
特朗普被定罪或成灾难性转折 美国首位被判有罪的总统

美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在周二面临了他政治生涯中的第一个重大考验。众议院司法委员会(Domestic Committee of the United States House of Representatives)投票通过了一项决议,指控特朗普涉嫌妨碍国会调查、滥用职权和欺诈总统职务等三项罪名。吸引全球无



Jennifer Lopez 取消原定于6月26日开启的巡演

Turns out Jennifer Lopez will not be getting loud after all.结果证明詹妮弗·洛佩兹最终不会进行大声演唱。On The JLo newsletter subscribers received an email from Lopez on Friday, stating “Representatives for Live Nation announced today that the Jennife




Xi'an, the capital of 13 dynasties in ancient China, undoubtedly stands as a perfect representative of Chinese history and culture. It tops the list of "ancient capitals of China" with the longest duration and the greatest influence in Chinese history.


美国政府再度把中国最大电商平台列入其恶名市场黑名单,这类市场以兜售假货而闻名。阿里巴巴辩称,美国政府这一决定背后或许存在政治动机。The U.S. Trade Representative put Alibabas Taobao on its blacklist for the second year in


导读:每一年的两会中,女人大代表们都会通过独特的视角为国家面临的具体问题提出重要的解决方案,那么今年呢?Female representatives put forward women-centric ideas at two sessions两会上女人大代表提出以女性为中心的思想Female re


导读:日前,蔡英文正式向台湾土著居民道歉,忏悔对他们长达数个世纪的虐待,这还是第一次有地区领导人做出这样的行为。Speaking to representatives from 16 recognised native tribes, she said Taiwan had to face the truth to move f

民主党静坐抗议 众议院一片混乱

WASHINGTONSeveral dozen lawmakers led by Representatives Katherine Clark of Massachusetts and John Lewis a longtime civil rights leader disrupted the US House Wednesday by staging a sit-in on the floor of the chamber to

US must not link trade with DPRK issue

One day before US President Donald Trump signed a presidential memorandum on Aug 14 allowing the US Trade Representative to consider launching an investigation into unfair Chinese trade practices, National Security Advis


China's permanent representative to the UN, Liu Jieyi, says a political solution is the only way to solve the Syrian crisis. Liu says this principle should be maintained in any circumstances.The parties concerned in

UN Security Council continues to discuss draft deal

The United Nations Security Council is set to continue its discussion on a draft deal to resolve the Syrian crisis.Russia's UN representative has said the country hopes all sides will respect Syria's sovereignty


UNICEF China Acting Representative Douglas Noble and Chinese singer and actor Wang Yuan, with the UNICEF Special Advocate for Education appointment letter at UNICEF's Beijing office on June 28, 2017. [Provided to chi


Premier Li Keqiang greets members of a Philippine delegation led by Pantaleon Alvarez (second from right), speaker of the House of Representatives, in Beijing on Friday. [Photo/Xinhua]Premier tells visiting legislative l


The United Nations special envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, has voiced his hope to bring representatives of the Syrian government and opposition together to launch the intra-Syria peace talks in Geneva on January 25t
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