Maren Morris新恋情曝光,与Netflix网红甜蜜约会,告别前夫哥Ryan Hurd后愈发甜蜜!

格莱美获奖歌手玛伦·莫里斯(Maren Morris)最近有点儿甜!据《人物》杂志爆料,她和新晋网红、Netflix真人秀明星贾斯汀·阿萨达(Justin Assada)好上了。

格莱美获奖歌手玛伦·莫里斯(Maren Morris)最近有点儿甜!

据《人物》杂志爆料,她和新晋网红、Netflix真人秀明星贾斯汀·阿萨达(Justin Assada)好上了。



The Grammy-winning singer Maren Morris is newly dating Netflix reality star Justin Assada, a source confirms to PEOPLE.


Assada first sent the rumor mill churning on Wednesday, Aug. 28, when he shared a photo of himself seemingly on a date with Morris, who split from ex-husband Ryan Hurd in October 2023,


The perfect Match star, 27, posted a photo to his Instagram Story of the "Push Me Over" singer, 34, sitting casually across from him at an upscale restaurant and sipping a drink.

这位27岁的《Perfect Match》明星在自己的Instagram快拍上发布了一张34岁的《Push Me Over》歌手的照片,照片中她坐在一家高档餐厅里,悠闲地喝着饮料,对面坐着他。

Assada is best known for his appearances on the competition series Surviving Paradise in 2023 and the second season of the dating series Perfect Match, which aired earlier this summer.

阿萨达因出演2023年的竞技真人秀《幸存者天堂》和今年夏天早些时候播出的第二季约会真人秀《Perfect Match》而闻名。

In July, he appeared on Harry Jowsey’s Boyfriend material podcast, and revealed that he’d recently moved to Los Angeles from his native Massachusetts — and was enjoying the boost the big move gave his love life.

今年7月,他参加了哈里·乔西(Harry Jowsey)的《 Boyfriend Material 》播客节目,并透露自己最近从家乡马萨诸塞州搬到了洛杉矶——这次大搬家让他的爱情生活焕发了生机。

When Jowsey asked if he was seeing anyone and joked about him having a date planned with an unnamed “superstar,” Assada said his appearance on reality TV had certainly boosted his profile.


“I went from bottom of the barrel Hinge dates in Boston and then all of a sudden the show comes out and there’s these people that I used to watch on TV or like, listen to their music growing up, not to sound too conceited, but they’re in my DMs,” he said. “And now I’m out here and I’m going on a pretty crazy date Thursday with someone that’s like, it blows my mind. But yeah for right now, I’m just exploring the field and kind of just navigating it.”


While Assada didn’t name his mystery paramour, Morris previously revealed on Cosmopolitan’s Cheap Shots that she was on the celebrity dating app Raya.

虽然阿萨达没有透露他这位神秘情人的名字,但莫里斯之前曾在《Cosmopolitan》的《Cosmopolitan’s Cheap Shots》专栏中透露,她在使用名人约会应用Raya。


玛伦·莫里斯(Maren Morris)出生于1990年,不仅颜值高,唱歌还很好听。2017年,她凭借《My Church》一曲爆红,拿下了格莱美最佳乡村歌手大奖,作品更是火遍全球。

她和前夫瑞安·赫德(Ryan Hurd )曾是乐坛的金童玉女,两人合作的歌曲也是甜到齁。不过,婚姻这事儿嘛,勉强不来,2023年他们选择了和平分手。

Maren Morris has filed for divorce from Ryan Hurd after five years of marriage.


The "My Church" singer-songwriter, 33, filed on Oct. 2,2023 in Tennessee for a dissolution of marriage from Hurd, 36. The filing cites "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the divorce.

这位33岁的《My Church》词曲作者于2023年10月2日向田纳西州法院提交离婚申请,申请与36岁的赫德解除婚姻关系。离婚申请中提到的离婚原因是“不可调和的分歧”。

Documents state the pair, who share 3½-year-old son Hayes Andrew, have been separated since the filing date.


Three months after Morris filed for divorce, she and Hurd reached a settlement agreement. They divided their assets based on a property settlement agreement and a prenup signed in February 2018 and amended in October 2022.


Morris must also pay Hurd $2,100 a month in child support.


Less than 30 days after reaching a settlement, Morris and Hurd's divorce was finalized by a judge.


Morris and Hurd first met in 2013 during a songwriting session for Tim McGraw and tied the knot in March 2018 in Nashville after nearly three years of dating.


"We had been friends for only a couple of years, but there was always this writing chemistry in the room, and eventually, the timing of it was undeniable. We had such a foundation built off writing so many songs over the years that we were like, 'Why are we avoiding this?'" Morris told PEOPLE in 2017 about the evolution of their relationship.



grammy-winning singer 格莱美获奖歌手

Netflix reality star 网飞真人秀明星

churning 剧烈搅动,反胃

upscale restaurant 高档餐厅

sip a drink 喝饮料

paramour 情人

filed for divorce 提出离婚

dissolution of marriage 解除婚姻关系

irreconcilable differences 不可调和的分歧

settlement agreement 和解协议

property settlement agreement 财产分割协议

prenup 婚前协议

child support 子女抚养费

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  • Maren Morris Ryan Hurd
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    Maren Morris新恋情曝光,与Netflix网红甜蜜约会,告别前夫哥Ryan Hurd后愈发甜蜜!



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