
66岁的乐坛女王麦当娜,正和小她快40岁的牙买加体育新星阿克姆·莫里斯爱得火热,但据说“大姐大”一出手,规矩得立够!这对热恋CP,甜蜜得腻人,但背后的故事可都是麦当娜稳稳掌舵。01Madonna is said to be loving life with her new partner who is almost 40 years her




Madonna is said to be loving life with her new partner who is almost 40 years her junior - but has reportedly given him strict instructions.


The pop icon, 66, is currently dating Jamaican-born sports star Akeem Morris, 28, with the pair seemingly unable to keep their hands off each other. However, it's alleged the relationship sees Madonna very much in control.

这位66岁的流行乐天后目前正在与28岁的牙买加裔体育明星阿克姆·莫里斯(Akeem Morris)交往,两人似乎难舍难分。然而,据说在这段关系中,麦当娜占主导地位。

According to reports, the material Girl singer has set her latest beau a string of "strict rules" to follow in their link-up. It's said, however, that he is more than happy to oblige as the pair continue to grow closer.

据报道,这位《 Material Girl 》歌手为她最新的恋人制定了一系列“严格的规矩”,要求他在恋爱中遵守。不过,据说他也很乐意遵守,因为两人的关系正越来越亲密。

A source told Radar Online: "She’s very strict. He's living in her place and just because he's sharing her bed, doesn't mean he gets to sleep in it. She does, and he has to go to sleep and get up when she does, no matter what."

一位消息人士告诉《 Radar Online》:“她非常严格。他住在她家里,但他和她同床共枕并不意味着他能留宿。只有她睡在那里,而他必须和她同睡同起,无论什么情况。”

The insider continued to claim Akeem was even banned from watching sports and TV during their time together, unless it's something she has specifically chosen. They added, however, that Madonna is keen to show her appreciation to her man, and showers him with expensive gifts and lavish travel.



这位流行乐坛的传奇女神麦当娜,可谓是红了半个世纪依旧风华绝代的存在。从风靡全球的《Like A Virgin》到开创时尚新纪元的《Vogue》,她的每一首作品都铸就了不朽的经典。


Last year, Madonna met the 30-year-old professional boxer, Josh Popper,whom her son David Banda was taking lessons from at Bredwinners gym in New York, and later started dating him.


At 66 years old, Madonna is more than three decades older than Josh, who is 30.


While some fans had raised their eyebrows at their age-gap romance, he wasn't the first younger man Madonna had dated.


Before Josh, the singer was in a three-year relationship with dancer Ahlamalik Williams, whom she also shared a 35-year age-gap with.


She also dated then 26-year-old Timor Steffens in 2014.


Josh Popper is thought to have remained by her side while the mum-of-six was in ICU battling her serious bacterial infection last year. The sportsman also joined her in Portugal for her birthday last August, later joining her on stage in Brooklyn back in December.


However, they broke up after only one year of dating.


Her busy schedule back on tour has reportedly caused the two to drift apart, with an insider saying the pair have "barely seen" each other in recent weeks and months and that their whirlwind romance simply "fizzled out" after becoming absent from each other.


之后不久,麦当娜就和英国拳击手理查德·里亚克波赫 (Richard Riakporhe)传出了绯闻。

Madonna, 65, has sent rumour mills into overdrive about her love-life after 'growing close' to a British boxer, who at 34, is 31 years her junior.


The Material Girl was all smiles pictured on a night out with Richard Riakporhe. She beamed as she perched on his knee wearing a plunging black dress and fishnet tights, and looked timeless wearing her trademark fingerless gloves.

麦当娜与理查德·里亚克波赫 (Richard Riakporhe) 外出时被拍到满脸笑容。她坐在他的膝盖上,身穿黑色低胸连衣裙和渔网袜,佩戴标志性的无指手套,看上去青春永驻。

Madonna looked stylish as ever wearing sunglasses and a slick of nude lipstick as she sat with Richard, who looked cool in cream. Her night out with Richard comes just a month after her split with boxer Josh Popper, 30.

麦当娜一如既往地时尚,戴着墨镜,涂着裸色口红,与穿着奶油色衣服的理查德坐在一起,十分般配。她与理查德的外出距离她与30岁的拳击手乔什·波普 (Josh Popper) 分手仅过去一个月。



pop icon 流行偶像

sports star 体育明星

beau 情人,男朋友

link-up 恋爱关系,连接

oblige (根据要求或需要)帮忙;效劳

age-gap 年龄差距

bacterial infection 细菌感染

absent from 缺席,不在

drift apart 渐行渐远,逐渐疏远

fizzle out 渐渐消失,逐渐失败

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  • 麦当娜 Madonna
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