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菲律宾谴责杀害加拿大人质Robert Hall的伊斯兰组织Abu Sayyaf

导读:菲律宾总统谴责武装组织Abu Sayyaf残酷无情地杀害加拿大人质的行为。The Philippine president has condemned the brutal and senseless murder of a Canadian man by Abu Sayyaf militants.菲律宾总统谴责武装组织Abu Sayyaf残酷无

导读:菲律宾总统谴责武装组织Abu Sayyaf“残酷无情地杀害”加拿大人质的行为。

菲律宾谴责杀害加拿大人质Robert Hall的伊斯兰组织Abu Sayyaf

The Philippine president has condemned the "brutal and senseless murder" of a Canadian man by Abu Sayyaf militants.

菲律宾总统谴责武装组织Abu Sayyaf“残酷无情地杀害”加拿大人质的行为。

Robert Hall was kidnapped by the Islamist group in September along with three others from Canada, the Philippines and Norway.

九月,Robert Hall和其他三人(分别来自加拿大,菲律宾和挪威)被伊斯兰组织绑架。

Fellow Canadian John Ridsdel was killed by the group in April after a multi-million dollar ransom deadline expired.

四月,另一名加拿大人John Ridsdel,在数百万美金赎金的截止日期过后,被该组织杀害。

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had earlier said he believed it was "likely" Mr Hall was dead.

加拿大总理Justin Trudeau此前说他认为Hall先生“很可能”已经死了。

In a statement on Tuesday, outgoing Philippines President Benigno Aquino confirmed the killing.

在周二的声明中,即将离职的菲律宾总统Benigno Aquino证实了这次杀害。

"This latest heinous crime serves to strengthen our government’s resolve to put an end to this reign of terror and banditry," he said.


Mr Hall, his Filipina partner Marites Flor, Norwegian Kjartan Sekkingstad and Canadian John Ridsdel were kidnapped from a marina near the city of Davao in September.

Hall先生,他的菲律宾伙伴 Marites Flor,挪威人Kjartan Sekkingstad和加拿大人John Ridsdel,九月在Davao城市附近的码头被绑架。

They were taken to an Abu Sayyaf stronghold on the remote southern island of Jolo. Mr Ridsdel was beheaded on 25 April.

他们被带到Abu Sayyaf武装据点,一个遥远的南部小岛Jolo。四月25号Mr Ridsdel被砍头处决。

Last month, a video emerged showing the three hostages pleading for their governments to meet the captors’ demands or they would also be executed.


The Philippine and Canadian governments are opposed to paying ransoms for hostages.


The Philippines have launched military operations against the militant group.


Mr Trudeau said in a statement. that Canada "will not give into their fear mongering tactics and despicable attitude toward the suffering of others".


Abu Sayyaf is still holding several captives, including a Dutch birdwatcher taken in 2012.

Abu Sayyaf仍有其他几名俘虏,包括2012年抓走的一名荷兰鸟类研究人员。

What is Abu Sayyaf?

Abu Sayyaf是什么?

菲律宾谴责杀害加拿大人质Robert Hall的伊斯兰组织Abu Sayyaf

One of smallest but most radical of Islamist separatist groups in southern Philippines, its name means "bearer of the sword" in Arabic.


It split from the larger Moro National Liberation Front in 1991. Membership is said to number in the low hundreds.


What does it want?


The group has been agitating for the creation of an independent Islamic state in predominantly Catholic Philippines, and uses tactics such as hostage-taking and bombings to pressure the government.


Several of its factions have pledged allegiance to the so-called Islamic State.


How dangerous is it?


Numerous Filipino and foreign civilians have been kidnapped in south Philippines and parts of neighbouring Malaysia over the decades, and used as hostages to extract ransoms.


Though some have been released after negotiations or attacks by Philippine forces, others have been murdered when demands were not met.


Abu Sayyaf has also said it carried out bombings in cities in the south and a ferry bombing in 2004 in Manila Bay that killed more than 100 people, considered one of the worst terror attacks in the Philippines.

Abu Sayyaf还说它实施了南部城市的一些爆炸事件,和2004年Manila海湾渡轮超过100人死亡的爆炸,这被认为是菲律宾最严重的恐怖袭击事件。

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菲律宾谴责杀害加拿大人质Robert Hall的伊斯兰组织Abu Sayyaf



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