

A U.S. congressman looking to thwart President Joe Biden, a fellow Democrat, from a second term assailed Biden as "weak and unelectable" on Saturday as he tried to take advantage of Biden\'s absence from New Hampshire\'s first-in-the-nation primary.周六


No matter whether US President Joe Biden vetoes or not the congressional efforts to overturn his two-year tariff waiver on solar panels from four Southeast Asian nations this week, it is the United States that has paid and will continue to pay for his


[Photo/Xinhua]全国“两会”指的是全国人民代表大会和中国人民政治协商会议。全国人民代表大会:National People’s Congress (NPC)中国人民政治协商会议:the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)The NPC is the highest organ of state power.


导读:中国房地产市场一直在升温,很多城市纷纷推出限购措施,房产税在讨论多年以后,也逐步浮出水面。A new property tax law draft is expected to be submitted to the National Peoples Congress(NPC) for deliberation in 2017, Beij


全国人大常委会委员长张德江刚刚结束对越南为期4天的正式访问。张德江与越南共产党中央总书记阮富仲进行了会谈,强调了加深合作的重要性。Chairman of the National People's Congress, Zhang Dejiang, who has just finished an off


导读:之前,美国FBI曾公布一批文件显示沙特和911袭击事件没有关联。而近日美国国会又公布了一份报告,显示沙特和911恐怖袭击没有直接联系,但是沙特皇室内部人员或给恐怖分子提供过经济支持。Congress has released previously classifie

美乐坛两百艺人签联名信 呼吁国会实施枪支管控

美乐坛两百艺人签联名信 呼吁国会实施枪支管控Nearly 200 people in the music industry call on Congress to take action on gun controlNearly 200 entertainers and influential executives from the music industry signed a letter

奥巴马签署法案 美国联邦法律全面删除辱华字眼

导读:目前奥巴马签署一项法令,同意来自美国皇后区的众议院女议员孟昭文提议,将Oriental这一词从联邦法律中去除。President Barack Obama has signed legislation sponsored by a Queens congresswoman, which removes the term Orienta


11月4日,第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议决定,在全国各地推开国家监察体制改革试点工作。Supervisory commissions will be set up across the country by people's congresses at provincial, city and county-lev


Meng Guangbin, a national delegate candidate to the 19th CPC National Congress,has been dubbed the Lei Feng Shoemaker for his kindness and work ethic.[Photo by Zhou Huiying/chinadaily.com.cn]Meng Guangbin runs a shoe rep


BEIJING - Over 2.65 million overseas students have returned to China as of the end of 2016, a survey showed Tuesday.Of them, 70 percent made their return after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (


关于巴西总统罗塞夫弹劾案的英文报道Voting is underway in Brazil's lower house of Congress, to decide whether President Dilma Rousseff should face an impeachment trial.There are a total number of 513 congressmen. And a


Editor's note:Since the 18th CPC National Congress in late 2012, a number of key judicial reforms have been carried out.As China enhances the rule of law in all respects, new progress has been made in the field of ju

CPC documentary examines reforms ahead of congress

China started to air a 10-episode political documentary on Monday on State media to showcase the progress achieved by the Communist Party of China during the past five years amid its ongoing efforts to comprehensively de


五大连池获联合国科教文组织最高保护奖The Wudalianchi nature reserve, in northeastern Chinas Heilongjiang province, has been recognized with the Michel Batisse Award at the 4th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves in Lima,
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