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民调:通胀持续困扰美国民众 生活成本成美国人最关心的问题

图片:AFP全球市场研究集团益普索(Ipsos)官网网站报道称,益普索最新民调结果显示,美国人越来越担心通胀问题。由于对美国经济衰退的担忧持续存在,50%的受访者表示,生活成本是他们最关心的问题。全文摘编如下:Our monthly What Worries the World polling finds the ma



Our monthly What Worries the World polling finds the majority of Americans think things in their country are on the wrong track these days (63% in July 2024, up from 58% who said the same five years ago in July 2019) and that the current economic situation in their country is bad (56% in July 2024 versus 43% who said the same in July 2019).


And the stickiness of inflation continues to stick in the minds of the American people. 50% of Americans now say inflation is a top concern for their country, up five percentage points year-over-year. It’s key to note the CPI is set to be up cumulatively by just over 20% since 2020 by the end of this year and daily staples like the food-at-home category is on pace to have soared almost 28% over the past five years


“I think the key thing that has been suppressing consumer sentiment has been inflation,” says Chris Jackson, senior Vice president of Public Affairs for Ipsos in the US. “The cost of living has been a real drag for people. … Inflation has been the thing that’s front and center and what really dominates Americans’ minds, in particular, is those costs that they see regularly, like when they go and fill up their car at the gas station every week.”

益普索美国公共事务高级副总裁克里斯·杰克逊(Chris Jackson)表示:“我认为抑制消费者信心的主要因素是通货膨胀。生活成本对美国人来说是真正的负担……通胀一直是首要和核心的问题,真正困扰美国人思想的是他们经常看到的成本,比如他们每周给车加油的时候。”

While inflation is down the cost of everything, from hot dogs to houses, soared during and after the pandemic while one’s wages didn’t necessarily keep up. Plus, the Fed has kept key interest rates at 5.25% to 5.5% for now, meaning the ultimate cost (including borrowing money for big-ticket purchases) remains quite high for many consumers.



Worries 担心 ; 担忧 ; 忧虑 ; 后顾之忧 ; 解忧

polling 投票 ; 民意测验 ; 获得 ; 对…进行民意调查 ; poll的现在分词

finds 找到 ; 发现,碰到 ; 发现,查明,找出,求得 ; 找回 ; find的第三人称单数

Americans 美国人 ; 美国英语 ; 美洲人 ; American的复数

on the wrong track 循着正确/错误的路线;在正确/错误的道路上

these days 近来

five years 五年

and that 而且,并且

current economic situation 当前经济形势 ; 当前的经济形势

versus 对,诉,对抗 ; 与…相对,与…相比


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民调:通胀持续困扰美国民众 生活成本成美国人最关心的问题



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