Daley completed the Olympic set by claiming his first silver medal in front of his husband Lance Black and two children Robbie and Phoenix.



auction off 拍卖

hand-crocheted: 手工钩织

swimming trunks (男式)游泳裤

proceeds: 收益,(售物或演出等的)收入

men’s 10m synchronised platform: 男子10米双人跳台

  • 本文标签:
  • Tom Daley 汤姆·戴利
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    一条泳裤卖出1万英镑天价,Tom Daley这是要逆天啊!手工编织还能这么值钱?



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