




  • 1、

    Two historical questions — you can answer them how you like.


  • 2、

    Recent historical work looks kindly on the regime.


  • 3、

    It requires a strong effort of historical imagination to understand the Roman attitude to death.


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    As the most prestigious luxury hotel in Shanghai, the Peace Hotel is an iconic high-rise building on the Bund\'s historical architectural landscape and Shanghai\'s city "business card".作为上海最负盛名的奢华酒店,和平饭店是外滩历史建筑风景线上标志性的高


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    Chinese Vice Premier stresses tight control of property deve

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    The Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) builds on Chinas long-standing economic investment in Central Asia, and it has the potential to further develop Central Asian economies. However, Chinas historical track record of inves


    One of Chinas greatest archaeological finds is on its way to Beijing. Dating back more than 2,000 years, the tomb of Haihunhou, in Jiangxi province, has proven a trove both of treasure and of historical insight into Chin


    A proper approach to historical issues and the Taiwan question is needed as the political basis of China-Japan ties and is crucial for its steady, lasting development, State Councilor Yang Jiechi said on Wednesday.Yang,


    导读:中科院专家发明了一种新型纸张,既耐火又防水。In January 2015, a fire in one of Russias largest university libraries damaged more than 1 million historical documents, an incident which some media described as a cultur
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