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Unit 10 You're supposed to shake handsSection A 1bListen and check your answers in 1a.Yoshi: What are people supposed to do when they meet in your country, Rodrigo?Rodrigo: Do you mean when people meet for the first time?Yoshi: Yeah.Rodrigo: In Mexico,

Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands

Section A 1b

Listen and check your answers in 1a.

Yoshi: What are people supposed to do when they meet in your country, Rodrigo?

Rodrigo: Do you mean when people meet for the first time?

Yoshi: Yeah.

Rodrigo: In Mexico, we shake hands.

Yoshi: What about in Brazil, Celia?

Celia: Well, in Brazil, people sometimes kiss. How about in Japan, Yoshi? What are people expected to do when they meet for the first time?

Yoshi: We bow.

Kim: And in Korea we also bow.

Mike: Well, I guess in most Western countries we shake hands.

Section A 2a

Maria is an exchange student. Last night she had dinner at an American friend’s house. Listen and check (√) the mistakes Maria made.

Daisy: Hi, Maria. How was Paul’s party?

Maria: Oh, Daisy, it was terrible.

Daisy: It was?

Maria: Uh-huh.

Daisy: What happened?

Maria: Well, I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.

Daisy: Oh, so you were late.

Maria: Yeah, but in my country, it’s different. When you’re invited for 7:00, you’re expected to come later! It’s considered strange to turn up on time.

Daisy: I see.

Maria: Then when I met Paul’s mom, I kissed her.

Daisy: Oh…you were supposed to shake hands instead.

Maria: That’s right. And I wore a fancy dress.

Daisy: What’s wrong with that?

Maria: Well, it turned out that it was an outdoor party, Daisy. Everyone else was in a T-shirt and jeans.

Daisy: I guess next time you should ask what you’re supposed to wear.

Section A 2b

Listen again. Fill in the blanks.

Daisy: Hi, Maria. How was Paul’s party?

Maria: Oh, Daisy, it was terrible.

Daisy: It was?

Maria: Uh-huh.

Daisy: What happened?

Maria: Well, I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.

Daisy: Oh, so you were late.

Maria: Yeah, but in my country, it’s different. When you’re invited for 7:00, you’re expected to come later! It’s considered strange to turn up on time.

Daisy: I see.

Maria: Then when I met Paul’s mom, I kissed her.

Daisy: Oh…you were supposed to shake hands instead.

Maria: That’s right. And I wore a fancy dress.

Daisy: What’s wrong with that?

Maria: Well, it turned out that it was an outdoor party, Daisy. Everyone else was in a T-shirt and jeans.

Daisy: I guess next time you should ask what you’re supposed to wear.

Section A 2d

Role play the conversation.

How was the welcome party for foreign students last night?

Great! I made some new friends. But a funny thing happened.


I met a Japanese boy called Sato, and as soon as I held out my hand, he bowed.

That's how people in Japan are expected to greet each other. It's impolite if you don't bow.

I didn't know that. So I just stood there with my hand out. Finally, I returned the bow.

I remember when l first met Marie last year, I did the same thing. I held out my hand and to my surprise, she kissed me on both sides of my face!

I wouldn't mind that!

Very funny. Later l found out French people are supposed to kiss when they see each other.

Section A 3a

Read the following opinions of a Colombian and a Swiss student. In which country is it OK to be 15 minutes late for dinner?

Teresa Lopez Call. Colombla

Where I’m from , we’re pretty relaxed about time. We don’t like to rush around, so we don’t mind if people are a little late sometimes.

If you tell a friend you’re going to their house for dinner, it’s OK if you arrive a bit late. We like to enjoy our time slowly. We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives.

We often just drop by our friends homes if we have time. We don’t usually have to make plans to meet our friends. When we see each other, it’s polite for boys to shake hands and for girls to kiss each other on the side of the face.

We often just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can!

Marc leblanc lausanne. Switzerland

In Switzerland, it’s very important to be on time. We’re the capital of clocks and watches, after all! If someone invites you to meet him or her at noon, then you’re expected to be there at noon .

If you’re even 15 minutes late, your friend may get mad. So I make an effort to be on time when I meet my friends. I always leave the house early to avoid heavy traffic because I think it’s impolite to keep others waiting.

Also, we never visit a friend’s house without calling first. We almost always make plans to see friends. We usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together.

Section B 1b

Steve is going to China to study. His friend Yang Ming is telling him about the table manners in China. Listen and number the pictures in the order you hear them.

Yang Ming: You must be excited about leaving for China tomorrow, Steve!

Steve: Yeah, but I’m a little nervous, too.

Yang Ming: Why?

Steve: Well, for one thing, I don’t know how to use chopsticks very well…and I don’t know how to behave at the dinner table.

Yang Ming: Oh, I see. Well, one important thing is that you’re not supposed to start eating first if there are older people at the table.

Steve: That’s interesting. In the United States, it doesn’t matter.

Yang Ming: Yeah, I know. It’s also impolite to stick your chopsticks into your food. You shouldn’t point at anyone with your chopsticks, either.

Steve: Oh, OK.

Yang Ming: Oh, and there’s one more thing you need to know. You’re not supposed to talk when you’re eating dinner. Only parents are expected to talk at the dinner table. Children are not allowed to speak.

Steve: Wow! That’s…that’s unusual!

Yang Ming: Haha, I’m just kidding!

Section B 1c

Listen again. Match these sentence parts.

Yang Ming: You must be excited about leaving for China tomorrow, Steve!

Steve: Yeah, but I’m a little nervous, too.

Yang Ming: Why?

Steve: Well, for one thing, I don’t know how to use chopsticks very well…and I don’t know how to behave at the dinner table.

Yang Ming: Oh, I see. Well, one important thing is that you’re not supposed to start eating first if there are older people at the table.

Steve: That’s interesting. In the United States, it doesn’t matter.

Yang Ming: Yeah, I know. It’s also impolite to stick your chopsticks into your food. You shouldn’t point at anyone with your chopsticks, either.

Steve: Oh, OK.

Yang Ming: Oh, and there’s one more thing you need to know. You’re not supposed to talk when you’re eating dinner. Only parents are expected to talk at the dinner table. Children are not allowed to speak.

Steve: Wow! That’s…that’s unusual!

Yang Ming: Haha, I’m just kidding!

Section B 2b

Read the letter and answer the questions.

Dear Laura,

Thanks for your message. Yes, I’m having a great time on my

student exchange program in France. I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be. My host family is really nice. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. The grandmother knows that I miss Chinese food a lot. So she actually learned how to make Chinese food! She also has a teenage granddaughter about my age who is really kind. She always talks to me in French to help me practice. You wouldn’t believe how quickly my French has improved because of that.

I’m very comfortable speaking French now. Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesn’t worry me as it used to.

My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. As you can imagine, things are very different from the way they are at home. For example, you’re not supposed to put your bread on your plate. You’re supposed to put it on the table! I thought that was pretty strange at first, but now I’m used to it.

Another example is that you’re not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit. You have to cut it up and eat it with a folk. Another thing is that it is impolite to say you’re full. If you don’t want any more food, you should just say, “ That was delicious.” Also, you’re not supposed to put your elbows on the table. I have to say that I find it difficult to remember everything,

but I’m gradually getting used to it. I don’t find French customs so strange anymore,

I’ll write again soon and tell you more about my life in France.

Hope you’re having a good school year.

Yours, Lin Yue


Section A 1b











Section A 2a

















Section A 2b



Section A 2d











Section A 3a











Section B 1b













Section B 1c



Section B 2b











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